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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Doesn't look you'll ever stop collecting then. I don't see a snowballs chance in hell of anyone making an official Mighty Orbots. Too much of a clone of God Mars. The Bismarck has a chance, as does Dangaio as they've both had toys (popy or revoltech) made of them and are needing of an update.
  2. Hmm...they managed to getting the cats sitting, kinda. Chrome legs still aren't hidden. Voltron dimensions aren't too shabby. Need more pics.
  3. Through all the doom and gloom of Marvel Comics writting out mutants because of Fox, Marvel TV is now co-producing a new X-Men tv show. Will this show feature crossovers with AoS or Netflix Marvel? If that happens this could be huge. Fingers crossed http://www.cnet.com/news/x-men-marvel-tv-show-coming-fox/ http://nypost.com/2016/07/13/fox-is-developing-an-x-men-tv-series/
  4. Hmm...I guess it can be read that way. Carry on.
  5. You know there's a Figuarts thread right?
  6. Yah. We don't talk about torrents of commercially available shows.
  7. Damn you! Some punk took Dangard Ace and Dangard! Fragglesnadgasgasgagavaeradsf.
  8. Dead or Alive just became a must buy for me. Nippon Ichi! http://kotaku.com/dead-or-alive-last-round-adds-the-perfect-king-of-figh-1783414545
  9. FT's version of Bombshell and Shrapnel are nice and transformation holds together really well. You'll have to live with the leg backpacks but they're not in the way much. Head on they're gorgeous toon replications. Forager/Kickback I've only played with in bot mode. First thing I did was loosen up the screws on the shoulders as I too read about the problems with him on tfw2005. He's doing a superhero landing pose right now. Haven't transformed it so don't know how much of a pain it is. I like BadCubes Warpath, Brawn and Sunstreaker. Couldn't get myself to buy their version of insecticons as they look too boxy and stumpy to me.
  10. They are slightly different but hey no two storm troopers are the exact same height. It's not like they're clones are anything....
  11. Same here. Scaling isn't too far off from the figuarts/black line that I may get Rey since I'm ambivalent to Hasbros version and Figuarts hasn't announced any heroes from TFA at all.
  12. FT is apparently bringing the prototype of Skyfire to TFCon next month so the wait for that might be over. My 3Ps are a mix of FT(reflector, and insecticons), Gigapower, MT, Badcube, MMC etc. Whomever makes the best representation for the G1 season 1 cast that I like gets my money. I like the look of some of FTs toys but as far as I'm concerned they aren't the be all end all. That said I like the way their Hound looks better then MTs and they're doing a Skyfire. The only other Skyfire out there was by a guy infamous on these boards and I wasn't going to support that product (and thank god I didn't. The drama!)
  13. Damn you making me open my mib Ultron. ..... . No problems rotating any of his joints. Sounds like you got a lemon.
  14. Just picked up MPP10. This is a beautiful OS OP. Taller then MP1, MP10 aesthetics, better paint ap. Love this thing. What Autobot decal are people buying to put on his shoulder? Plus any after market hands? Can't believe they didn't include more articulated hands on this KO.
  15. Nice. Haven't flown any planes mainly quads. Closest I've every come is the Air Hogs X-Wing which I'm going to mod with a bigger battery.
  16. My v2 is great. No issues at all. Only nitpick is the legs are a bit too stubby for Meg's. Which means I dislike MTs Despotron because the arms and legs are chunky monkey. Okay one issue. That damn orange plug in the silencer is slathered in superglue and won't come off.
  17. Series is done? Sweet! Binge watching time.
  18. Not an action figure but this things gonna be fun!!
  19. Does anyone remember this old Japanese video from either the 80's or 90's where there's this power suited guy fighting a giant plucked chicken from a chinese market stand? One of those so bad it's good movies. I think there were aliens involved as well. Anything I search for on google just turns up Iron Man suits. Nevermind, found it. Dark Soldier D.
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