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Everything posted by westfall

  1. The original Yamato's production was a uphill struggle. If you read the production's history at starblazers.com you'll find yourself wondering how that first season got made at all. If i remember correctly the decision to make the Gamilas blue was intended to make them more alien (remember this was the 70's, just making your skin blue or green was alien enough). But by the time the decision was made that first batch of episodes was already made and with no time to fix things they left it as it was and then, using Dessler who had also been shown with pink skin, they made that scene in episode 10 were he walks down a corridor, the lighting changes and as it does he turns from pink to blue. Thus the explanation for pink colored Gamilas was (although never actually stated XD) that it was all a trick of the light. Quite frankly i'm glad they kept Schulz and Ganz pink and came up with that scenario of conquered races, not just because it makes the Gamilas Empire more complex and interesting, but because, although i loved the Playstation games animation clips, those blue skined Schulz and Ganz always seemed off to me. Chock it to being used to see them as pink colored aliens. That's one of the many things that make Yamato 2199 such a good remake, instead of going the easy way and just "fix" the errors of the original (ie. making the Pluto soldiers blue) they actually embrace the error and make it work. Off the top of my head i can think of these things they already tackled: - An actual reason for the Pluto battle ; - Explainig how the Yamato was built so quickly (here they had a whole year to do so); - What is the floating continent; - Why have such an overkill weapon like the Reflex Gun on Pluto when the Earth fleet was (at that time) no match for the Gamilas fleet, also serves to explain how the Planet Bombs are lauched (never explained in the original); - and of course the pink skined Gamilas (and i guess we can expect other races as well, judging from Celestra).
  2. Call me nitpicking ass but that wasn't a "Planet Bomb", though the first time they name it the sub does mistankenly name it as such. It's an "Interplanetary Ballistic Missile or, if you preffer the Star Blazers name, Ultra Menace Missile. (this mistake (and just a few others) were confirmed in another forum by the people who actually make the subs and who, in a very sporting way, welcomed the fans corrections )
  3. The other 2 are part of the video with the battle and WMG firing at the Floating Continent. However, the video was at about 4:3 ratio, these 2 are closer to 16:9, though the bit between the 2 scenes is missing Any way: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=REG7isYOWew&feature=player_embedded http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bGC3fpQ8BWs&feature=player_embedded Go and enjoy these while they're up.
  4. Ep. 06 - The Yamato takes the battle to the Gamilas (note: notice the Gaiderol's warping, guess that's how the Yamato's warps will look in the future) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u7p0fqgaSwI&feature=player_embedded Now the repeated stuff. Ep. 03 - Warp briefing, just because the image is now clean, sounds a bit wonky though... http://youtu.be/5ZJyCZM-gSw
  5. A few more videos surfaced at Nico Video, 3 are stuff repeated stuff (will go to that), but the other 3 are new and pure gold. Lets start with those: Ep.04 - Yamamoto takes the Cosmo Zero to stop a tank attack: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oq9QpEk1X0g&feature=player_embedded Ep. 05 and 06 - Fan edited scenes featuring the Reflex Gun (note: besides the drooling that this got me to do, spot the massive homage to "Final Yamato", i literaly started clapping when i saw that. Well, played, Mr. Izubushi...well played): http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YlnrBBDsGwg&feature=player_embedded
  6. Only the first volume has 2 episodes, the rest have 4. And yes, it doesn't make it better but at least you have the consolation of japanese quality and they come with some nice art booklets to collect and the wrap around art covers. Doubt any american release would have those.
  7. Soon, youn padawan...soon Though it won't be soon enough!!! XDDD
  8. And here's some more. Grab your mops. XD http://youtu.be/xEuyhe_97ag
  9. http://youtu.be/nfttAvN6gj4 http://youtu.be/_XfMJDVq5wQ
  10. For those that want a taste of the new episodes (and a peek at chapter 3) here's fresh out of Nicovideo, the previews for episodes 4, 5, 6 and 7. Enjoy them while they're up. http://youtu.be/cHVQ0f-qftM http://youtu.be/f4o1TToVnCs
  11. I don't mind spoilers at all. But that's me. I do understand that the Blu-Ray is coming out in about 3 weeks but... the Blu-Ray is only coming out in 3 weeks. XD I hunger for detail. The fact the next one only comes out in November is gnawing me to the core. XD I thank you for the details you provided.
  12. Can you expand on those points, maybe a proper sumary, duely tagged with the spoiler tags? And if not, can you at least give us, non japanese speakers, a lowdown of what all that talk about micro black holes in the WMG is all about? It would be greatly apreciated.
  13. It wasn't on a random planet, it was on Iscandar itself. Yabu, Tokugawa's aid, and a few random crew members decided they wanted to stay there since they believed the Earth was probably dead by then. The idea of using a single woman to repopulate the planet was incredibly stupid. Let's see if he tries to repeat the deed in this new version.
  14. In the first 9 minutes of episode 3 Kaoru Niimi (the blue one XD ) gets the privilege of describing how the Wave-Motion Gun works. Nice voice. Makoto (the nurse) gets a little screen time with a mid-warp sake guzzling Dr. Sado and Akira share's a brief Mars gazzing moment with Kodai. Yuria is thus the only one who has yet to utter a single word and is way behind the other in terms of screen time. But i bet they'll soon fix that. Tochiro, i hope you can share your experience with us and make ample use of the spoiler tags.
  15. Prepare for a long wait. Chapter 3, "The Endless Voyage" will only come out in theatres in October 13th. At least we'll have 6 episodes to watch till then.
  16. There's a new special that aired June 24th, for now only these 2 clips are available, featuring the new launch of the Cosmo Zero's and the battle in the floating continent (at about 0:47) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z84tgBWxA-Q http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PHMBVjCI9Ho
  17. New pictures in the episode descriptions at yamato2199.net http://yamato2199.net/img/story/story_img03.jpg http://yamato2199.net/img/story/story_img04.jpg (is it just me or does it look like Analizer has a stalker?! XDDD ) http://yamato2199.net/img/story/story_img05.jpg http://yamato2199.net/img/story/story_img06.jpg
  18. I figure you mean this one. http://blog-imgs-46.fc2.com/k/a/b/kabeani/20120331122719323.jpg This is actually quite tame compared to some fan "art" that has been surfacing. Some of it quite nasty... XD
  19. I'm glad they're launching more ships and in scale to one another (That will not fly if they make Yamato 2201 XD ). Though it makes me a bit pissy that, since i got the 1/500 Yamato, i'll have to get the new 1/1000 to keep it all in scale. XDDD Yeah, that will be a stretch. The detail is pretty much the same, though the 1/500 is sharper, 1/1000 is a better scale for people with limited space and since the Yamato has the cut-out feature it is worth the buy. The Kirishima looks especially awesome and seems to have an opening hangar with scout plane. But the true gems are the Gamilas ships, the detail and scale are awesome, the Gaiderol looks way better than in the original (though it looks a bit too much Zentraedi XDDD ). Hope they keep the quality they got in the 1/500. Paint wise, besides a few details and weathering, i'm not painting it. I was thinking about it but since the color is supposed to have been engineered by Bandai to fit the Yamato hull color i didn't. What i did was rubbing the whole thing with fine sandpaper and apply Pro Modeller Black Weathering Wash and believe me, the texture it gives the plastic is amazing. I'll just apply a few hull markings like those seen in the Yamato 2199 close-ups and that's it. Biggest piece of paint i'll apply is the top of the smoke-stack wich should be grey instead of red. And i'll have to fix the 3rd bridge (i applied the clear plastic with clear green wash and it shoul be red part). Pictures to follow
  20. According to August, who now owns the Limited Ed, Blu-Ray, the subs are quite good, although not totally perfect. But that's the norm, i guess. He also said that our subs are a bit more "poetic" XD
  21. Actually, what was posted in the other page was my innicial, very choppy rip. This is a better video stream with english and portuguese subs made by me and revised by fello Yamato fan and writer August Ragone.
  22. Got the 1/500 Space Battleship Yamato yesterday. Still drooling.
  23. Yeah, i saw that (and immediately cut that bit to listen obcessivelly to XD). Yes, Transformation ends abruptly but that's just the way it is. "Hard Chase" is a Medley and Transformation is one of the tracks used on it. One could try to clip the several cues together to form the track but unfortunatelly not all the cues have been released. Let's hope that when the 2nd movie is released in DVD and Blu-Ray they put some more music out. Damned 2.0 audio tracks. XD
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