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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Needed some mecha shows so tried Brave Bang Bravern. Bullbuster was okay but was no Daiguard. Started off as a real robot show. Interesting, earth base robot political drama maybe with the multinational start? Should've known with the word Brave in the title it'd turn into something different. Enjoyed the parody in the first episode. It gives vibes like Neo Getter Robot vs Shin Getter Robot first episode. Looking forward to the rest of the series. Other Mecha shows this season I should get around to trying is Metallic Rouge and Synduality. I'll even slog through Gundam Seed to get my giant robot mecha action. Box office reviews says it's doing well so what the hell. It'll hold until Grendizer U shows up.
  2. More Prominent Patron as well as Patron slots added.
  3. I'm just happy the Christmas episodes are back. Hated it when they took it away and replaced it with the non-Christmas specials at the end of the year.
  4. One Piece has plenty of filler episodes/arcs. This website has compiled a list of fillers and mixed fillers (compared to the manga) list. https://www.animefillerlist.com/shows/one-piece It doesn't have the drawn out charging attacks like DBZ but I"m sure there's scenes that you can reduce in One Piece too. I'm not going to look for them though. I did a rewatch of the series back in 2020 and, oh my god, it took MONTHS to "watch" everything even just putting it on play and running it in the background,.
  5. Love this song. Used to play the M2 CD soundtrack all the time. Wonder wheere that CD went.....
  6. I'd order the Jada SF figures....if any retailers ever get beyond Ken in wave 2.
  7. I would definitely buy Inferno demons and maybe some of the “demonic” looking X-Men. N’astirh could be BAF for an X-Terminator wave. Rusty. Skids, Boom Boom, Richter, Artie/Leech. WizKid/wheelchair w Demon 2pack. Sym BAF - Dark Childe, Goblin Queen, Havoc-ripped clothing , X-Factor Scott, X-Factor Jean.
  8. It’s an A24 film so it’s going to be interesting. That said….mod hat on. Civil War movie is too easy to jump into it so keep the politics out. You guys know the rules. mod hat off. I’m definitely eating popcorn watching that movie.
  9. Sweet! So about twice the size of SoC Gunbuster? Don't have the space for another Gunbuster but I'm loving the pics.
  10. My theatre was clapping at the end. It was so much fun.
  11. Been watching MF Ghost and loving it. Also helps that it's the successor to Initial D. Tried to watch that other car anime that came out, Overtake, but the racing just looks bad.
  12. Just watched minus one. Definitely worth it. Buying the Bluray when it comes out.
  13. SAB - Shirley Anne Bingham. Unit Scientific Advisor Number 56. D - Oh! I was Scientific Advisor Number 1. SAB- No I know. I read the files. I'm gonna get a bonus for meeting you! Loved that exchange. Felt like a Tennant episode(which I like). Investigate. Run. Snark. Run some more. Fire and Brimstone. Deathstare/Remorse. Doctor wins. Only thing missing was him doing the, " this IS me being nice. This is your one chance. Go away because I'm the DOCTOR". I might've missed it. Guess I'll watch it again. Now whether to keep D+ or let it expire in...less then a month. hmmm...
  14. Just came back from the Marvels. Was fun and entertaining, like the pre-Endgame Marvel movies. Critics can suck it. I’m giving it a two thumbs up.
  15. Why is Koenma an “old” guy? Should be a baby or at least a kid.
  16. Ooo More DW content. I'm in. So....Cybermen that "Exterminate!" instead of assimilate? I'm also tempted to photoshop some showgirl legs onto a Dalek. 😁 Did not know the House of M was buying DW. I'd love to see a Cyberman with robot Mickeys head on it. That'd be hilarious. But seriously this news that Disney had DW might make me renew my D+ subscription. Might.
  17. Huh. I usually skip the title sequence. Guess I’ll go back and check it out.
  18. I guess they kinda had a whale in Episode 1. "I want a Fish!"
  19. Yeah this looks cool. I can't wait to see Koji get demoted and Duke Fleed take centre stage.
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