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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Production values are top notch. I see shades of Macross/Basquash/Akb0048/Escaflowne in the first episode. Still not sure how Freyja wasn't squished Still loving the updated enemy mecha. Looks so much more scary and impressive then the updated destroids. I'm curious how this tv series is going to end. Unlike the last two series the main antagonist, thus far shown, are humans who you can't sing at in mid-battle and make them change their minds. ....unless the ending is some bad dude leader type with a big ol army getting infected with Vars Syndrome and Delta Walkure/Knights must team up and save him and then the world! Ugh I really hope that's not it.
  2. Looks like FT's is out for their fans wallet again. Since dalianjj posted that, and he's FT's rep, it looks like PerfectFusion is an offshoot of FT made to a) fix the potato and b) go after the bigger Dinobot market or challenge GigaPower.
  3. I'd take that with a large helping of salt. That news was posted yesterday, April 1st.
  4. Ignoring you all until I watch it tonight.
  5. Sweet display. Never could find one of the little ones.
  6. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

    Could be the camera angle, could be that the Glaug legs are too stretched out and not sitting on it's haunches like in the scale chart. Comparing to the GPB though it does look small.
  7. Archer reviews every James Bond movie. https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=116&v=NXee0DoiLzw
  8. Haven't seen it and after all the reviews won't see it in theatres. For those that have is it true they're trying to lay the groundwork for the JL movie here instead of doing a slow build up like Marvel did in the after credits in the early movies?
  9. Thanks for the shots. Forum software for whatever stupid reason rotates phone pictures. What are in those packing crates?
  10. Toyworld Devastator looks to be an awesome toy. Straight out of that Studio Ox drawing. Sadly my slavish devotion to G1 Toon MP toys prevents me from buying this thus I must live vicariously through those that do.
  11. When I work on stuff, driving, sports etc I have music/radio/news radio/tv blasting. It is not stuff I focus on. I have it there as white/background noise. If it offends others that I call it white noise I offer no apologies. That is my opinion and what I use the material they created as. I'm sure James Cameron doesn't care that I call Avatar white noise, or GNR AFD or U2's Joshua Tree or Mozarts Symphony no 40 etc. If I'm at a concert, music festival, theatre, working the airshow, watching a movie or tv show I focus and enjoy the sounds and if you've every been with me to concerts you wouldn't say I'm not a fan. Whether I'm a fan of Delta or not remains to be seen. It's only been one episode.
  12. I can read both posts in less than 1 sec then if I were to say that in audible conversation which would take possibly 10 secs. Now if it were multiple persons talking in a normal ebb and flow of conversation then you're talking a significant amount of time required for possible only a small bit of information that you're seeking. That is not something I personally am interested in investing time in. Music, audiobooks, podcasts are all white noise to me. If podcasts are your thing then cool. Keep it up. Happy that you guys are doing something that makes you happy. Some of us would and do appreciate a quick written summary. Graham asked a simple request. Paraphrased, "can you guys write a summary or a transcript?" He didn't say anything about not making the podcast he's asking if the podcasters would supplement it. Added value from the guys doing the podcasts. Instead how many of you are jumping on him for that? This is Graham, of Shawn and Grahams Macrossworld, the guy that when he had ties directly to Yamato showed us early prototype pics, took all our concerns to Yamato and brought back their responses with no expectations except that he was helping a fellow fan with no strings attached.
  13. Those weren't scans. Pair of calipers, a ruler and 3D program to create the fast packs.
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