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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

    HLJ is up.
  2. 24980 @NY https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/15984-super-dimensional-fortress-macross-ii-lovers-again-vf-2ss-valkyrie-ii-with-sap-nexx-gilbert.html Still going to wait until reviews first.
  3. Since I've given up on AE being useful and responding to my email I Future'd the tabs and slots and fighter's nice and reasonably solid now. Doubt I can do anything about the wing. Completely agree with Graham's post. I'm waiting until reviews of the SAP come in before I'm buying.
  4. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

    NY shipped.
  5. OT is sacred. PT is trash. I enjoyed TFA glaring plot holes and all. Could've been because of the company I was in. Already preordered but will check to see what the price my local Disney store may sell it for. Don't need the lenticular photos but might be cool.
  6. Bah. Last time I'm ordering from them then. Heat gun and Future polish time it is.
  7. Nope. Gigapower needs to concentrate and release all their Dinobots before jumping to Macross II. If they ever did do a VF2SS I wouldn't worry cause it'd be solid as a rock in all modes. Still no response from A-E about my misformed wing. I'll give them another day or so before sending them another email.
  8. I like how it's got the same screw up as wmchengs awesome VF2SS model. Fold line right across the chest piece.
  9. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

    Nippon Yasan has the Regult in stock.
  10. March's PS Plus free lineup looks great. PS4: BroForce and Galak-Z Been wanting to play Galak-Z for awhile but budget was elsewhere PS3: The Last Guy and Super StarDustHD Old games but Last Guy was fun and Super StarDust was hectic! PS Vita: Flame Over and Reality Fighter Looks interesting.
  11. And Pac Rim 2 is back again http://io9.gizmodo.com/pacific-rim-2-is-back-with-the-man-behind-daredevil-dir-1760941776
  12. I want to love this toy, I love the old Bandit kit but for the price they're selling this at, and this is a toy not a garage kit, I shouldn't need to do much fixing to get it to work/look right. My wing problem looks like they took it out of the mold too early and it curled. That should never have gotten through QC. Maybe I got a fighter mode lemon. Battroid is great but I want all the modes to be decent. Sent a message to Anime Export. Hopefully they can fix the wing issue or something. .... ... ... Frack. Now I've gotta wait for their response before using Futures or super glue to thicken up those tabs.
  13. Here's my flop test of a stock vf2ss. No future or superglue. Also just found out my wing is malformed so it can't stick out straight without flopping. Grrrr
  14. MT Hellfire looks good to me. If I go by https://toyroom.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/sunbow_scale.jpg Sunbow Scale chart than Inferno is just slightly smaller than Iron Hide. MMC's face looks great but seems a little lanky. XTB looks awesome but if that resin/3d printed prototype is the correct scale then I'm out. Scales all wrong for MP. Might work for over sized MP collectors. I also love that Hellfires ladder extends WAAAAY out there compared to the other offerings.
  15. For a holy grail toy it's okay. Just opened mine up. Slightly better than an upscaled bandai kit but at least with the bandai you get SAP armour and two guns. This for the price paid ....eh. Fighter - froppy mess Gerwalk - dunno skipped it Battroid - decent. Diecast : swing bars. Knees. Shoulder bars. Wtf: 1) gun has a tab on it. When you try to close the fist it untabs because of the shape of the grip. 2) knees don't bend because of the stupid back thigh overhang. If it was a panel that moved no problem but it's not. Add in all the other small issues it's like Evolution toys designed it 85% of the way and said," frakk it we're done." So close to making this great. That said though I think I can get some good poses out of it.
  16. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

    Dear god that is the Monster I want. Time to unload the transformable stand ins.
  17. I'm only guessing tonight since NY already has PO for the heavy trooper which news of was released at the same time as Luke(today).
  18. Yup especially when you compare it to what the BS Luke looks like. BS Luke looks like he's wearing drapes. BS collectors will be swarming the Japan sites tonight.
  19. Yeah but there's something to be said of being able to just order something instead of waiting until the middle of the night hitting f5 hoping HLJ will finally put it up.
  20. Anime Export has it in stock. Just asked for shipping payment.
  21. Where are Fort Max's hip guns and handgun? Is HasTak cheaping out on those?
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