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Everything posted by westfall

  1. Can i hate you any more?! XDDD Enjoy it for all of us.
  2. After weeks without significant updates, yamato2199.net gives us some amazing stuff. First, the story page was updated with the 4 episodes from Chapter V with some new images (i dare you not to laugh at the picture of Dr. Sado in episode 16 XD). Then, the surprises start as, along with those, they've posted the episodes for Chapter VI. No images yet but we get brief synopsis of that batch of episodes. http://yamato2199.net/story/story_15.html Then, the most un-updated section on the site, the Gallery, finally gets... well, an update... and it's a big one. Images of the sets used in episodes 1 to 6. Not screen captures but the actual set illustrations, from the bridges of the Yukikaze and Kirishima, to the resuply base on Jupiter, from the mines at Enceladus to the "fist of power" on Baleras. Beautiful stuff. GO SEE IT NOW!!! http://yamato2199.net/gallery/index.html
  3. It's a personnal benchmark of mine that anyone that looks at the Yamato and loves it is a cool person. In the opposite end of the spectrum, if the words "why did they make the ship a boat? That's stupid!" come out of their mouths, i want them shot and buried. They're a waste of air. Glad you're raising cool people.
  4. Episodes 1 and 2 didn't have an OP, guess they wanted to keep that part the same on the TV version. :-)
  5. Yes, last weeks end credit sequence was what will be the opening. But this is just Beautiful. Kia Asamiya has oudone himself. Hope a new illustration shows up by episode 7. Tochiro, did you see my questions a few posts back? XD Sorry, i'm a bit annoying, i know. :-)
  6. This is probably the one thing the TV broadcast has better than the "regular" version, an awesome ending sequence. Someone went to the trouble of stitching it and this is the end result. Given the layout is based mostly in events from the early episodes, i wonder if they keep changing the images as the story progresses. . . :-) Also a link to vĂ­deo. Thanks to fellow animesuki forum member Vito for the links. http://sp.nicovideo.jp/watch/sm20608058
  7. Though both this and Yuki's figure looks beautiful, i would trade them both for a full character set of HGIF figures. Can you imagine the full cast in tiny figure form? Drooooooooool. :-D I've posted what i've got on the Type-100 a few pages back. :-)
  8. Beautiful Beautiful stuff. I guess the "Garmillas insignia" base for the Polmeria is the official thing which makes sense. The size and shape of the ship would make a base like the others have a bit unstable. So... if the mechakore Meranka comes with the Polmeria...that tank comes with the Gaiderol, maybe?! No Domelus or Meltoria prototypes in display?
  9. This page has a lot of stills from Chapter 5, some pretty awesome, some pretty spoilery. Thread with caution. http://newslounge.net/archives/73491
  10. The tag on the following page says it's scratchbuil. But keep the faith.
  11. Give in to the dark side... XDDD Running the risk of being branded as the most annoying forum member in the history of these forums, i just have to hask these:
  12. Thanks for the info. Any other bit of important info you can give will be greatly apreciated. I have a lot of questions but i'll halt my questioning before you start thinking of me as annoying. XD Oops, too late?!
  13. Just from a design standpoint, i must ask this:
  14. That image is out on the web so it's not that big a spoiler. Izubuchi didn't say he wouldn't use it, he said they had tackled with not using it but in the end decided it was too iconical a thing to leave out. But it would be somewhat different from the original, in order for it's use to make sense. Also, the red carrier finaly shows up and it seems the Domelus survived Chapter V and will be in the battle, not just the bridge section... nice.
  15. Wow! Thanks for that report, Tochiro. I have a few questions, if you don't mind...
  16. Don't tell me you really believed the big blue guy would stay dead for long?! Oh, poor innocent soul. XD I just got my copies of Dengeki Hobby and Great Mechanics DX. The most outstanding images are here. A page devoted to the episodes of Chapter V with a few pictures that grab your attention. A tiny version of this poped up a few weeks ago but we couldn't see much detail but here it is, in all it's glory. Plans for the DWG-262 (from Dengeki Hobby) and for the Domelus III and UX-01 (from Great Mechanics DX)
  17. They finaly revealed the cover of the Chapter V Pamphlet and it features the Beemela ruins... a wide shot of the ruins...which makes quite a reveal about them. You see what i see there?
  18. They crammed nearly 30 "super stars" into this, what did they expect? And not wanting to sound mysogenous or anything but... the Yamato theme is not just a Sasaki thing, it's a man thing. Female vocals don't work with this song and most of the voices here are female. Just like male vocals wouldn't really work with "The Expanding Universe" theme. (Don't hit me, ladies XD ) Much like the Alfee didn't hit the mark in Resurrection, this is, IMHO, a miss. Especially considering the amount of buzz it originated in the official site. There is a youtube channel with all the 2199 episodes where they replaced only the opening credits with awesome edits backed by the Animetal cover of the theme and that kinda works. Way better than this, anyway.
  19. @ Myk Surrender to the dark side. XD @Tochiro I'm surprised that the show wasn't doing as well as expected. From all indications i thought this was a hit in the theatres with Blu-Ray/DVD flying off the shelves! Guess that perception was wrong. Hopefully the TV ratings remain strong and the show can go on past season 1. Also, i hope you share some juicy info after viewing chapter 5 on the theatre. On another note, anyone in here a member of Yamato Crew? And more importantly, anyone have the Fun Club Magazine and willing to either sell it (doubtful XD) or share some scans via PM or other? I managed to get a copy of volume 0 but the rest have remained ilusive. I would register in Yamato Crew to get them but they don't accept foreign members (unless you have a Nihon adress). And those line art pages are to die for. Hopefully some of those get released in that art book. :-)
  20. It's the art book i mentioned back in march, here http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=35927&page=22#entry1026771 The actual title is "Official Character Sheets Sourcebook" and it's from the same publisher from the upcoming magazine+DVD that's coming out this week http://www.mag-garden.co.jp/yamato2199books/index.html
  21. I believe the Andromeda had AA guns but instead of actual barrels they were beam emmiters. They are there in more detailed designs, they just didn't get to use them.
  22. Not necessarily... With all the new characters, they have a lot of people to kill instead of her. Personally, if Shinohara is still alive by then, i think he would take Yamamoto's place in that scene... Of course Kato would either die next or, just to avoid the whole "twin brother" thing they pulled later, he would just be badly injured and nursed back to health by Makoto.
  23. You will notice that, extra ships aside, they are placed in their respective set. The Destoria is next to the Kelkapia, the Meranka Mekakore model is next to the Polmeria and the Kripteras next to the Gaiderol. This leads me to believe that the UX-01 will come with the Meltoria and that tank will possibly be a Mekacore extra with the Gaiderol/Kriptera pack. The Domelus III, being such a huge model will probably be a standalone model, though, if we think about it, it is a 2 in 1, since the Smite ship is the command tower. (It even has the SMITE projectors, probably to display with the detached saucer). The Polmeria surprised me too, i thought it was a bit smaller. The problem is the one we saw on the show was alone so no reference. This thing is, at it's widest span, longer than the Gaiderol. This will be a beautiful display set, once all the ships come out, but it will cost us some prime real-estate in terms of shelf space. XD If they indeed produce the Domelus (i shiver just thinking the price tag on it XD), huge as it is, wonder if they'll go all the way and make the tri-deck carriers... (no idea how big those are, though). And i wonder if the red carrier / battleship will show up at all.
  24. OK, people, what do you think of this?! Can it be?! More photos of that table with 2 Polmeria carriers and a Meranka, a Gaiderol and the Kripteras, and further possible prototypes of the Meltoria and UX-01 and also a tank... Funny how,although they are about the same length as the Gaiderol, the Polmerias round shape makes them a lot more massive. Finger crossed that all these come out... Some photos of the detail on the prototype Polmeria and Meranka bomber. http://blog.yahoo.com/_6QGBPW5QQ34IWUV2W4RPKNLMZM/articles/1177287/index
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