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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. And this is a toy I just got around to opening up. HasLab Ghostbusters 2 PKE Meter and Trap. Will look good with my HasLab Proton Pack for next Halloween.
  2. HAPPY NEW YEAR!! ***MODERATOR HAT ON****** New rules for this thread for the New Year of 2025. 1). Maximum uploads of 3 pictures of a toy even if you bought two. That means if you bought DC Batman you can post a combination of boxed and opened pics of up to three here. Anymore than three will get the post deleted. If you bought another copy of the same DC Batman toy that does not constitute as a different toy and does not earn you three new photos. The moderation team considers that spamming and will be deleted. Text link to an external photo gallery if you have more than three pictures to share. 2). Image size: Height maximum per toy will now be set to 2400pixels for 3 pictures combined. That means one high resolution picture at 2400pixels or three decent resolution picture of 800pixels each. Choose your picture(s), less is more. ***MODERATOR HAT OFF******
  3. Will watch stuff: Solo Leveling S2 Apothecary Diaries S2 Sakamoto Days I May be a Guild Receptionist S-Rank Behemoth Sentai Red Aquarion Kinnikuman S2 Movies Kaiju 8 Ninja Batman Maybes are Unnamed Memory S2 and 100 GF's S2. Only watched episode 1 of season of each and....haven't felt the need to go back.
  4. I got mine a couple of weeks ago. Still haven't put it together since I read that it's as big as a Transformers Titan class toy. Yeah....not sure where I would put it so it's still in box right now.
  5. This Christmas's Doctor Who didn't have .....terrifying emergency. No arachnoid alien ship, runaway brides, murderous angelic robots, intelligent snow, no running around screaming and being loud. Just a suitcase. Joy to the World was relatively quiet. A different change of pace. The Doctor WILL RETURN. oh, and Doctor Who at the Proms 2024 last night was nice as well. Hosted by said Runaway Bride.
  6. Ooo that was a fun Pirate-y/Goonies episode! Traps! Quests! Hijinks! Betrayal! Just missing some Pincers of Perils!
  7. Watched the first episode. Enjoyed the Draconic Goddess showing up. I'll watch the rest when I've got time.
  8. Got the Aerialbots and Waspinator off Pulse. Skipped everything else.
  9. Started rewatching Patlabor the TV and it's so good. The Ingram and Noa kicking ass in "real robot" action is where it's at. Nothing recently compares to it.
  10. New stuff on the way according to FullForce podcast The MCM London G.I. Joe panel has given us name only reveals for Retro Flint, Retro Covergirl and Tele Viper as well as these awesome renders for Blowtorch and Frag Viper so far…
  11. Chow Brick is the store. Jie Star is the company making the ko lego set.
  12. ShowZ, ChowBrick, Gundammit. Same store just split into differenent websites but use the same user id/paassword. ShowZ (original just TF and 3P TF) was getting crowded with Gundam, Gundam KO stuff and mecha. TF fans complained that it was hard to search for stuff so they split into ShowZ and Gundammit. Then they added ChowBrick for the lego people and GKLoot for anime statue people. Not sure when/what 77figure came along and no idea what that sells. I've ordered many many times from ShowZ, a few from Gundammit and a couple of times from ChowBrick.
  13. I ordered one a couple of days ago. Can always complain to ShowZ if the bricks are shit. Didn't know where to put the thread either so I left it alone. I just hope these bricks are better than those used by the GI Joe not-Legos set. Those vehicle designs and bricks were pretty much garbage. Good thing those were on discount and I really just wanted the mini-figs.
  14. Star Wars X Transformers Mandalorian N-1 Starfighter From HasbroPulse website. If this was the RazorCrest, maybe. N-1 is an easy pass for me.
  15. Saw it too. It was fun. Just missing the Yap Papa OP song to make it really nostalgic. New Stuff: NegiPosi Angler - something about fishing give it a shot Mecha-Ude - gotta have something mechanical in this show right? Dan da Dan - no idea poster was colorful Give it a shot Healer Banished is the strongest - do I? Don’t I? Seems I’ve seen this formula before You are Ms Servant - Assassin turned maid Give it a shot until Sakamoto Days shows up Goodbye Dragon Life - not sure but it’s got dragons Give it a shot Dragon Ball Daima - Toriyamas final DB? Hell yes Continuation stuff SAO GGO S2 - more SAO World stuff DanMqchi - Familial Fight! MF Ghost - I drift cool cars! Blue Lock - I’m an ego maniac that’ll take 30 mins to kick a ball! my Hero - eh I know how the manga ends Screw it I’m watching till the end! Bleach - gotta finish the story One Piece - my treasure! My precious! Plus it’s finally finishing Aristocrat Appraisal - I binged S1 last week Surprised I liked it since most isekai stuff doesn’t appeal to me
  16. Prof McGonagall has passed. RIP.
  17. Heavy Duty and Law&Order revealed. SAW Viper, DialTone, Leatherneck Starduster and Zandar are up on Pulse.
  18. Don't forget there's a new G1 Sunstreaker mold. The way the legs in the prototype are rotated make me think that's a Missing Link toy. FYI: Takara lost the OG G1 Sunstreaker molds so this showing up is exciting. Means Official DInobots, Wheeljack can possible be back on the table.
  19. Also revealed https://news.tfw2005.com/2024/09/13/haslab-omega-prime-color-prototype-on-exhibit-at-the-transformers-40th-anniversary-expo-520851 Japans 40th is pretty much stealing todays HasPulseCon thing thunder.
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