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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Yeah, heavy weapons looks great. Gotta get me one of those too. Kylo Ren just went up at NY. https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/13684-shfiguarts-kylo-ren.html
  2. First Order troopers are up for order at NY right now. Full price but I got mine! https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/13685-shfiguarts-first-order-stormtrooper.html
  3. Nerd Rage! Bearded Obi must only fight bionic Maul! Beyond Darth Maul I'd don't really like the prequels. If I'm gonna buy clone wars then it's gonna be the animated looking stuff. Only way I'd get a correct looking Ahsoka figure.
  4. Phantom. I don't think AotC version is out yet for PO....and I don't really need that version. My Darth Maul figuarts doesn't have anyone to fight.
  5. No problem. I always give a heads up AFTER I get my order in. haha. I still need to get a normal FO trooper too....and Captain Phasma.....and Obi Wan....
  6. So glad they didn't ever go down the "redemption" route.
  7. Didn't watch smallville beyond the first two season and the last few episodes when supergirl showed up. I was thinking cyborg superman when the red eyes were revealed.
  8. What did Capaldi say about it being a problem for an immortal travel with another immortal?
  9. HaHa. I was referring to your "they already did" comment. The hunter/daisy scene was funny. Can't wait to see Fitz and Astronaut guy meet and start fighting over Simmons.
  10. And you deserved to get your ass kicked by your Uncle cause I would've done the same thing if my nephews kept smacking me in the head with a nerf sword. Delinquent. What were you wearing then? What was he wearing? What colours? We remember major events but we don't remember exact details(if you do remember those details I'm gonna call you a freak you know that right? ) We're only dealing with decades worth of memories. Ashildr is dealing with hundreds maybe thousands of years. She writes everything down in books because she forgets even the major events, like losing her husband and kids. For a mother that has got to be more traumatic then even almost getting a village of strangers killed. Who's to say that was the only time Ashildr allied with aliens and nearly destroyed the Earth? There's a whole lot of aliens in that hidden alley way of hers. I'm just having fun here. Currently there's no way we can prove or disprove how long we can retain our memories over hundreds of years. We're not Timelords. Oh and I finally got this set on Bluray with the BBC store 20%off sale. So happy.
  11. I'm just illustrating how hard it is to retain memory for us mere mortals. Except for people with eidetic memories. Those guys are freaks. I've no doubt Clara/Doctor will find a way. There's still two more episodes for Moffat to piss us all off again.
  12. Nah. Let's try an exercise. What were you wearing on the third date of the third guy/girl you ever went out with? Me I've no idea and I'm not even close to one hundred. I'm good with this episode. Clara being Clara her recklessness finally caught him up to her. It fits with this seasons theme actions have consequences. Am I gonna miss her? Hell yes, she ain't no doe-y eyed Rose/Amy Pond trying to make out with the Doctor. She's more like Martha without the dejection, opinionated like Donna without the "Oi's!"and smart and sassy like Sarah Jane. Besides she'll be back when they need her. It won't be as Clara Oswin Oswald but as Paprika Girl, or Fishsticks girl or something. I want Capaldis new companion to be something new or old. Luke Smith and the return of the tin dog?
  13. yeah.....it's damn dusty in here. An angry doctor is something you do not want to deal with. A few examples of NuWho: What he did to the Family of Blood, The Beast Below, staring down the Vashta Nerada....
  14. The included hands and feet suck. Replace those and they look a lot better.
  15. He's a representation of the comics UM. In that regard he's pretty spot on.
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