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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Ordered 1x fron AE. Can't wait.
  2. Started watching Gate because the premise sounded alot like David Weber's Multiverse series. It's not. Caught up on the manga and it's like a harem anime but without everyone being in love with the main character.
  3. Head looks fine. Maybe increasing the size by 1-2% but that's not a deal breaker.
  4. Got a hasbro devastator yesterday. It's a fun toy! Devy is awesome. The individual bots are okay but need elbow joints but it really is a toy. Almost sunbow cartoon accurate and scales pretty well to MP size bots. Just need the PE kits and I'll be happy. No need for TTs version imo.
  5. Gundam Fight! Readdddy-----GO! "But you know we really need......MELEE COMBAT." http://www.geeksaresexy.net/2015/07/06/its-going-to-happen-japan-accepts-usas-request-for-a-robot-duel-videos/
  6. First episode :just a reintroduction to all the characters that you haven't seen on TV in 18years. Looks like eps2 will be more of the same.
  7. New season of stuff. Gonna watch Gatchaman Crowd Insight, Ushio to Tora, and Dragonball Super. Not sure about the other stuff. http://anichart.net/summer
  8. PE stuff looks good. I couldn't give two ....stones... about the Prowlestator head. I may end up selling that off.
  9. I agree with renegadeleader1 but politics. This is as far as it goes. Back to Yamato 2199.
  10. Finished watching Dungeon ni Deai wo Motomeru...etc. Fun silly dungeon crawler show. Fanservice but plenty of action too. Last fight was great.
  11. and now from BotCon....Sky Lynx combiner! http://news.tfw2005.com/2015/06/20/botcon-2015-hasbro-post-panel-case-pics-294031 and Bruticus got revealed too. Blast Off is an aerialbot repaint. Boo! We're all gonna wait for a Space Shuttle from TT!
  12. TT Devy has redesigned/better elbow joints! Now to keep my Hasbro Devy pre-order or get the Unite Devy.... http://news.tfw2005.com/2015/06/20/tokyo-toy-show-transformers-panel-roundup-masterpiece-ironhide-unitw-warriors-devastator-more-293880
  13. and that means Ratchet is coming out soon. Booyah! MP Optimus Primal? That's just Prime.
  14. Next kickstarter they're gonna do. Riding Bean! Take my money!!
  15. Wrong thread. Supergirl's got her own thread since she's not CW DC but to address your latter point she'll be fighting Kryptonian villains not meta humans. She's going to have problems kicking anyone's ass.
  16. So they've been shooting this film in my city. Damn you for the traffic congestion!! On the other had I wonder if MW member W.Chen's working on this film or not.... http://www.blogto.com/film/2015/05/suicide_squad_stages_massive_plane_crash_on_yonge_st/
  17. It was a happy ending! The rock had a smiley face carved into it.
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