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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Watched it. Liked it. Could've spent more time with the bad guy dominating and showing why he's so feared and less with Kumall Nanjiani's character but that's okay. I was entertained for a few hours. Also new proton packs. Guess what I think the next Ghostbusters HasLab is.
  2. https://tformers.com/studio-series-swoop-more-transformers-preview-images-from-wondercon-2024-meet-and-greet-event/52362/news.html Even more pics at tfw2005. https://news.tfw2005.com/2024/03/30/wondercon-2024-in-person-pics-of-reveals-at-hasbro-event-507798
  3. Swoop has been revealed. TFW2005 got pics. https://news.tfw2005.com/2024/03/30/wondercon-2024-transformers-panel-recap-swoop-507772 — DLX BB Movie Sunstreaker – April 4 PO — DLX Gamer Sideswipe – April 4 PO — Voyager BB Movie Shockwave – April 4 PO — Leader SS86 Dinobot Swoop – April 4 PO Space Bridge Reveals — RID Sideburn — Car Cybertron Hot Shot — Infernac Nucleous — Voyager Vector Prime
  4. That was a fun ride. Went in with low expectations due to hating the G and K running together in the trailer. Godzilla was basically destruction incarnate again. Which is a good thing. Still not loving the pink hue but I understand why they did it. plus if you’ve watched the office. Parkour!
  5. I'm glad someone liked it. I tried to watch this a few times, never got past 4-5 episodes.
  6. King Caesar needs to show up and whoop some ass.
  7. As long as it's the Knight 2000 and not the Knight 3000. That was a horrible series....
  8. Nice bikes and scale better too but I'm not spending $400 for bike accessories, and getting stuck with 4 unwanted Logans/Punishers. Maisto's 1:12 scale at ~$25ea and more detailed with full on chrome they're good enough for me. Plus I can have a different model for each Dreadnok. I’ve got one ready for Zandar, Zarana and Torch. Extra 1 will probably go to a Joe.
  9. Normally I agree but in that comic Junkyard saves Mutt by being a decoy. Got cut up for it too but survives.
  10. Playing with GIJoe Classified and Maisto 1:12 Harley’s. Need to get another dog figure, maybe a Doberman, as that Rott/Junkyard just doesn’t cut it
  11. Cool. I'm ready for some new Doctor WHo. Also ready for some new Torchwood too.......c'mon RTD bring back Torchwood.... and K9!
  12. Ahhhh. I thought it was just a cool sliding thing. So that's dodge. OKAY! This makes it a little easier. Thanks.
  13. Man that first stage with those undodgeable orange rings is annoying.....unless there's a way to dodge I haven't figured out? Best I could figure is go for the 4 sonic relays and shoot them down as fast as possible.
  14. Whoa! Whoa! Fight the Power!
  15. HasLab God Fire Convoy has ended and currently 28,000+. We'll see what the final numbers are in the next 48hrs if there's any international dumps left.
  16. TRON: I come from the Net - through systems, peoples, and cities - to this place: MAINFRAME. My Format: Guardian. To mend and defend. To defend my newfound friends. Their hopes and dreams. To defend them from their enemies.
  17. That was great! The english version just has Ratchet yelling, "Now!" Japanese version there was definitely superior.
  18. I’m going old school. 1984 old school. Fist of the Northstar 150+ episodes You are already dead.
  19. Cool. Macross 2 Kickstarter related? No? Stay on target.
  20. I backed it too but I’m wondering if I really need it. Still got the original on display and a spare boxed. HasLab does look beefier though.
  21. It really is. After I watched the first episode I went online and read the entire mangwha. Since I read it I haven't felt the need to watch eps 2. lol
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