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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Nope. These vans are what I need for my G1 cast.
  2. Not keen on the prequel stuff so only ordered 1 droid and clone from HLJ. Need an Obiwan to go up against my Maul. Figuarts Speederbike though is sick. Ordered one of those from NY a few days ago.
  3. "his biggest concern about the ever-expanding universe? That the Force doesnt get muddled into a bunch of gobbledygook." You did that yourself George when you introduced midichlorians.
  4. I know. I was too lazy to use spoiler tags. Especially when typing on my phone.
  5. Which speech? The one at the beginning or the story at the end? Plus Coulson and Rosalind. He finally has a decent foil. They should get a room.
  6. This is the first time a 3P announced after a reveal by Takara correct? If so I think this may be the first time Takara might send a C&D. Someone's trying to steal THEIR thunder, not the other way around.
  7. I didn't feel a Doom vibe beyond just having the space marines there. No aliens with pig monsters, no hell knights etc. The static-y intro, the person talking into the camera, the setting is in space, the song all scream Dead Space to me. The episode itself though, the Doctor said it best at the end.
  8. Just watched the first 30secs of todays Doctor Who. Anyone else get a Dead Space vibe out of the opening sequence? Kinda want to replay Dead Space now.
  9. Any Canadians waiting for Trypticon to do a price drop it's now down to $133. That's less then $100usd. http://www.amazon.ca/dp/B00UCTS9Q6/ref=sr_ph?ie=UTF8&qid=1447535783&sr=1&keywords=trypticon
  10. Yeah, it's a shame. For me the online aspect is a bonus that supplements the story of the single player campaign. Multiplayer is great fun and all but sometimes I'd like to know why I'm kicking your ass in this battle, some objective I need to achieve. I loved the old game Myth(from Bungie) for that reason. 3D, destructible terrain, troop formations! Too bad that game ip is dead. Good news is the BattleTech game got funded on Kickstarter. I've got that to look forward to.
  11. Toy purchase wise these would be my latest.....
  12. For David since I don't think he has this yet and I've stopped playing with BB8 long enough to free Trypticon from his shipping box. Tracks looks nice. Hope they do Hoist and Grapple too. I've always associated Tracks as part of that group in the G1 cartoon.
  13. G-Gundam is a wandering samurai story who uses a Gundam instead of a sword as his weapon. I like it, it's fun. More super robot-ish then real robot. Watch 0083. It's still OYW but it's got Kawamori designs and feels like Top Gun Gundam sometimes.
  14. 1) This. 2) Splitting off IBO because we didn't make a title change because we missed a post that asked for it? This was already THE Gundam Show thread and everybody watching Gundam stuff knew this was where to go for the current show. That said this type of issue is NOT an excuse to press the REPORT button to all Admin/Mod. PM a mod that's online or something. Cluttering up the forums with a duplicate thread is not an answer. 3) I'm re-opening Thunderbolt because Mikeszekely made a good point. Once Thunderbolt starts airing it will also be merged into this thread. 4) Build Fighter can stay closed. You can talk about it here or post the gunpla in the gunpla thread. We'll reopen it when Bandai decides that they're doing another season of it.
  15. Locked. Send all Gundam updates to this thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=18457&page=63#entry1236843
  16. Locked. Send all Gundam updates to this thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=18457&page=63#entry1236843 Unlocked. Once Thunderbolt starts airing use the above linked thread to talk/post/watch it.
  17. At least they didn't make his "magical" place where this happened Tahiti.
  18. Post the gundam stuff in the gundam thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=18457&page=63#entry1236691
  19. My Life for Aiur! Final part of SC2 trilogy came out yesterday. Got to play that just to finish of the story.
  20. Spectre was okay. Belluci was pointless, chemistry between Seydoux and Craig was imo not where it needed to be, and some of those fight scenes seemed like they were lifted straight out of a CoD game. At least no ones was scratching Bonds balls this time. The fluffy white cat was great.
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