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Everything posted by westfall

  1. This has been discussed before. International buyers will require a proxy like Cats Hand or IPJ
  2. Through Yamato Crew's website. They have a box for the Blu-Rays or DVD's and also one for the classic movie series.
  3. No, got this from the MBS Yamato 2199 site.
  4. Preview for Episode 25, WAR WITHOUT END http://youtu.be/BWEFndw3Xo4
  5. CD Japan has posted the cover for Part 3 of the Yamato 2199 Soundtrack. http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=LACA-15336 Here's my translation of the track list, published at the Yamato Crew site: Also, the Soul of Chogokin 2199 Yamato's release has been set for January 25th, 2014 http://yamato2199.net/goods/soul_of_chogokin_01.html
  6. Thanks to the precious help of my facebook Yamato 2199 page fans, Robert Worne and Kaichiro Nakano, who provided the translation from japanese to english, here it is, the subtitled version of Chapter 7's Trailer. I hope you like it. Be warned, it does contain a couple of spoilers so...tread lightly. Subtitles are in both ENGLISH and PORTUGUESE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5NARJ_4ZyRM
  7. How big are those? I saw a couple of pictures but thought they were more of those fan figures. Hope Banpresto does more than just the girls.
  8. Cd Japan has it listed. It's a pity It's been delayed till the end of October. I got my EARTH today and it is indeed a work of art.
  9. Chapter 7 Trailer is up and it's awesome
  10. I know. Unfortunately, unless one has a friend in Japan that can get these things, those shops won't allow international buyers. So, despite the fees associated, it's the only way to get this, besides at auction.
  11. I've been buying stuff from Froovie and Yamato Crew using PIJ since Chapter 2 came out and no such problems. I finaly managed to stitch the 3rd ED Scroll together. That Desler and Starsha transition was a nightmare to manage and what you see here, flawed as it might be, is the best i can do. http://i1257.photobucket.com/albums/ii509/Luis_Cotovio/Yamato2199Scroll3_zpsdd49cf17.jpg~original
  12. Don't be torn. OST 1 is the way to go. The concert CD is a bit... meh!
  13. Actually it's PIJ. I always mix the letters up. XD http://www.private-import-japan.com/ The fee is 20% instead of the 10% of Buyee but beside auctions, it also allows you to purchase directly from stores by clicking "SHOP" http://www.private-import-japan.com/shoporder.php
  14. I think Buyee circumvents that problem. Or use IPJ to buy directly from Froovie. In other news, Episode 21 had 2 new things. First, new images in the opening sequence, including scenes from Chapter 7 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nDJ6Xz0d474 And second, and better, the new ED sequence scroll. Awesome, as usual https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l2IeIN3bhG8
  15. Update on the info i posted. 1999.co.jp lists the Deusler II as "Core Ship". So it'll be just the main ship.
  16. No, that is the Domelaze III which is expected to come out in 1/1000 scale, with a prototype already being displayed in several events. This will be a 730mm long beast, even bigger than the 1/500 Yamato so producing it must be quite a complex feat, especially considering how intricate the part assembly in this line is. Still, if it looks anything like the display prototype, it'll be a beauty. But on to your question The Deusler II is the redesigned Desler command ship. Check the Chapter 7 10 minute clip (a few posts back) to see her take off. There was a Deusler I that was the same class of dreadnought as the Domelaze. It was blown up in episode 15. The Zergutt II (the red one that escaped Balun) is currently the only ship of that class left. It is currently heading for Garmillas under Goer's command. Also, it is unknown at this point wether only that section (the command ship) will be in the kit or if the "weapons array" will also be part of it. Here's the Deusler II with the weapons array attached.
  17. The box is for the Program Booklets, not the Blu-Rays or DVD's. It'll be sold along with the remaining merchandise through Froovie.
  18. Good news day. The cover for the last Movie Program has been revealed. Also, a cool box will be on sale on Froovie to store all 7. http://yamato2199.net/showinfo_07.html#pamphlet Also, despite the troubles with episode 25's delay and the Blu-Ray/DVD's being pushed back to October, the Limited Edition versions will start being shipped to those who aquired them on October 10th. http://yamato2199.net/index.html#vol07_bd_shippingday
  19. They didn't cut the scene. But while in the normal episode you have "A Dictator's Anguish" as BGM, and it's spot on for the tone of the scene, here the end song starts playing and as the Yamato leaves the smoke cloud, they start superimposing the credits over the scene. Both alterations, especially the music, completely ruin the tone of the scene, IMHO.
  20. The whole scene was cut. They go directly from the spy plane spoting the Yamato to Berger's squadron launch.
  21. Episode 20 aired today. Fight for Liberty is back as the opening song but the visuals have been altered, using scenes from the episode itself. Length has been reduced to 24:15, from the original 27:15. Actual run time on that (discounting Op and ED) was 23:40 while the TV Broadcast has 22:45 (the episode has no ED sequence ... well it does but we'll get to that). So... how did they make it? Aside a few tiny cuts here and there, the bigger ones are: 1 - Cosmo Falcons engaging Ghetto's squadron; 2 - Part of Yamamoto's attack on Berger's squad; 3 - Nanbu reporting the drill missile activation; 4 - WMG Room tech watching as the drill breaks through the chamber; But the worse part in this broadcast... brace yourselves... The "A Dictator's Anguish" track which is over the last few minutes of the normal episode, here plays as Domel prepares the self destruct. It is replaced in the final 1:30 minutes by the end song as the credits for the episode roll over these scenes. Yes! THEY ROLL CREDITS OVER DOMEL'S SACRIFICE! DOMEL BLOWS HIMSELF UP AT THE SOUND OF A POP BALAD!!! (breaths deeply) I'm starting to think whoever is in charge of the TV broadcast is the exact opposite of the people who are making the show. Someone who really hates Yamato. The new opening stunt was bad enough... this, ruining a key scene of the saga?! WTF?! I understand the cuts to make the episode fit the air time but using the end song over that scene is nothing short of criminal.
  22. If they don't alter the TV broadcast schedule further, this episode will air in 3 weeks. Today was episode 20, episode 21 will air right after chapter 7 hits theatres and 22 at the halfway, meaning that 23 (this one) will air just as chapter 7 ends its theatre run, with the following episodes up to 26 airing through September. Of course that will only give us the video, those who don't speak japanese will have to wait untill late October to get the full story. (Unless dome fansubber pick up the last 4 episodes)
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