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Everything posted by westfall

  1. Most interesting. Thank you for the info. :-)
  2. Stupid question...what's "memory wire"? Sounds interesting.
  3. Did you color the canopy? I colored the canopies of my VF-25 Messiahs with a mix of Future and corresponding transparent colors, using the simple "dunk" method and they were allright. I tried airbrushing this one and spent the following half hour removing it cause it was a mess.
  4. Yep, "Merda" is the portuguese word for crap. When Melda's profile came out and i looked at the htms wording i was like "Oh, WHY?!" XDDD Glad the english subs named her Melda.... XD Nuts has the literal meaning of the fruit, and the figurative meanings "crazy" or as a more toned down expletive, usid instead of crap! or frakk! though it's not as used as those two.
  5. The bombing of Planet Altaria has a grimmer side to it as not only Gimleh wants to root out rebelious members but it seems they produced bad tea... yeah, check this comment by a fellow fan, August Ragone at my 2199 Fb page: "The quality of the Emperor's tea has soured, and the provincial Gamilas overseer is trying to keep his job. Gimleh has him shot and wipes out the planet for their slacking. This seems to be a riff on the threats made by the Gamilas towards the people of Beemela in the original series, as the quality in their production of Royal Bee Jelly was falling off..." August also believes this might be a way to sour Desler's popularity, as a first move to overthrow him. As for the fleet, this dark blue fleet is assigned to Gimleh and his forces which are kind of like the SS of Garmillas. They're also assigned to guard Desler who, supposedly, has a dark blue Domelus class battleship.
  6. Image gallery is up https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.518499281525253.1073741829.384197378288778&type=3
  7. Working on it, as usual. XD You're most welcome.
  8. Resist if you must but it's here and WOW, it's awesome... and i really, REALLY hate Gimleh now... XD http://youtu.be/razr75oOsGE
  9. Yesterday we got the long version of the chapter 5 trailer. What could be more awesome than that? How about the first 9 MINUTES of episode 15!!! yamato2199.net has announced for today the release of the clip. Nothing yet on the Bandai Channel or Hikari TV sites but sometime today it will be coming.
  10. Wow, they went as far as reproducing the actual cover... nice. Do write and share those references with us.
  11. Knowing what Amaterasu and Uzume were back in episode 1 did get the whole code thing to a whole new level. Amano-Iwato Hiraku" indeed.
  12. I think you're mixing your space operas! XDDD
  13. I just wish someone could translate the dialogue. I would love to sub this.
  14. The awesomeness compiles. IF you thought the 1 minute trailer for chapter 5 was awesome... This 2 minute trailer will blow you away! BASK IN AWESOMENESS!!!
  15. Melda's fighter appears in the May issue of Dengeki Hobby. There's an image of some CAD files in a computer too, guessing that's from Bandai as i don't see modelers going to that level of technical... Oh, wait...these are japanese modelers... They are epic... OK, never mind... XDDD Joking aside, the 1/72 line will probably feature Kato's Falcon and since the color patern of the other Falcons is different, maybe a couple of different pattern versions, like they did with the Zero. I can see Melda's fighter coming out and perhaps the Seagul and T-100. Other than that it's anyone's guess.
  16. I doubt that tank carrier will have it's own model, unless it comes as a "freebie" As for the Garmillas set 2, given it comes with 2 Kripteras, i don't think it will bring a "freebie" with it. As for future releases, the Meltoria bundled with the much smaller UX-01 (though i believe there's only one of those) would make sense. As for Domelus III, though i would love to have her in scale with the rest of the line, the chances Bandai will go for a hunk of plastic 70cm long are slim. The same for the Gyperon Class carriers wich may be as big or even bigger than the Domelus III. I do hope they publish them, even if in a smaller scale. If they do it in 1/1000, my head will explode with the awesomeness.
  17. CDJapan has posted samples for the Yamato 2199 Concert CD http://www.cdjapan.co.jp/detailview.html?KEY=COCX-37867
  18. These are the few images i have. Unfortunately the few translations of the text that existed went down with star blazers.com.
  19. westfall


    From the album: Y2199

  20. westfall


    From the album: Y2199

  21. westfall

    earth air04

    From the album: Y2199

  22. westfall


    From the album: Y2199

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