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Everything posted by westfall

  1. I was surprised they even included Macross II in Chronicles, since until recently Mr. Kawamori didn't even recognize it as part of the franchise or official canon (or so i was told). Don't get me wrong, i actually like Macross II, it was the first Macross i saw (on VHS tapes from UKs Kiseki Films) shortly before Macross Plus was made. I find the animation quite good (for the time it was made) although it drops down in the last 2 episodes, i love the soundtrack by Shiro Sagisu (Mr. Evangelion himself) and the chara and mecha designs, even though the VF2S is way down in my list of favorites in the Macross franchise. So any extra info they send my way is welcome.
  2. A small update. I sanded the VF's nose, after gluing the two parts. This causes a partial loss of the panel line that runs all round the nose but it still looks better than before. I connected the nose to the cockpit section. All thats left here is the canopy, wich i will leave to the very end of the build, and applying the stickers and some mild weathering. The missing panel line: a closer view: Now i have turned my attention to the arms and legs. I built the inner mechanism without applying the outer parts. I'll apply some dry-brushed gunmetal and some weathering before fitting those, to dirty them. I think it will add a touch of realism. I intend to do this same procedure to the rest of the kit and for the remaining VF-25's. This is still a work in progress, so the pics are only of the still clean sub-assemblies and some outer parts. (I present only pics from the right side parts, since it would be a bit redundant to do it for the left). I've said it before and i'll say it again, this thing is one beautiful and intricate masterpiece of enginering. You only truly apreciate how complex these ladies are once you start assembling all these little parts just to make other parts that will connect with... well you see where i'm going. Kudos, once more, to Bandai and especially to Mr. Kawamori and his staff for creating such an amazing design.
  3. As a model builder i'm like you. But with these model i've been trying a bit harder than with my previous Gundams ( i only have 3 of those, 2 were built a long time ago and, more recently, a 1/144 Gundam Exia.in this one i put a little extra effort like pannel lines coloring some details, etc.) I use mostly gundam markers for the details. I actually painted the cockpit for this one (VF-25F) and it looks good. You should do that to, believe me, even a less detailed paint job will do wonders. Keep up the fight.
  4. Technically speaking, both term are correct. I actually prefer Judah. As for the backstabbing Redwolf refered to, Judah (or Judas, or Jude) isn't just Iscariotte, who betrayed Christ (supposedly). There are several people and places with that name incluing the first sun of Jacob and The Kingdom of Judah, not to mention the apostles Saint Thomas (Judas Thomas Didymus) and Saint Jude Thaddeus (half brother of Christ). But my knowledge of the Bible is limited at best so i may be way off. Still, having 3 Ghosts named after 3 apostles being controled by a system named after the one who betrayed them... never made much sense to me so i'm just guessing the name Judah refers to something else. I agree with you, the pacing was changed and for the better. This is especially noticeble in the last scenes. The camera pans slower over the characters and lingers on them just a bit more. Besides the already referenced changes i also noticed that On a final note, i think i asked this before but, when we see Brera on the surface, what the h#$l is that thing behind him? It looks somewhat as the Bird-Human from Macross Zero. Any thoughts?
  5. And Areaseven joins the ranks of life saviors in this site. Thanks to all of you. P.S: Not wanting to abuse your good will (but doin' it, anyway ) can any of you guys post translations for the remaining kits (Michel, Luca and SPs)?
  6. Vifam and SVF-Gerwalk, you are truly life saviors. Thank you so much. As for Ozmas color guide, will these do?
  7. I don't think it has, but even if it has, taking into acount the amount of pages in this thread and the ones before it, if you could post a new translation here, it would be very much apreciated. I thank you in advance.
  8. Great job. Those thrusters look awesome and that cockpit... UAU! I especially like the green panel effect. Very nice indeed.
  9. This is hilarious. Japanese porn is unique in that they blur the naughty bits of the "actors" so all you see are little blury squares. Add to that the fact they're in cosplay and you have this. As fun as this might be but as far as i'm concerned, the only Macross-related porn i want is the best kind that Macross has been giving us for 25 years and that is, my friends, MECHA-PORN. Valkyries rule.
  10. Any nipple that is bigger than ones head is something to be respected. (Too many dirty thoughts in my head right now... AAARGH!) Any way... The thing with Klans micron form is that for legal purposes she is an adult, she can do what all grownups do (you know what i'm talking about). But for everyone that doesn't know her and about her condition, she's a kid. I'm just guessing Michel or any other dude that would go out with her would have a hard time avoiding all the stares and comments, not to mention having to explain the whole "genetic deficiency" thing to the cops when they eventually came for him. Not my concept of a nice date. Not to mention that when the time came for... you know, even if you do know she is an adult, would you be able to... you know? I don't think i would. But since they can micronize Zentraedi, couldn't they macronize Michel, when they wanted to... you know...? I guess that would solve the problem.
  11. Spectacular work, sir. I tip my hat to you.
  12. Here's a small update on my VF-25F. I spent last week at my hometown so i haven't made much progress but now that i'm back and have 2 more weeks vacation time, i'll try to get some work done. Anyway, i painted the cockpit part and fitted the pilot to it. I took some license with the coloring but i'm quite happy with the result. After it was snaped into place it looks even better. I tinted the canopy but it ended up with some streaking so i'll strip the paint and redo it. Here's the progress pics:
  13. On the subject of the VF-25Gs blue sticker for the landing gear area, contrary to my belief, in the few instances in wich i actually managed to observe the underside of the plane in the anime, that section is blue, contradicting some of the lineart. I justify this with the fact that the existant lineart was made in the pre-production phase, so some alterations may have been done when the animation was actually produced. But a foil sticker doesn't seem to be the right way to go. I'll either paint the part or go with the lineart color scheme and leave it white. I would have taken some screencaps but my PC recently crashed and i can't get my screencap program to... well, screencap. The best shots that i've found were in episodes 4, 9, 14 and 25.
  14. Nice job at tinting that canopy. It looks sweet. Just 2 questions: 1 - What type and brand ink did you use? 2 - Did you use the decals or stickers? Any way, nice job. VERY nice.
  15. Oh, its Alto-level damage, alright. It may not be missing any limbs but the guy that modeled that masterpiece of destruction really made a number on that kit. The whole body of the VF is scared beyond repair and he even scratchbuilt the inner frame of a wing wich is burnt through. A masterpiece, indeed. The reference for the damage seems to be the final VF-25F scene in episode 25, when Alto drops from the cockpit in his EX-Gear, except for one detail. The Battroids head is painted white. That would place it in episodes 1 and 2 since the white head piece was from Gilliams VF-25. The only other place, that i know of, where the 25F appears with the white head is in this widely know production artwork. Still, a beautifull piece. And a brave fellow he must be, to damage a kit in such a fashion. I couldn't do it.
  16. As i said, in the April issue of Hobby Japan there was a display of a battle damaged VF-25F. The pics were posted here, in the previous thread ver.2 , if i'm not mistaken. As far as i've seen, and i've seen the series several times, Ozma and Alto were the only ones to use Armor Pack (Ozma almost all the time and Alto in episodes 14 and 25). As for a standalone Armor Pack, i haven't found one yet. I have the bundle in pre-order, just in case the standalone doesn't come through. Since it's only coming out in a couple of months it gives plenty of time to Bandai to anounce the standalone, wich i would prefer, since i have the VF-25S in its box, waiting for the Armor to come out.
  17. All this because of a comment on how good the Custom Painted Super Packs looked on that VF-25S... It's a sickness, really. But still, it is relevant... to people who might be thinking of making custom VF-25F's related to each one Alto trashed. Don't look at me that way... You know that someone out there has already thought of doing that. One has already been featured in Hobby Japan! It would make a nice display, a chronology of trashing VF's. Alto still rules. He trashed them because he went all in. (That sounded dirty!!!) Back on topic, then!
  18. Head damage in episode 9 (friendly fire by Michel) And add the VF-117EX damaged by Ozma in episode 22 and the one that he looses in episode 24, destroyed by Brera. As far as i can recall Ozma jettisons the SP's in episode 3 (The only time he used SP's instead of Armored, i think) and the Armored in episode 17 but in both cases they had sustained heavy damage. Out of the 4 Skull Squadron members the only one that loses a VF is Michel in episode 14, but that can be desmissed as he was unconcious and Sheryl was "flying" it. Luca and Ozma get shot up a lot but get their birds back. So Alto is truly the SMS's budget buster. But i always found it funny that in episode 12/13 the 25F crashes 2 times due to the D-Pulse but doesn't seem to have a scratch on it. So, i guess we can say with full certainty that we now know what the 2nd "F" in VF-25F stands for.
  19. That a bit exagerated. He did jetison a lot of them, true, just as much as he trashed his Messiah. Hence the critical damage. But every single fight? I don't think so. Still the main point was that the Super Packs look a lot better with the same color scheme as the fighter they're in.
  20. That Ozma Super Part Custom is just BEAUTIFUL. I never liked the color of the super packs throughout the Macross franchise. Why have them in that "Purple/Blue/Grey/Whatever the hell that color is"? It just pops out too much. And not in a good way. Even in the logic that they are disposable parts (not as much with the 25), why that color? Simple grey primer would look better. But if they go to the trouble of having certain markings customized to a particular craft, why not the paint scheme? At least in the 25, where the packs are only jetisoned in case of damage or absolute need. And this Ozma Custom sells that point with flying colors. No pun intended.
  21. I was gonna ask that but i guess i'll wait till David Hingtgen does. Nice work there Lolicon... and welcome to the madness!!!!
  22. I agree with you, the tinted canopy makes a world of difference. And a gray pilot inside the cockpit just spoils whatever amount of work you put into this bird. Also, kudos on your pilots, they look awesome. How did you manage to paint such tiny details? I painted Alto 2 nights ago but compared to yours... I wanna cry. May i suggest you paint that small area inside the cockpit (where the main canopy piece is fitted)in the same colors of the cockpit piece? Such a fine piece of work as those two pilots deserves it.
  23. You are all welcome. No thanks necessary.
  24. Can someone post a pic of that Sticker/Decal for the G's landing gear? Never mind, found in on page one. For all intents and purposes, having that part colored differently from the surrounding area seem to differ from the remaining VF-25's. I, personnaly, will leave it white. But as someone has already stated, it seems to actually be blue in at least one episode (14) of the anime. That was either an animation glitch or we haven't really been paying attention. Since existing lineart seems to backup the white part, i'll go with it. Still, i'll rewatch the series... again... as i said before, it's all for "the cause".
  25. The VF-25S Armored is now on pre-order from HLJ with Early Bird price of 7.600 yen. http://www.hlj.com/product/BAN958765
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