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Everything posted by westfall

  1. Never really thought about that! XDDD A possible reason... Since that thing is basically buried inside the city, it's probably been down there for some time. Though their weapons design changed with time, it would be too much trouble to remove whatever is on top of it to replace the gun turrets... XD
  2. So, news about the 2199 movies are starting to surface. And no, that's not a typo. Movies. Plural. Lets explain. The first movie is a compilation movie, an abridged version of the series, much like it was done for the original, and will be titled "Voyage of Recollection" and will arrive on theatres on October 11th. The second one, the movie that was announced a few months ago and is a new story, will arrive on December 6th and titled "The Ark of the Stars". As for further details on the story... nothing yet. Still, this is quite a development and now we have exact dates to look forward to. http://yamatocrew.jp/crew/info/140421-3
  3. Naoyuki Katoh has been a major illustrator in the world of Yamato for years. As for 2199, he did the slip cover designs and a lot of promotional artwork, like those posters in the center of the movie booklets (check the samples on the page i linked). And he has also participated in several promo events, painting live. Do a search and you'll quickly bump into his work.
  4. A new artbook is coming, this time based on the works of Naoyuki Katoh. 80 pages long and with June 30th as the release date. Here's the link to MAG Garden's page on the new book, with a few samples of what will be inside. http://www.mag-garden.co.jp/yamato2199books/main-9.html The front cover art:
  5. The Yukikaze seems to bee the same model as the 1/1000. As for the Yamato, no idea.
  6. The set is only the photo etched detail parts and they're a Bandai Premium exclusive.
  7. westfall


    Images related to Yamato 2199
  8. Most of the mecha files in printed material out there has images of the 3D models which aren't "super-detailed". Those are usually done in static images by hand. As for the section you're requesting, the only scene that pops into mind of a scene where we get a superdetailed view of that is this one, in episode 8. There might be more. But the decals in the 1/500 seem to be accurate. P.S.: The illustration on the cover of the 3rd soundtrack CD also shows the markings.
  9. New model box art. First the upcoming Garmillas set 4: Also, for the new 2199 Mecha Collection kits 1 and 2. These are just production images of the ships, not new art, but still cool. Next in line will be the Destoria and the Lambea, followed by the Deusler II Dreadnaught.
  10. As i said, AU-09/Analyzer is scaled at 1/12, Yamato Girls/Guys are 1/8. The only figures i know that are in the same scale are the F series figures, but only 2 have come out, Yuki and Akira. (images below) The Banpresto best lottery prize figures are 7" high which makes them slightly bigger than 1/12.
  11. 1/12 scale AU-09 model and the 1/500 Yamato Expansion Set are up for pre-order at HLJ and other shops. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN990185/Sci http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN990136/Sci
  12. I believe the Premium Shop exclusives are the Blue Pormelia and the photo etched detail parts, as they're in the Premium box. I believe the rest will be released through the usual channels. More as it develops.
  13. Track 30 in the Part 3 Soundtrack CD. So... who's going to buy the 1/500 Cosmo Hangar set? Not really sure about that since i used the hangar cavity to place a blue LED unit to light the fiber optic cable lighting the WMG! XD But the upcoming 1/12 scale AU-09 is a must have.
  14. In the scene of Dietz's meeting with Ghader Talan, Talan reports that some of the returning fleet had gone missing, including Goer. Dietz says he's aware of it and has dispatched a "trusted unit" to deal with it. In this case, Frakken and the UX-01. Since Garmillas as no more issues with Yamato and the Terrons, as per Hyss' statement in episode 24, Frakken's mission is only to put Goer down, not to attack the Yamato which is no longer considered an enemy, at that point.
  15. If you've seen episodes 19 and 20 you know each carrier had a type of fighter. That's what's coming here. The first carrier to come out is the Lambea (purple) which carried the DMB87 Precision Bomber Then comes the Balgrey (green) with the DWG109 fighter and finally, the Schderg (blue) with the FWG97 Torpedo Bomber The kits will have a complement of several small 1/1000 scale planes, according to some sources, all 3 types of fighter with each kit. The mekakore kit is a larger version of the corresponding fighter. I have seen photos from the Hobby Show where the tags say the fighters are in 1/72 scale. Either those were scratchbuilt or, if that is the scale of these babies, it would help to explain the 7000+ yen price tag. EDIT: I just realised your question was about the actual carriers. While most of those are probably just moslded in diferent color plastic, each carrier has some sections that make them different from each other so, YES and NO
  16. I made my pre-order at CDJapan. HLJ, if they do the same they did with Earth, will only have it listed really close to the release date.
  17. Thanks. I already have EARTH and have GARMILLAS on pre-order.
  18. Guess the main draw would be the 11 blueprint collection that comes with the book. Can you list which ships are in those blueprints?
  19. Actually, that's how they spelled her name at the official site's character page URL... http://yamato2199.net/character_merda.html i was laughing when i saw it. Of course i went with the more literal Meruda and later Melda. Being portuguese that was particularly amusing. XDDD When i first saw it i was like "No! That can't... Nooooo!" XDDD Just for clarification, "Merda" is not scat in portuguese, it's actually Sh*t. So, yeah, unfortunate doesn't begin to describe it.
  20. At PIJ, click on the tab that says "SHOP" and then just fill the boxes "Item URL", "Quantity" and "Price" and click "Order"
  21. You need to either be a member of Yamato Cew or use one of the proxy sites discussed earleir.
  22. Having seen the finale, i can say, without a sliver of doubt in my mind, that Episode 26 is trully the ending such an amazing séries deserves. When You have a nearly 39 year old man crying like a baby while watching an anime, that means they did something right.
  23. Can you point what scenes they added? And what is that answer you seek? Episode 25 was amazing. Just 1 left and that'll be taken care of next Tuesday.
  24. Most of the stuff i've gotten from these japan only stores has been bought through PIJ. 2 ways of buying; Yahoo auctions, where they bid on your behalf, or store purchase. The downside is you have to pay a comission (normally 20%) and the shipping from the seller to PIJ and then from PIJ to you. Despite all these fees, you get your stuff and i have no complaints so far. Feel free to explore http://www.private-import-japan.com/index.php?query=%E3%83%A4%E3%83%9E%E3%83%88+2199&store=0&item_status=0&aucminprice=&aucmaxprice=&category=0&keyregist=&sort=end&order=d There are other services , like Buyee, which is available at the Yahoo auction site and has only a 10% comission. I have subscribed it but haven't yet used it. http://buyee.jp/item/search?query=%E3%83%A4%E3%83%9E%E3%83%882199 These 2 links are set for "ヤマト 2199" search. You can use "Yamato 2199" but using the japanese text gets you more hits.
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