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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. If there's a chance it'll crossover with Flash or Arrow I'll watch it.
  2. You've got to go to cybertron.ca if you're going to collect the in Canada. Type in "CineplexFeb" in the coupon area to knock off $10. Should still work.
  3. If there's an official source like Netflix or hulu or something else use that. Any other source is frowned job here.
  4. Then he's gotta use the CineplexFeb code to knock $10 off that price.
  5. No one wants him for that price, especially since the original Hasbro release was $69cdn here.
  6. I agree with Mommar. The AoS tie in at the beginning get was great. Perfect example of teamwork. Anime52k8: I liked this quicksilver better. He seemed more in tune with his comic book counterpart. Angry, quick to lash out, from a European country even if it's not Wundagore mountain.
  7. Saw it today. Since I didn't watch any but the first trailer I didn't spoil it for myself. Enjoyed the film alot can't wait for the bluray to come out.
  8. This. After the first 30mins of servers crashing I decided it's no worth the $10 savings. Sleep was good.
  9. The show ties into the movies. Hehe. Loved it when Coulson dropped the bomb that Fury was still alive and then his conversation with Hill.... Suck on that Adama! Skye showing off why she'll become one of the top Agents of Shield was great. Quake is coming!
  10. GOG.com is having two Star Wars day bundles for classic SW games.
  11. Now those Tamashii official pics are a Gunbuster I can get behind on. Those look great!
  12. It's actually off white with white/grey highlights. Just watched it on YouTube cause I was too lazy to toss in one of my DVDs/Bluray. Crap. I should have taken a picture with my USR Gunbuster vhs's as well.
  13. I disagree with Bandai calling it "anime image". Maybe they found one still frame that was that deep of a blue. I'll agree with the original being too dark but the new one's shiny blue. Regardless of my opinion, it's a great toy for those of you needing it in your collection.
  14. I give you Noriko Takaya's Gunbuster Index. (I wonder where that dude is now, he should be all over this.) http://www.toponeraegunbuster.com/Gunbuster-Index.html Gunbuster's got some blue in it some screens, when it's reflecting off some lasers or Earth but in shots without that effect it's grey. Exactly! That blue is too blue.
  15. It's okay. Gunbuster was almost never that blue in the show. I'll stick to my original. I might get one to check it out or flip.
  16. Wait what? You're saying she's a Con but the TFWiki says she's a Bot. This is why I hate that episode with Exhaust. Worse continuity than original G1 evah!!!
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