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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Caught up with AoS. Coulson Director of Hydra. You can feel the build up to a showdown that's going to coincide with Captain America: Civil War.
  2. Just watched Starship Troopers anime (1988) and even though the character designs are dated I love the mecha design. Truly what Heinlein was imagining when he wrote the novels instead of the Caspar Van Dien movies.
  3. I'd rather HasTak finish off the G1 original mini-series cast before doing the other seasons. They're the main players, the "Legends". Plus they're so close to being done. Finish it! .
  4. I say Red Alert too. Chest isn't clipped in which was a problem on my KO RA. Fixed that though. Bought a real RA.
  5. Very productive at work today. Just need detailing and minute adjustments. Then print in 3D white and BOOM! Ugly swing bars hidden!
  6. Testing stuff I threw together in Tinkercad. It fits!! Now to get around to making it look better.
  7. Probably not much as it's been re-released on at least iOS devices. Day of the Tentacle is getting a remaster soon. http://www.gog.com/game/day_of_the_tentacle_remastered
  8. Been reading the Reddit thread about this movie since I don't give a crap about spoilers for it and yeah......don't expect the same type of movie Cloverfield was. Budget was puny so don't expect a lot of effects or cgi. Original story wasn't a Cloverfield story but was reworked into one. https://www.inverse.com/article/12373-how-10-cloverfield-lane-began-as-a-totally-different-movie Abrahms might be hoping to start a movie franchise using the Cloverfield name. I just know I'm waiting for reviews first before watching this one.
  9. I may have been abit harsh with AE and my floppy wing problem. Just got an email from them saying they were shipping a new VF2SS to me. Hopefully no problems with this one.
  10. KS started 1hr ago and they've already reached their goal. Too pricey to get my name in the disc but the limited edition Car is gonna be mine! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/madoverlord/riding-bean-high-octane-edition-anime-blu-ray?ref=watched_project_launched
  11. Looks like HLJ is up too. https://secure.hlj.com/product/EVT57223/Act
  12. NY https://www.nippon-yasan.com/figures/14032-shfiguarts-luke-skywalker-reissue.html Amazon.com still has one. http://www.amazon.com/Figuarts-Skywalker-Episode-painted-action/dp/B00VHK2L90/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1457058230&sr=8-1&keywords=figuarts+luke+skywalker
  13. Venture is the Blue Morpho!!! This is going to be such a cluster f***!
  14. "Daddy? Daddy?" Wahhhhh. "wait, you abandoned me on a desert planet for xx-years and forgot to come get me?!" "It was for your own good....from a certain point of view." "from. a. certain. point. of. view?!" lightsabre fx "die you bastard! die!!".
  15. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

    Looks like they did. Also knee capped for SHFiguart Luke and AntMan. Ordered all I wanted from HLJ this time and not NY.
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