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Everything posted by westfall

  1. I love the Yamato but. . .Andromeda is one sexy beautiful ship. I really hope we get to see her get the Yamato 2199 treatment. :-D
  2. The Yamato's registration is BBY-001, so perhaps BBY-001-A and so forth. XD
  3. I'm a huge Matsumoto fan, love the Galaxy Express universe and all it's characters (despite the lack of any type of actual continuity), Harlock is a personal character favorite, even Interstella 5555 is a thing of beauty. But lately... he's gone mental! Matsumoto-sensei, back to basics, please.
  4. Yamato takes off from Earth. It's in the score CD. The first track is a classic track remade for 2199 but asn't been released yet. Maybe on part 2.
  5. Fan translation of the dialogue in the Chapter 4 PV
  6. Character file for Milenel Link, posted earlier. Can anyone translate? :-D Edit: translation provided by a fellow member at another forum:
  7. It is mostly anime magic. XD The live-action did try to hint a how it was done as, if you look closely between the pieces of falling debris, you can spot some of the wings/fins/antenna's actually unfolding/extending.
  8. Guessing the Ulysses 31 part is the crew suspended in the air? XD Can you post a review of the movie? It would be greatly apreciated. For those who want the Yamato to run into hard times, which i'm guessing they already do in Chapter 4, the episode descriptions for Chapter 5 are sure to please you as Domel will have them going through hell. Not sure i like the idea of having stargate-like devices thrown in to the Yamato universe but i'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Check the descriptions in August Ragone's blog, right here: http://augustragone....-chapter-4.html
  9. Finaly a peek at the Chapter 4 Booklet Cover, this one featuring the Balun Base Command Tower. A radical design change from the original base (for both the base and the planet / brown dwarf, maybe?) but in keeping with the beautiful Gamilas (or Garmillas, which seems to be catching on) design aesthetics.
  10. Ah, he finaly finished. The work this guy does amazes me every time. It seems he altered the scale though. A while back it was at 1/144. From what i understand from page 5, he altered it because of the figures he used.
  11. Is it only me that finds it strange they haven't revealed the cover for the volume 4 brochure yet? Wonder if they stoped making them? That would be a shame. Overall, they're keeping a lid on the upcoming merchandise, except for will be sold at Froovie.
  12. Hope this isn't considered off topic but i have a question for those who may have already built the UNCN Fleet Set 1 models. I was never very good at applying water decals but the ships really need their markings so i would apreciate any advice on how to apply them. Also, here's tiny look at Yamato Crew's Premium Fun Club Magazine (yes, Fun Club), unfortunately only available to those who can get a membership. Good stuff. http://formulatimes.blog135.fc2.com/blog-entry-851.html#more
  13. The differences are mostly in small scenes cut, added or slightly modified. The major changes are the ending sequence and the fact that the DC version has a new sound mix featuring music and sound effects from the original series. starblazers.com had an awesome guide describing all the small changes made in the DC but alas, they're gone along with the site.
  14. Don't get me wrong, there's some fine work there but the texture of the ships just seems off, too plain, especially now in comparisson with 2199. But hardly a total flop. Perhaps what throws me off the most is the aesthetic of the new ships, too much Yamato 2520-like for me. As for the SB site situation, Tim's objective for the new site is to re-up as much of what was in the old one as possible, including his web-comics. The gears are turning and hopefully we'll have that mana of information back online soon. Let's wait and see.
  15. I didn't get that reading from Yamato Resurrection. I did get the Amarl/Midle East connection but never saw the SUS as a portrait of the USA, unless you focus on the extreme pundits from both sides of the bi-partisan game. The Gamilas were basically a portrait of Nazi Germani, going down to the names of many characters, like Domel, Hyss and Goer. Is Germany that beast today? Except for Merkl and her government minions, i don't see Germany itself as a foothold of evil. Nor should you read too much into that supposed portrait of "America" (wich i really don't see). IMHO Yamato Resurrection is a nice enough film, suffering from what most other Yamato films did, a focus in moments of drama and angst driven characters. The CG ships look like plastic models and don't mix with the hand drawn animation (Yamato 2199's ships are CG made but blend perfectly). The change in character design threw me off though you get used to it. And of course, the change in ending from normal to DC versions... WTH??? I think they should do the sequel just to see where that ending leads. Other than that, i feel it's totally unnecessary. Especially because there would be another problem, the aesthetics of it. For the sequel to be a true sequel, a certain level of visual aesthetics (character and ship designs, animation technics, etc.) would have to be maintained. In a world 2 years before Yamato 2199 and it's gorgeous animation, Yamato Resurrection already suffered from the points i made regarding those aspects. But now, 3 years latter and with a quality beast like Y2199 serving as the new barr to pass, would that sequel fly, by those standards? I think not, we would look at those plastiky ships and shiver in disgust! XD If they went the other way and update the animation to Y2199 standards, you might enjoy it as a stand alone movie but as a sequel it would look too different from part one for you to feel a connection.
  16. The less you know about it, the better. It's an ugly affair wich will come come out eventually. When Tim feels the time is right, if that time comes, he'll let everyone know what went down. Meanwhile, another update as just come online.
  17. As for shifting the level on those guns, i see 3 ways of how they might work: 1 - They don't, as you pointed, wich is not very functional. 2 - The "barrels" actualy move somewhat (highly improbable as we've never seen them do it and they seem to be pretty much fixed) 3 - Theres some mechanism inside the "barrel" that allows for some degree of elevation, something along the lines of those things used to squirt water into a cars windshield, a sphere of sorts (hints of this are visible in the detailed Kirishima bridge drawing in "Yamato Re:Mechanics) It would be highly limited but maybe that's why the Yamato uses actual barrels. What looks like a step backwards is actually a more eficient design.
  18. Some new stuff from the official sites. First, 3 new character files, including 2 on the Earth side: Iwata and Touyama, Enomoto's top men (so far) Goru Hainy, Fraken's XO Updated info on the Domelus III and UX-01 (spotted by Keith Holmes) (this is one huge ship!!! 730m!!! Holy s***!!!) Also, the cover of the storyboard booklet for episode 13, that will come as a bonus for the Special Edition Blu-Ray/DVDs http://yamato2199.net/showinfo_04.html and the release date for the Concert CD has been set for February, 27th http://yamato2199.net/goods/cd_musicteam01.html and finaly, at Yamato Crew site, volume 2 of the manga is on sale with some exclusive bonus http://yamatocrew.jp/shop/html/products/detail.php?product_id=167
  19. Chapter 4 preview clip has hit youtube early. And yes, the battle between Domel and Gatlantis is there. Enjoy. http://youtu.be/PvbeQSvWCdI
  20. What is the joke? O_o Anyway...the Domel generals group is now complete Karis Kraitze Ryle Gettoh
  21. The "Fat-lady" appears at least three times. From the color of her uniform she's from the navigation section. In that last picture i'm not sure if it's the same girl since her hair is in a poney-tail but the uniform is the same. Then there's this other girl in the same scene but she has a yellow uniform instead of pale green so she's definitely another person.
  22. I replied to that there. The Part 1 in the album title refers to the album itself, if you go to the album titled "04 - the Tomb of Ice (Part 2)" you'll see the rest of the screencaps for episode 4. Facebook has a limit to how many photos you can have in a single album so i had to splitt certain episodes with more caps in 2. Yuki is indeed captured but rescued by Kodai.
  23. If you want to see screencaps, here's my album. https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.471173109591204.101265.384197378288778&type=1
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