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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Psh. This is Gundam BUILD FIGHTERS! Fumina Hoshino would have modded the hell out of that kit into a true Star Winning Gundam. Proves that he's no true Build Fighter.
  2. Time to re read his books. Colour of Magic to start. http://www.mtv.com/news/2103671/terry-pratchett-author-dies/
  3. Hell yeah. Maybe it'll even star Tron.
  4. Dude we've been calling him Space Brick for ages. Spppaaaaccceee. Briiiickkkuuu!
  5. Damn you guys with the beautiful pictures. Wasn't going to buy but just bought...
  6. Haha! Great tie-in to the Clone Wars. One thing I love about this series, it's gone back to the music from the original trilogy.
  7. G-dammit. Knew I shouldn't have hit the spoiler link. Time to hunt down the episode before reading anymore.
  8. Problems not in iOS 8. Iphone 6plus. I can switch easily.
  9. Saban relents! Go Go Power/Rangers! http://www.craveonline.com/tv/articles/828897-adi-shankar-joseph-kahns-powerrangers-returns-youtube-vimeo
  10. So CW Superion are aerialbots. Missiles make the most sense right? No one's made any yet so I made my own. Plus a foot. Prototype of a foot checking sizing. There's a better one on the way.
  11. Nice. I did that and painted Ultra Primes 'matrix' gold and the surrounding red. World of difference. Speaking of differences I've started on my 'additions' to CW Superion. I'll post some more pics in the 3rd party thread.
  12. Homeworld remastered is here! Where's all those macross mods again? http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2015/02/homeworld-remastered-impressions-a-refined-masterpiece/
  13. While the guy(s) that did that are douchebag isn't Destiny a Teen rated game? If that happened to my nephew who's a tween I'd just a laugh at him and tell him lesson learned, trust no one ( and then go PK search and destroy and the dbags).
  14. CW OP is ratchety as heck. It'll hold any pose you put it into. The truck parts on the arms fold in better than Classics OP and the double jointed elbows are great. Beyond that it's an articulated Powermaster Prime. Proportion and looks wise I'd go with Classics OP. I'd do a comparison myself except I'm too lazy to pull off the fansproject armour I've got on my classics. There's a few picture reviews/comparisons on google images.
  15. I just buy from TRU/Walmart online when I can. Trying to beat out scalpers to the stores just isn't worth my time or money unless I'm driving by. That said I've managed to snag all the CW figures. Ordered Firefly, Dragstrip and Alpha Bravo from TRU online and just waiting for Purolator to deliver them. Funny thing is my RID Grimlock has a missing ratchet and Hasbro customer service was going to replace it. They sent me another Alpha Bravo. I think I'll just keep it and have two heli arms ala Vehicle Voltron as my Superion. Hate the feet though. I'm going to redesign those, probably the hands as well, and print something out since it's a generic 5mm port. That said, CW Optimus is a hybrid truck munkey. Those long arms, no waist and ugly feet. It's a fun toy but it ain't no MP10.
  16. Kinda pricey. Hope it comes with the Star parts at that price point. …..who am I kidding. I'll still buy it
  17. Like David says those sitting lions are cool but this is Toynami. I'll need to see some reviews before I'm willing to sink money into something they make. The minute those 3D printed lions have as many eye blinding spring loaded missiles as the original Chogokin GoLion I will consider them fully featured toys and I will pre-order it. God I loved shooting crap with all those missiles, especially the tiny red ones....
  18. Just watched Scoop Chase (OVA on my slim PS3. Doesn't have that problem. Back to Disc 2 now.
  19. There's an issue? I'm on disc 1 watching on PS3. I'll pop it into the PS4 to see if I can replicate if I know what I'm looking for and where.
  20. BGC on bluray. It's beautiful!
  21. There's a(nother) new Lion Voltron in town…. http://robotjapan.proboards.com/thread/23260/toynami-ultimate-voltron http://robotjapan.proboards.com/thread/23104/mt-01-kob?page=18
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