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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Black Widow and Hawkeye Figurarts are coming. Little late but coming. Still better than Hasbro. http://marveltoynews.com/sh-figuarts-black-widow-hawkeye-tony-stark-revealed/
  2. You're still going to buy it aren't you?
  3. Picked up and having a lot of fun with Gutter (Chrome) and Sphinx this month. Both really awesome fun toys. Add in Apollyon and I think these three are a nice addition to the current Has/Tak MP line.
  4. I'm picking up an Elite Rey. Paint apps is better than the BS but I won't know diecast amount until it arrives. My mainline is Figuarts but I'm picking up some BS to fill it in abit. Just got the Luke and Han stormtroopers. They look good but the shoulder articulation sucketh and Luke's communicator accessory is tiny and doesn't really fit well in his hand or on his belt. I taped it to his thigh so I wouldn't lose it.
  5. Picked up some BS 6inch figures to fill in the gaps for my figuarts collection. They just aren't on the same level. Sure the BS stuff looks good but the jointed articulation just isn't there. They're good to act as filler and great for the price and it's cheaper to army build with them. All in all for what they are BS are nice but I ain't keeping the packaging for these toys. Just need a Rey now and I've considered getting the Elite Series Rey but the aftermarket price is nuts. As it stands Figuarts Kylo and his army are going to out articulate and beat the crap out of my BS Finna me Poe. Poes deserves it for stealing the Riot Troopers baton. I'm going to need to send in the Ultra Brothers to save their ass....maybe.
  6. Maybe Qui Gon was wrong. Maybe Anakin wasn't the chosen one just a emo whiny millenial with an unusually high steroi...er...midichlorian count. Maybe Rey is the real Chosen One and she will bring balance to the Force.
  7. Thanks. So if I get Black Series 6inch they should scale almost correctly with each other? Rey Poe and Finn hunting time begins....now! I've no faith Figuarts will release these TFA guys anytime soon as they've still got to release the OT and PT figures they've already announced.
  8. Hmm.. Haven't used Steam in many many years. I'll have to login when it's back up to see what's up.
  9. The FO ST's. Mommars got both so I figured I'd ask. I find it very strange that Bandai hasn't announced Kylos rival(Rey not Finn) yet. In Doctor Who terms Finns the tin dog. And nope! Those aren't the Star Wars figures I'm looking for.
  10. Do you have any pics comparing the two storm troopers ? I'm considering picking up the SWTFA Hero's in the Black Series since Figuarts hasn't announced any of them.
  11. Got a nice little haul of Star Wars Figuarts today when I realized there are no hero figures. Anybody know when are Rey, Fin and Poe going to show up?
  12. Exactly. They (PT)felt more like a Wushu exhibition then a fight. The Dooku vs Yoda. At the speed Yoda was moving in that fight Dooku should've been Swiss cheese after the first 30secs. ObiWan vs Anakin: Eh. Ewans McGregors acting was great but Hayden sucked all the life out of that fight Rey vs Kylo felt more raw. Like there was serious intent to kill with each stroke. It felt dangerous.
  13. My Top 3 Lightsabre fights with emotional impact: 1) RoTJ. Luke and Vader finally get to go at it as equals. 2) TPM. Darth Maul owning QuiGon and Obi Wan until that lame strike at the end. 3) TFA.
  14. Who didn't use spoiler tags? I put a one week length of time that people should use spoiler tags. That's until this coming friday. Whom must I bestow upon the moniker of JarJar Binks or DG2099?
  15. Yeah, the original Optimus Primal was pretty spot-on animated wise. This one looks like it's refined even more but is it refined enough to warrant MP pricing? We'll see.
  16. Nothing to talk about regarding the new Godzilla. All there is is a poster and a trailer showing people running away. Gamera is fighting Gyaos again? Kadokawa needs to up their game with new monsters. Gamera only fighting Gyaos gets boring. Guardian of the Universe my ass if he doesn't fight more monsters like Legion or Iris. Ultraman Reboot....only if it's based on the new manga. If it's the shiny CGI trailer version from July: Pass.
  17. Did not read any of the last two pages but if you are seeing the movie this weekend or have seen the movie already in regions that have released it use spoiler tags to discuss the movie for at least a week. Don't be a DuelGundam2099!!!! I'll be back in this thread Saturday at the earliest. Ignoring this thread until then starting now. Tl;dr. Use Spoiler Tags or risk mod wrath.
  18. Ah you fed ex'd it. I'm shipping it the slow way. I'm a cheap bastard. Save me a couple a bucks to army build more troopers.
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