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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Ravage arrived today. It's nice. Since I've pretty much given up on most of the CHUG lines to concentrate on MP I find this Ravage looks great alongside Soundwave and Apollyon. Micro cassette Ravage just didn't cut it as he was too small. This one's got some faults too, head isn't as articulated as I wanted cause of the two ball jointed neck and the feet are on t-connectors instead of balljoints but he now big enough to take on the carbots and prime.
  2. I think I'll go fire up my PSP. I've got Thexder as one of my main games there. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP. Please make a stand alone SAP.
  3. K'nan and Ahsoka are fully trained. They must feel the FULL POWER of the darkside(die)!!
  4. I'm waiting to see how they deal with Knaan,Ezra and Ahsokas deaths. Yup. They all gotta die before the end of he series. If they had stayed as ex-Jedi force users on the galactic rim who faded into obscurity it'd be one thing but since they're full on "I'm gonna fight the Empire Jedi's" they've gotta die. Blaze of glory taking out all the Inquisitors at the same time?
  5. Dear god. I've just been reading the newer TPB to catch up and Megatron in the last frame is me. MTMTE is a trainwreck of WTFery that's hard to put down.
  6. MP Ironhide arrived and.....I love it. Satisfying transformation and solid toy. The side hip doors really aren't that big of a deal in person. Looks like crap in pics but when you're playing with it, at least me, you barely notice them even there. That mod done above, not going to work if you want to retain the hip swivel. This MP is a fun MP. I can hear his grumpy voice when I play with him.
  7. I'm not saying a 3P is doing this but that someone like Fanprojects or PE should do it or be working on doing it. That modders already sacrificed his MP to prove that it can be done. 3Ps just need to clean his work up and make their own tweaks.
  8. If it's that one I would wait until a 3P does a upgrade set since the R&D is already done for them they just need to pretty it up. Maybe make a vanette with a bigger windshield but as it is I wouldn't bother cutting into MP Ironhide just yet.
  9. No surprise there. Continuation of the same character from the Clone Wars cartoon.
  10. Figma Bruce Lee is 1/2 price at HLJ. I still prefer my SHF Bruce that showed up late last week. Now I need a little white shirt to complete his look.
  11. Forget what I said about 3P Ratchet being better than Takaras van bots cause it's more expensive. Just saw Uranus's new gallery and it had a comparison of Ironhide standing next to Voodoo Salus and it completely blows Salus out of the water imo. http://robotjapan.proboards.com/thread/23580/mp-27-ironhide?page=5 A mod if you don't like the hip kibble. http://tfnd.net/xf/index.php?threads%2Ftakaratomy-masterpiece-mp-27-ironhide.36619%2F#post-318841
  12. NY has both MP Tracks and MP Road Rage on sale right now. About $10 cheaper than normal.
  13. Some of them are but the price point of 3P's are much higher then the official stuff. For instance using TFSource, MP Ratchet is ~$90usd while Voodoo Salus is $120usd. HLJ = ~$66 for MP Ratchet. For a $30=$$54 difference it better be better, you can almost buy another Takara MP for that, but alot of the time they deviate just enough that it is not the perfect MP is should be.
  14. Quick impression of both straight out of the box. MT Visualizer got a cool holographic chest and fun and posable straight out if the box. No worries putting him through his paces. FT Spotter looks great but goddamn he needs more testing by FT. Limbs are all over tightened so you can barely move them and the side skirts are scary tight because of the plastic shape choices FT made. After reading up at TFW2005 i spent a good hour sanding down plastic so the skirts wont stress and snap off. So far MT is the better toy. Next test will be transforming both into Camera. I'll deal with that during the weekend.
  15. Ya. Read that too. I think I'm going to stick with sunsurge. My MPs are mostly displayed in bot mode and i usually don't display the back of alt mode. I like my bots more toon accurate than toy accurate and having rewatched the original mini series Sunstreaker does not have that giant chest that Spinout has and also isn't taller than Sideswipe. Yes I'm including the height of the airintakes in bot mode. Sunsurge will be a good standin until HasTaks offering. Now onto Reflector Wars! Keeping both but its time for me to unbox FT Spotter to compare to MT Visualizer!
  16. Nice. I still have the original Thunder Megazord but I'm interested in how articulated this Red Dragonzord is.
  17. My issue is MP is supposed to be accurate alt mode to accurate mostly accurate toon mode. BC doesn't do an accurate alt mode because of the back but the toon mode looks good. OG does an accurate alt, but a tad too small, but not an accurate toon mode, more like a accurate toy mode. This is the telling shot. Vehicle mode is smaller. Spinout is closer to the camera so should look slightly bigger if they're the same size in car mode. He's smaller. You may need a tfw2005 account to view it. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/transformers-3rd-party-discussion/990117-omnigonix-v-01-spinout-mp-scaled-sunstreaker.html
  18. I have BC Sunsurge and I'm looking at OG's Spinout. I prefer BC Sunsurge for Bot mode since Sunstreaker is supposed to be a superior fighter and his colours are reminiscent to Bruce Lee's iconic yellow/black, therefore I've always thought of him as a lean mean fighter. Makes sense since a Lambo's a lean mean machine. OG's Spinout looks chunkier, like something out of Dreamwave comics or IDW stuff. I enjoy the comics but I'm not a fan of the look. The back looks cleaner than BC's but I really don't like the Countachs rear sticking out like that on the OG. Alt mode of OG though kicks BC's butt, right in the back end. Breaking it down Omnigonix Spinout: Pro: Alt mode is fantastic Bright Yellow paint Cleaner bot mode Con: Bot mode is fatter(Chest design?) Bot mode is much taller then Sideswipe. IMO They should be about even for twins. Intakes are ugly as f. Alt mode looks a tad shorter and smaller then MP Sideswipe Badcube Sunsurge Pro: Bot mode is lean and mean Car intakes are much nicer Alt mode scale matches Sideswipe More accessories Con: Alt mode backend is ugly Yellow should be brighter Bot mode: BC wins because of my reasons above. Alt mode: Definitely OG. Dilemma: Buy OG as well for the alt-mode or wait for HasTak to release a MP Sunstreaker that should looks great in both modes. Damn 1st World problems.
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