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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. She'll always be the First Lady of Star Wars. Always.
  2. Gotta say I disagree with bot mode. That's not my MP Arcee. It looks like they took a standard female figure, threw some box shapes on it and called it Arcee. High heels, super feminine curves, tiny head. Nuh uh. Looks more like one of the armored Gundam girls than Arcee. Totally agree with alt mode and Generations Arcee. I'll take an OS KO Arcee for my MP Arcee.
  3. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

    That's awesome.
  4. Was it not because VW/Porsche was being a b***** w/re to licensing out their vehicles for "war" toys? Glad they caved for Bee which means there's a chance that TT will release a MP soon cause it's Jazz wars right now. Now regarding Downbeat I don't see how TT/OM/FT are going to have a better looking Jazz. The alt mode is slightly off but bot mode, it's pretty much spot on. I consider Downbeat like OM Sphinx. As soon as Sphinx got released it was mic drop. No one else even tried to beat it. Sphinx IS Mirage for the vast majority of the fandom.
  5. Megs: Woot! Check out my gigantic Boob plate! Still getting one for the trashed Megatron look but Mightron is still my Decepticon Commander.
  6. Eh, not an issue with me. Truck campers rarely match trucks so it being off works fine. The grey on the doors and windshield, depending on how hard it is to access a bit of black paint and it's all good. I'll have to wait and see what it actually looks like when I get it.
  7. Glad I didn't order this or Grapple or Megatron. I'll stick to 3P until they start adding detail back into the alt modes. BUT I'll still get MP Beast Wars. They're just PRIME.
  8. Five years later we get season three of Young Justice. I'll take it. Better than that Teen Titans stuff that's airing. http://411mania.com/movies/young-justice-season-three-is-officially-happening/
  9. It's the black lion. It's too thick and stumpy. Upper forelegs are a few mm too wide, the chest crest should be narrower and taller. Voltron's combined mode arms should be ending mid thigh but they reach down to the knees.
  10. It's a partformer. The way Mightron transforms those pieces can't be integrated.
  11. Add in my 3D printed add ons and it looks even better if I do say so myself.
  12. Maketoys Downbeat is amazing. Looks like Jazz walked right out of the cartoon. Just like Ocular Max Sphinx. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/threads/maketoys-mtrm-9-downbeat-mp-jazz.1076382/
  13. Eh really? It's not on some wild tangent still? Guess I'll check it out.
  14. A little throwback as I needed some good Macross to listen to. https://youtu.be/bQEiZ75CiuE
  15. Not much different than the old Quad falcon except it's got a barometric sensor. Not rebuying but if you don't have one it's fun. Speeder bike version looks fun. People are definitely going to run those into plants or crash them a lot. Nope not buying. As cool as it looks I'd rather get a hubsan cause it's smaller faster and more manueverable. I kinda like the USS Enterprise quad they're making. Blades all hidden in the saucer section. Might buy that as the Enterprise is as iconic as the falcon.
  16. Voltes V!! Someone upped the entire eng dub series onto YouTube.
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