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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Yakitate's been done for a few years now. I just like it cause it covers a bunch of different breads and ways to cook them. Then it got ridiculously with the puns and gags and really weird at the end. Anime and manga endings are different. I've got to get into Oishinbo. I've got access to the entire series, just need to read them.
  2. This. I hate watching videos. Give me pics and text. Only time I like videos are when I'm trying to figure out an overly complicated toy or a toy with stupidly inaccurate instructions. That's right, I'm looking at you Hasbro.
  3. Holy Grail toy? Holy crap never thought this would ever come out.
  4. I'm in. The original founding members of the Avengers are almost here! I wonder if WASP or a WASP suit will cameo in it.
  5. Damn you! Snowboard figures! My one weakness!
  6. Is there any actual cooking in GGG? I've watched the first 3 episodes too and it's all about girls getting delirious over eating food. Kinda boring to me. I'd rather bring a date to a food tasting and watch their reactions instead of an anime girls reaction. I've been reading the manga for Shokugeki and it's very much like Yakitate! Japan. Research of food ingredients by the characters, how to cook it, why it works and how to make it for real. Can't wait for the anime to catch up.
  7. Kinda ecchi like Daimidaler was to Super Robots. But it's a cooking anime and I haven't seen one since Yakitate! so I'll give it a few more episodes.
  8. Good thing I'm only buying the ones that appeared on the show. Mark up on popular MP suck....unless I'm selling them in which case Woohoo!
  9. 1) this is a dead topic. 2) this is a VS which should have been killed when it was made 3) Posting Youtube VS videos. I'm going to say that falls in the No Versus rules.
  10. Alrighty I just put together my Space Brikku and the verdict is....it's a great toy. Feels like a toy, looks like a toy, but IMO doesn't feel like an MP. If it was cheaper I'd let my nephews play with it. Got a couple of stress marks on the folding backpage hinge. Minor quibbles: weapons storage on the back sucks. Those pegs are going to loosen after abit of play. Also needed to tighten the elbows screws. Biggest beef I have with the toy is: where the hell do you store the small sword hilt in Star Sabre...er....Space Brikku mode when he's not wielding it?
  11. Thanks. A 3D printer was used. Hated the gaps in Gen Ld Jetfire so I printed out fill in plugs similar to what Megamoonman did on TFW. From there I decided I wanted the real fastpacks back on Jetfire and it ballooned from there. Really hated the long slim official packs.
  12. I've been messing around with a 3D printer(Makerbot Rep 2 mostly) as well. Mostly just to get current TF toys to look what I think they should look like. More bot mode pics of Jetfire on the 3rd Party thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=36937&p=1189444
  13. GIgaPower has shown CG models of Grassor(Slag) already. https://www.facebook.com/1418509261749601/photos/pcb.1558199751113884/1558188294448363/?type=1&theater Guttur should be releasing soon as they had pictures of the the factory assembled toys back on March 20. But that's all 3rd Party news. On topic: hows the hunt for wave 2 combiner wars figures going for everyone? Supposed they've been released up in here in Canada but haven't seen hide nor hair of them.
  14. One more episode before this season wraps up. Love that they're riffing on Fantastic Voyage. ....and womp rats. Cheryl and Pam are awesome.
  15. Pfft. Col. Chris Hadfield not only sung in space but he made a music video as well.
  16. Never. Nobody knows how to play a cello anymore.
  17. Bought the three Japanese sets when they were released. By the time I got to victory I had to force myself to watch it...cause I paid money for the set. Basically I think of them as "these aren't the Autobots you're looking for."
  18. Space Briikku just got shipped from HLJ and I only ordered him yesterday. Spaaaaccceeee Briiiiiikkkuuu!! Can't wait to put Tekkaman on top of him.....or Orgun! Yeah! I can have an Tekkaman vs Orgun scene now.
  19. Hey guys, linking to the more explicit nsfw figures is fine, it ain't on our site but keep them off of here for the most part. This is still a (mostly) family friendly site.
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