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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. 140 backers until 18000 and we get the Baroness. It'll unlock in the next few hours as this thing jumped almost 1000 backers in the last 24hrs.
  2. Nice that the TF Fans are giving the Yammie 1/60s some love. I’ve added some silver and red vinyl to the shins and feet ala the toy deco. Gonna have to add some black to the intakes now too.
  3. Really? I may get around to re-subscribing to check it out. Maybe.
  4. I'd only seen the first trailer and I thought it's too kiddy. Not for me but great for growing the fanbase. Then I got free tixs so I went to just enjoy the show. Beginnings is definitely kid friendly, all jokes and giggles but they slowly build up the tension so when the two main bots finally take centre stage I liked it. Hemsworth is no Cullen but does a decent job. I had fun just trying to guess which bot in the background was the G1 cast.
  5. Saw it last night. TFCon advanced screening tickets for the win! It starts off all goofy and kid friendly with Orion Pax, D-13, B and Elita before it starts going dark culminating in someone getting to punch someone else in the face. Buddy I went with said he might have to wait for home video so he could fast forward some parts for his kid. Half the fun was trying to figure out which bots in the background are the ones we know from the G1 crew(s). Two end credit scenes. Stay until the end.
  6. Saw it Sunday on IMAX. Loved it. Could've lived without the "secret" final boss at the end. Definitely in third on my Alien list.
  7. Kinnikuman 2024. Aka Ultimate MUSCLE. Fun watching them bring back this old show.
  8. Just picked up a Jada KARR. Hopefully it scales with Agent Knight when it comes out. Two-tone look looks good with my old Aoshima AirWolf.
  9. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0CSGS2KQZ Amazon UK has leaked SS86 Prime images. I like the jump jets. Think I'm gonna steal those for Missing Link Convoy.
  10. Watched the first two episodes of Grendizer U. FINALLY a new Super Robot show! Also started binging Daily Life of the Immortal King in english dub. It's almost as bad-good as Ghost Stories english dub.
  11.   G.I. Joe Classified Series G.I. Joe Assault Copter Dragonfly (XH-1) HasLab Backers, We hope this message finds you well. We're writing to provide you with an important update regarding the delivery schedule of your eagerly awaited G.I. Joe Assault Copter Dragonfly (XH-1). To ensure we are getting you the best product possible, the originally anticipated delivery timeline of Summer 2024 has been revised. The new estimated delivery timeframe for your G.I. Joe Assault Copter Dragonfly (XH-1) is December 2024. We understand this news may be disappointing and we apologize for any inconvenience this delay may cause. Rest assured; we will continue to keep you updated on the progress of production. If you have any questions, please contact us. Thanks for being a fan! -Hasbro Pulse You are receiving this email because you signed up on one of Hasbro's websites. At Hasbro, we respect your right to privacy. View our Privacy Policy. © 2024 Hasbro. All audio, visual and textual contents in this message (including all names, characters, images, trademarks and logos) are protected by trademarks, rights, copyrights and other rights owned by Hasbro or by Hasbro's licensors, licensees, suppliers and accounts. Keep Hasbro Pulse emails coming - add noreply@hasbropulse.comto your address book. No longer want to receive these emails? Unsubscribe. Hasbro, Inc 1027 Newport Avenue Pawtucket, RI 02861I’m
  12. Nice! But they should've used the og op song.
  13. https://www.ign.com/articles/hasbro-sdcc-exclusive-figures-star-wars-marvel-transformers-gi-joe SDCC is Maul on a Sith speeder. Looks cool. Hit the above link for pics.
  14. https://www.ign.com/articles/hasbro-sdcc-exclusive-figures-star-wars-marvel-transformers-gi-joe SDCC Hasbro lineup revealed. TF exclusives aren’t for me so click on the link.
  15. I’m going to be popular yess? sdcc Marvel Deaths Head. This one is a hell yes! https://www.ign.com/articles/hasbro-sdcc-exclusive-figures-star-wars-marvel-transformers-gi-joe
  16. SDCC 2024 is Cobra Commander Once a Man figure. https://www.ign.com/articles/hasbro-sdcc-exclusive-figures-star-wars-marvel-transformers-gi-joe I’m definitely going to get this. Excited.
  17. IIRC Storm Shadow gets that outfit in the Marvel comics when Baroness was blaming Snake Eyes for killing her brother in Viet Nam. So she kidnaps him and had him tortured in the Cobra embassy. Snake Eyes also gets a new outfit, from the bodies of his 3 torturers, at the end of the 3 issue arc. This was my first SS toy so I'm getting it.
  18. So Vac metal CC. Retro carded as well as Cobra Officer, Retro Stalker. Saw Viper render. Footloose and Dial Tone. You can watch the Hasbro Pulse stream on Youtube or read it on Hisstank. Mad Marauders Low Light and Spirit (Pulse Exclusive) and Sgt Slaughter MM (Amazon). https://news.hisstank.com/2024/06/04/yo-joe-june-2024-week-1-recap-iron-grenadiers-retro-cobra-commander-stinger-footloose-and-more-87208
  19. Just watched the latest episode Dot and Bubble. I was rooting for the monsters this time. They deserved to be fed.
  20. Got home from work and my card was waiting for me as well. Canada has received the card!
  21. Testing out the Delta GBAios app. Yup. Scrambled Valkyrie works!
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