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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Episode four they go to hell. Five they go to heaven.
  2. Woohoo! The metaphor Aliens are back!
  3. Yup. That was DHL.
  4. Maybe someone from their first batch canceled on them and I got that one. Maybe your order is allocated from an incoming batch? Dunno what to tell you, first time ordering from them.
  5. LunaPark just shipped mine and I bought it today. Can’t wait for it to show up.
  6. Just placed an order with Lunapark. It went through so I hope it ships. Now I just need a TV Kakizaki …
  7. Singular Point isn’t a Godzilla story. It’s a Jet Jaguar story (finally) and as goofy as he looks JJ kicks some serious tail. I want some JJ toys Got enough Gs I also enjoyed the after credit reveal.
  8. Mobile Suit Gundam Hathaway. Just showed up on my Netflix.
  9. Watching Diamond No Ace, Seven Deadly Sins(Netflix), Godzilla Singular Point. Next week Getter Robo Arc. Finally a Super Robot Anime!
  10. Who’s the green guy at the end? Only green character that I can think of that would/could be associated with The Mandarin is Fin Fang Foom
  11. Ooo. Nice. New Getter G and a new Gaiking. Holy… 750mm length 175mm height This definitely does not fit in my display shelf Still want it to replace GX05 DaikyuMaru Spiky little bastard.
  12. Netflix got Jojo season 3. I’m gonna be binging that.
  13. Place looks like it’s running again. Time to go kick some tires.
  14. Interesting. I’d go with blood red myself.
  15. I don't live in the States where you get cheap shipping and don't have to worry about custom fees. I might not be saving $100 but I'd definitely be saving near $50.
  16. Seeing how this show is under the Nickelodeon banner I expect plenty of cast being slimed.
  17. If this means HG stops making it expensive for me to get my transforming robot planes then I’m all for this deal. If it means they get to stick their logo on the box but I save $50-$100 hell yes. I would love to buy the 1/48 VF1D from a local store.
  18. Can’t wait to see Guinan and Q bicker again
  19. FT Phoenix is the best MP Skyfire currently out there and I'm glad I have it. BUT if I would change anything it would be the upper body and the head to be more inline with what it looks like in the lineart or the toon. I expect TT to nail the toon bot and toon alt.
  20. I was hoping for someone to KO and upsize WFC Jetfire so I could swap out FT Phoenix but I'm excited with an official MP Skyfire. Hopefully better articulation, better plastic.
  21. Nothing I really wanted to watch this season....until hey World Trigger is back?! Gotta do a rewatch cause I don't remember the specifics of the series, it's been....4 years?
  22. Just finished a rewatch of Torchwood from S1 through Miracle Day. I need more Torchwood. What I loved about Dr Who, Torchwood and Sarah Jane Chronicles running concurrently was that Dr Who did the Scifi/Alien world exploration. Torchwood did the Earth/supernatural stuff and SJC appealed to the kids. Also had K-9. Then there'd be the big (kinda) crossover where they'd all show up on Dr Who to save the universe. I think Class was supposed to be the Teen tie-in but that never went anywhere. As for the rumours that she's leaving...well whatever happens happens. New Doctor or not I'll still watch but I think it'd be hilarious for everyone hating on her that they pull a page out of Tennents book and have her regenerate into....herself. Alright enough of that, anyone know when's the next season/series starting?
  23. John Barrowman tweeted yesterday that he’s in Cardiff. Hmmm ....
  24. Man that would suck. Barely got to know this Doctor and they’re just finding their groove. Well let’s see where this rumour goes. I’d like to see her at the helm for three seasons before a regeneration
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