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Everything posted by westfall

  1. The scale of the models is 1/35, according to some sites this puts Optimus at 240 millimeters, approximately 9.4 inches tall, wich is about the same size as the RoTF Leader Class Prime. Bumblebee is 120 millimeters, approximately 5.5 inches tall. Hope that helps. I agree about the DotM toys, Sentinel Prime looks good but the rest are either too simplistic or just not different enough to warrant a new purchase. Now, a few more in this Dual Model Kit series, all in the same scale... that would be awesome. What i've been wishing since the first movie came out.
  2. I'm more inclined to believe it's a mistake from FedEx. Funny enough the one time i ever used FedEx intead of SAL or other standard services it took over a month for the package to get to me, instead of the more usual 2 weeks in SAL. Anyway, hope you get Convoy (Optimus Prime?) soon. I hope to buy the new Dual Model Optimus and Bumblebee when they come out. Good luck.
  3. The one time i had to request a missing part from HLJ they sent it free of charge after a couple of weeks. I don't recall the exact content of the email but it was along the same lines. Of course with the chaos that ensued on March 11th, things may have been backed up a bit. With that in mind, i'd wait a few more days. Though i don't think a polite email exposing your concern would be seen as spam.
  4. If they are working saturdays, that may have to do with the fact that they're still cleaning up the mess in their warehouse and, well, "as long as we're here, let's get some work done" type of thing. As for faster shipping it may have more to do with less stuff leaving Japan, leaving more space free for HLJ items. My 1/500 Yamato was shiped on the 10th (not sure if it left the country before the disaster) and a Yamato related book last week. They've just requested payment for the May issue of Hobby Japan. So it seems business is back on track, despite everything.
  5. I just bought the new 1/500 Space Battleship Yamato and it got shipped in the 10th too. Question now is, did it get out of the country before the disaster? Not really the most important thing right now, i know. Anyway, HLJ has posted pictures on Facebook, they're all OK but there's a lot of boxes that got tossed around, they've started the clean up but for now, they're on stand-by, business wise. Go, Japan, we're with you.
  6. Yeah, that one was/is a personnal favorite. I would love to have a complete BGM score but if i had to choose just a few to a possible future CD, that would be one of them. The other absolute must would be "Hard Chase", i loved that bit ever since i first saw episode 2, it's an awesome and fast bit with bits of many favorites thrown into the mix. "Wilder's", previously UNR "VF-25 Messiah" was another one but fortunatly, here it is. Yeah, "Kira Kira" was only used on episode 5 "Star Date", if memory serves me right, "Is This Love?" was not used. Believe me, if it's not on the list, it was not on the show. Besides those, other tracks that were not favorites or hardly used were released while others that were feature more heavily didn't. Go figure. At the time i made this review i cut all the bits of unreleased music. Unfortunatelly any atempt to remove vocals and SFX has had poor results. I can't understand the why the japanese releases feature mostly 2.0ch audio instead of 5.1ch. With a 5.1ch track one could try to get a cleaner score (i'm doing it now for Transformers Prime) but with 2.0 it's virtually impossible. Removing the now released bits, there are still 142 clips making 2h 11m 34s. These have vocals and SFX and some are repeated from other episodes but they are the bulk of unreleased music. If anyone wants them, PM me.
  7. Hi, can you help me? I was thinking of buying Tenjin's Second Sortie but since i have the first volume i was wondering, Is this one all new material or is there some stuff from the 1st book? Thanks in advance.
  8. Hi After 2 years without news, a new soundtrack introduces a couple alterations. I'm only making a couple of changes, related to previously unreleased BGM, not songs. Macross F Sayonara no Tsubasa ~ netabare album the end of “triangle” includes 5 instrumentals wich apeared on the series. They are: -Track 02 - "The Isle of Mayan", wich replaces the UNR track "Legend of Zero" in episodes 10, 16, 19 and 21; -Track 05 - "Ai-kun to Watashi", wich replaces the UNR track "Sad Ranka" in episodes 16 and 19; -Track 08 - "Nejire Trauma", wich replaces the UNR track "Shimes of Doom" in episodes 3 and 23; -Track 11 - "Wilder’s", wich replaces the UNR track "VF-25 Messiah" in episodes 12, 14, 16 and 22. Track 16, "F Refrain", is also mostly instrumental but i don't relate it to any of the unreleased music clips i had, so it's probably a new track exclusive to the movie. With the 2 movies released and no other Macross F related projects on the horizon, except for the 2nd movie's DVD and Blu-Ray release, this is probably the last soundtrack coming out and, therefore, the last BGMs. Hopefully they might still use the Blu-Ray release for another CD but with mostly songs coming out (the last BGM came out around the same time i made this thread), i must sadly accept that this is it. At least we got these 4, being "Wilder's" the best of the 4, IMHO.
  9. Got my package today and everything is in order... except the sense that customs has once again picked my pocket. But alas, the Quarter is here and what a magnificient thing it is. I'll post my thoughts on it in the MQ thread.
  10. After arriving in my country on the 31st of December, the Quartewr has been in customs limbo. It took 'till January 8th to be presented to the customs officials for inspection. 8 days for a douchebag to even look at it. Your taxes at work. As if that wasn't enough the delivery guy couldn't be bothered to go to my floor (2nd floor with elevator access) and decided to just leave a notice in my mail box. Since i work in the afternoon, i'll only be able to get the package tomorrow. And now the "piéce-de-resistance", for all this delay and out-right lack of professionalism, i still have to pay an extra 54,32€ in customs taxes. The package better be in pristine condition or i'll be really pissed off. I'll let you know about it tomorrow after i pick it up.
  11. Just got my hands on "The Art of Avatar" from Amazon.UK, still waiting for the field guide that left on the same day but in a separate package. Waiting for the afore mentioned Macross Quarter and a few volumes of "Macross Chronicles" along with th lattest issue of "Sci-Fi and Fantasy Modeller", all from HLJ, and last but not least the Macross F Movie Art-Book "Perfect Triangle". I guess i don't have to tell you that the Quarter is the most antecipated. It got to Portugal on the 31st and it's stuck at customs for New Year. Bloody Hell...
  12. I join the legion of people here waiting for the Macross Quarter.
  13. I liked the figure in itself, it has some very nice design details. But i always feel that i'm gonna break it if i touch it. And has anyone been able to correctly attach the shoulder armor? Mine keeps popping out everytime i move the arms, even slightly. All in alll, not a bad figure but not up to expectations though. Hope the Macross Quarter lives up to the hype.
  14. Good to know. This is what should have been done with the SDF-1. I have the 1/5000 SDF-1 and though i love it, i would gladly have one as big as the Quarter. Price wise the SDF-1 is slightly cheaper but, as nice as it is (and i can't stress this enough, it is a very nice figure) you can't really wrap your mind around the fact that you paid a hefty sum of money for an 8'' figure. The MQ compensates it's price tab with sheer size. Just it's size seems to be enough for you to look at your empty wallet and say "Totally worth it!". Quality wise, i'll reserve my judgement 'till mine arrives but from other posts it seems to hold well. Let's hope this sells well enough for Bandai to consider making a Battle Frontier and, why not, a Battle Galaxy. And as for the SDF-1, let's hope that since their 1/2000 figure down the toillette, Yamato either comes up with a MQesque figure or (just a though) let Bandai do it. If it comes out as good as the Quarter i'll buy it. If i can prevent my wallet from running away from me, that is.
  15. A quick question for those fortunate enough to have this in their hand. Are the fingers on the MQ's "hands" articulated or do you have to swap them?
  16. You've put a smile on my face. For the size of the MQ and for the obvious dirty joke that poped in my head when i read "this item is freaking huge!!". Mine has arrived to my country but seems to have been selected for customs inspection. Wich means i'll be lucky if i get it sometime in the next 10 working days.
  17. I've bought a lot of stuff from HLJ and what i've bought has always been shiped in sturdy boxes, what slight damage any might have had i believe to have happened during the trip here. The only situations i've had were: 1 - A missing magnifying glass from a "Clamp Arm with Magnifying Glass" set from WAVE. I emailed them and they sent the part to me, free of charge. Since the actual product package was duelly sealed, i don't think it was HLJ's fault. They responded quickly to my email and the situation was prompltly resolved. 2- A box containing January's Dengeki Hobby was opened by an unknown party. I verified the merchandise at the post office, wich had notified me of the event. No merchandising was missing. Once again, not really HLJ's fault. My advice to you is to verify your merchandise and, even if nothig is broken or missing, notify HLJ. It's always useful to let them know when this kind of thing happens. If damage has been incurred let them know and make an inquiry about the possibility of replacing it and what steps to take, though from my experience they'll tell you themselves. Good luck.
  18. Tell me something, Graham, are those 2 (YF-19 and 21) the Yamato 1/60 figures? If so this baby is sure huge. Now that the 1/2000 SDF-1 went down the toilette maybe Bandai could make one like they did the Quarter. And a Frontier or Galaxy figure wouldn't be half bad either. Can't wait for mine to get here. And also how do the arms hold in cruiser mode? Does it hold itself straight without the stand?
  19. Thanks for the pics and for your impressions. Shoulders as tight as a... tight shoulder!!! I just payed for mine at HLJ and from the email i received it seems i'll be getting the "Macross Quarter Development Data Collection" pamphlet. Sweet. Can't wait for this one to arrive though, if my figures are correct, i'll probably only be getting it next year. I got my EX-Gear last week... after 3 months in the mail. Not HLJ's fault though. It came by Airmail, it got caught up in my country's amazing costums service and, due to an unexplained phenomenon, it took them over a month to notify me of that. Hopefully since this is an EMS only package, it won't take that long. And finaly, on a totally unrelated and off-topic matter, respect for the beautifull Brittany Murphy. Just like Heath Ledger, she'll be missed.
  20. I don't know how they did it but when i built my VF-25F i used a precision swab to apply them and they adjusted to surfaces just right even those with more complex contours. Then with a standard Q-Tip i rubbed them lightly.
  21. I already ordered mine from HLJ, hope i get the "Macross Quarter Development Data Collection" they're offering. Supplies are limited so i'll keep my fingers crossed.
  22. This page has the promo photos. Nothing new there. What is new and very good in this page is a youtube video with the actual toy being transformed. http://reggiocomics.blogspot.com/2009/11/d...photos-and.html First thoughts. On the positive side: 1 - It's really a big ship; 2 - Color scheme is actually quite nice; 3 - The transformation seems easy to perform with some clever details; On the negative side: As soon as it is removed from the stand, the arms drop down. Getting a feeling they won't stay straight as you fly it around... not that i do that.
  23. Can anyone who has the figure shed some light on the complaints that have been surfacing lately, like the afore mentioned turrets?
  24. Sorry my bad. But since that is no longer coming out, there is no point for accuracy.
  25. I got distracted by the pictures of Yamato's 1/20000 SDF-1.
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