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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Prequels stuff can wait. We NEED SW:TFA good guys. Kylo, Phasma and the stormtroopers are playing pattycakes with each other with no one to fight.
  2. I like him for his single episodes during RTD's run. Don't like/hate him as the show runner. Everything was always flail flail flail oops problem solved. He was good at hitting the high notes but his series never seemed to take a step back and have issues simmer for abit. Have to start watching Broadchurch now to see how the new show runners runs his shows.
  3. I'm doing the same-ish. If there's no rumour of MP and if I like the 3rd Party offering I'll get it. So far no rumour of Mirage so I got Sphinx(love it). Haven't heard of a rumour for Sunstreaker so I picked up Sunsurge(totally worth it). I don't believe that HasTak will ever do the dinobots so I'm getting the Gigapower ones since I prefer their asthetics to FanToys. Getting the FT Not Insecticons and Not Reflector. MP Hound though a silhouette of MP Hound did come out so there's a rumour that he's coming out soon. I would wait on purchasing 3P Willy or Gun Dog.
  4. MP Bumble Bee has shown up in TRU computers for........$65USD. Bwahahahahaha Next question: How big of a box are they going to use this time?
  5. Another pic of Blastoff. ....now excuse me while I open up not Sunstreaker.
  6. Devy. I posted a link for that price a few posts back. Oh yeah. My PE06 supplier says his supplier is shipping replacement parts for some "loose" parts in that set. Here's crossing my fingers I get new purple hands for free.
  7. UW Bruticus with shuttle and 4 bladed Vortex confirmed.
  8. I want a rematch between carter and that hydra woman.
  9. It was on last night? I'll watch it later.
  10. Tried to watch Cloverfield again but shaky cam made me nauseous and I just wanted to smack the characters. Thankfully this one doesn't seem to be shaky cam footage.
  11. Elbows and guns are one set. New cab, purple hands, better scoop, extending arm, Prowlestator head, and new shoulder are the other set.
  12. Future/Nail polish fixing on the wrists or something else? Not sure about the arm extenders. Looks great lifting the arms up for a more G1 look but the chest piece loses some pegging in points on the treads. Also the treads now dangle loosely. I may 3d print some kind of locking struts to fix that. Oh yeah, and Canadians looking for Devy, walmart.ca has him for $90cdn right now. http://www.walmart.ca/en/ip/transformers-generations-combiner-wars-devastator-figure-set/6000193258501
  13. Picked up PE06 and 07 for Devastator. Completely fixes up his cub foot and the individual robot elbows. Could not care less about the Prowlevastator head. Purple Devy hands are nice but the ball joint wrist isn't strong enough to hold up Devastator gun. Currently drying after being dipped in some Future. Working excavator arms and shovels are a plus.
  14. Exclusive Deluxe Groove and shuttle Vortex wave!! Just like they did for Superion and Menasor. Now THATS a rumor.
  15. Rumoured by TCracker on TFW2005: MasterPiece "bad news - no carbots were announced and it it still kept under wraps. Here is the good news for BW fans. 1) MP Megatron 2) MP Cheetor 3) MP RatTrap" Yeeeeessssssss.
  16. I've only watched it the one time on opening weekend. I did place the preorder for the BluRay as soon as it was available. I'll watch it more than seven times when that comes in.
  17. I've seen CW UM all over the place when they came out but none recently. Here's one selling on Cybertron.ca http://www.cybertron.ca/boards/showthread.php?t=61965&highlight=ultra+magnus+combiner+wars $55
  18. I'm still using my PS3 and PS4. PS4 gets used for Bluray movies and those free PSN games off PS Plus. I now only buy a launch game if it's a game I really really want to play. Otherwise it sits in it's plasticwrap and then I find out I'm gonna get it for free off PS+ anyways and I wasted money. PS3 gets used whenever I feel like taking another crack at RockSmith 2014......New Years resolution That and I still have a bunch of games I've bought and want to play on it like Beyond Good and Evil.....eventually. PSN username is <------------
  19. Mace is up for PO at HLJ. http://hlj.com/scripts/hljlist?GenreCode2=all&Word=star+wars+figuarts&x=0&y=0 so's Captain A: CW http://hlj.com/product/bann03797
  20. This one? http://www.toysrus.com/product/index.jsp?productId=58329236&cp=&parentPage=search I've got it. It's fun and noisy as heck. Wish I could hack the projector to play more stuff then just a generic Leia drawing but it is what it is. Might be something online somewhere.
  21. Godzilla as mutated by the Umbrella Corporation? Ugly as f.
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