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Everything posted by westfall

  1. Your videos are most welcome, especially those at hobby fairs that give us the first glimpses of what will come out.
  2. Yeah, that old version is awesome. Got it years ago.
  3. You're welcome. (In case anyone's wondering, I'm macdawson at that forum))
  4. Nope. I saw it in one of the official streaming sites. Ship Porn? Well, let's just say this is as hardcore as it gets. XD Some beautiful 3D animation. The shot at the start of episode 4 is like the camera was making love to Yamato. Beautiful. XDDD
  5. CHAPTER 2 IS AMAZING!!! I hardly understood a word but still, this is one amazing work of art.
  6. The first 12 minutes of episode 3 have been posted at the Bandai Visual youtube channel, including the finalized version of the opening credits. Great art by Kia Asamiya.
  7. I just wish they'd stop with that "Yamato Girls" line and make a line of smaller figures with other characters. If they made a line of Gashapon-like figures with more of the crew and main characters, they'd sell like hot cakes.
  8. They're from the same line as this new Yamato that is coming, in 1/2000 scale. https://hlj.com/product/BANN16162
  9. Guys, those who have downloaded my subs, though it is a minor fix, if you want to correct it, the ship in episode one is called DEFIANT and not DEFIANCE. I was paying attention to the official Italiabn sub and didn't notice that the name on the ship's hull didn't match. XD Guess even official subs can fall short.
  10. Here is my version of the subs for episodes 1 and 2. These are mostly based in the official Italian translation, with only a few lines and idioms taken from the most recent english sub. If this share breaks the forum rules, I ask the administrators to delete the post and forgive my indiscretion. Again, these are simple srt files which provide simple text at the bottom of the screen. Some lines are tagged with italics and bold lettering but these will only work on certain programs. My player of choice is VLC. Yamato 2202 E01 - AD 2202 ~ Revive Space Battleship Yamato.srt Yamato 2202 E02 - Tension ~ The Embassy Under the Moon.srt
  11. Not sure if forum policies allow sharing that type of thing. Also, the subs I've made are simple srt files. That's the most basic subtitle setup out there. No fancy sub placement or colors. Just video playing and subs at the bottom. Not all people like that. But if there are no issues with openly sharing them, I have zero problems in making them available to any fellow fans.
  12. Most of us didn't but that's what we were dealt with. I've watched the fansub and... well, it's good enough to get the major points of the story but far from perfect. I've been making a set of subs for myself and a couple of friends, translated from the Italian subtitled stream. Given those are from an official legitimate release, I have deferred to them when I find diverging dialogue. The fansub did save me the trouble of having to make the subtitles from scratch, as it gave me a set of pre-timed files. episode 1 was already done when these came along but episode 2 has been fast-tracked thanks to this. The most annoying aspect of the fansub is that they didn't fix the Russian naming for Gatlantis of gatlantean (the English fansub was made using a Russian fansub as its starting point), resulting in Gatlantov and Gatlantic and such. Other bits of dialogue were a bit over simplified. But as I said, they get the point across. At least people can finally have a grasp of what's going on until Bandai Visual and Voyager decide to step up. Though I'm not gonna hold my breath on that...
  13. The full Blu-Ray has already poped up, about a week after the retail version hit stores but two weeks later still no sign of fansubs. I honestly have to admit this is a bit of a gray area. Yamato has never been a show that fansubers seem to want to tackle. 2199 made it quickly to sharing sites because it had the subs included in the discs. All they had to do was encode the video files and presto, it was done. (This might be another reason they decided against subs in 2202). Actually going in and making subs from scratch... I don't see that happening any time soon. For example, Yamato Resurrection came out 8 years ago and although a subtitle eventually came out for the theatrical version, the Director's Cut has yet to get a fansub. Sure, Resurrection wasn't exactly the runaway hit that the 2199/2202 line has become. But unless some die hard fans decide to do it, I doubt we'll get a fansub of 2202. Add the fact that most die hard fans are firmly opposed to this method of "distribution" and the odds aren't good. I hope I'm wrong but the track record speaks for itself. We might actually have to wait and see whatever official release eventually comes out, which might take a while. I said it before, I'll say it again. Not subtitling 2202 when they did it for 2199 was a d*ck move. More international fans would have bought it if it had subtitles, everyone would be happy instead of many waiting for either an illegal release or a legal one that might not only take a loooooooong time to come out, as it will never - NEVER - be as good as the Japanese release. Voyager's image got seriously burned with their messed up release of 2199. Not just for how they changed the original content and number of discs, but that they left fans dangling with an incomplete release. I'm on a budget but I'd rather pay for the 7 Japanese discs for their quality and content (and immediate availability) than the 6 that would have made up the american release. Those that waited for the american release, not only waited for quite a while for that release, they didn't get any special content, not even the booklets of the original release, and in the end... not even a complete run. And due to the change in order, those that bought the remaining episodes from Japan ended up with two repeated episodes. Whichever way you look at it, it was a mess. Personally, I won't double dip. I'll buy the Japanese release and wait for someone to sub it, even if that only happens when the expected international release comes out. I usually rip my discs and put the files in a hard drive to watch. Its just simpler than poping in a disc at every 4 episodes. This will allow me to have the best release and have that subbed. It may take its time, and it sucks that most of the finer plot points will be lost until then, but hey, its what we got. I for one, am content to just bask in the amazing visuals for now and get most of what's going on from them. Rant over. Carry on.
  14. This one doesn't have electronics like Andromeda. It relies on Bandai's LED Units, much like the 1/500 Yamato did. Only difference is that while the 1/500 didn't bring any of the required units and you had to buy them separately, the Dreadnaut brings the units for the bridge and Wave-Motion Gun already in the package. All you need to get extra is the unit to light the main engine. Don't know why they left that one out, would've been simpler to just go all the way. But those things are relatively cheap and don't make much of a dent in terms of final price. Andromeda is a different ball game. It has a fully costum light system with sound effects, not to mention it's a bigger ship. Hence the super-price.
  15. Sorry, it seems my statement was misunderstood. The scene depicted in that image of Andromeda and that weird looking Gaisengan-class battleship is (according to a twitter response from Makoto Kobayashi) from episoe 17. That scene. Andromeda, as it was obvious from the 13 minute preview and trailers appears right off the bat. Blowing planets and stuff. Here's another image from Kobayashi's twitter feed, showing Andromeda, in scale with Yunaagi, in standard color version and a render of her with the hull lit up only by her own lights. This will be seen in episodes 1 and 2.
  16. These are image boards, hence concept art. The Kalacmul is 520 meters long, so the Yunaagi illustration is about right. The one with Andromeda is way too big, but this can be due to one of three things, which have been gathered by talking to the man himself: 1 - Being concept art, it doesn't use scale in any strict fashion; 2 - This might not be a regular Gaisengan-class battleship. Although Kobayashi didn't go into any details, he mentioned this will be part of episode 17 (The Andromeda scene). Take this info with a pinch of salt. 3 - They have mentioned they'll use some techniques in 2202 with purposefully distorted models that will favor drama and aesthetics over scale. A special "version-K" of the Cosmo Tiger II was made to make it look like in certain shots of the original which showed the fighter closing to camera, with an exaggerated nose section and slightly drooping wings. So the same can be used in other shots to enhance the visuals, forgoing a strict sense of scale. As such, the Gaisengan-class might look a bit bigger than it actually is in certain shots, just to increase the visual impact. For now, I'll stick to option 1 and wait to see this on the screen. In the meantime, here's some more image boards by Kobayashi, showing the gas planet of episode 1, which I'll start calling Balun II (just because of a theory I'm working on) and Telezart itself. And the new "Nostalgia Art" (I'm going with that for new art based in classic art) that will be released with the advanced tickets for Chapter 2.
  17. Here's a bit more awrsoneness. Bandai Visual has re-posted the preview, now with the missing bit restored.
  18. Bandai Visual has released a nearly 11 minute long clip from episode 1. There are some bits edited, maybe in order to preserve some spoilers, but this is still one massive piece of awesome. Enjoy.
  19. Official site has received a massive upgrade. Besides the cover for the Chapter 1 Program Booklet, we get character files for the Kato family - Saburo, Makoto and their son, Tsubasa - and a host of additions in the mechanics section, with the official stats for your beloved ships. http://yamato2202.net/character_mechanic/ http://yamato2202.net/news/1487317597.html And if that wasn't enough, Makoto Kobayashi dropped this in his twitter feed
  20. I just wish they'd followed through with the Figuarts Zero line they announced a couple years ago. Alas, only Yuki came out, while Kodai, Dessler, Starsha and Frakken were scraped. I would be happy with a larger ensemble cast line of static figures like the Zero line. Or even smaller gashapons like the ones Bandai made for Macross Frontier. I just wish that they made other characters aside Yamato Girls in sexy poses. Shima, Sanada, Dessler, Domel, Shulz, Frakken, Starsha, Melda, Kato, Shinohara, Nanbu, Ota, Aihara... I mean, the list of great characters goes on and on. Tell me you wouldn't buy each and every one of them as part of a smaller scale (and decently priced) line... GET WITH THE PROGRAM, BANDAI!!!
  21. Official length of Andromeda confirmed to be 444 meters.
  22. That's the Cosmo Tiger I. Given both it and the Pulsar were designed by Makoto Kobayashi, the similarity is far from coincidental. And we finally see Yamamoto in her Under Armor suit.
  23. Sleeve design for the theater exclusive edition of volume 1, art by Makoto Kobaiyashi
  24. That is Klaus Kiman, a Garmillan officer. He's an attache at the Garmillan embassy on Earth, under ambassador Varel.
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