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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Which means mine ships out in a day or two cause I didn't choose EMS shipping. Well at least this completes the first Avengers movie (plus Black Panther).
  2. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

    I can confirm this. NY will understate the value of your object.
  3. Adult Swim is marathon streaming all the episodes until season 5 http://www.adultswim.com/videos/streams/samurai-jack
  4. Definitely looking forward to this more then any other anime announcements currently. SHF Yuki is a must buy. ......good god it's going to be really expensive if Bandai decide to do the entire cast of Yamato in SHF.
  5. Know what would be a twist for a new Macross series. No Jeniuses in it but instead have a Ichijyo character. And have this character be all, "I don't want to talk about it" by everyone around him/her constantly asking him/her about Megaroad 1/Hikaru/Misa.
  6. Yup Leafs. They're not sucking as badly as I want them to this year so that kinda sucks. Not sure how I'm coming across as strict here. I'm just saying that since these toys are officially licensed by Hasbro, even though these companies normally do not make licensed TF toys, they'll get more exposure in the TF thread instead of here. MAS-1, for instance, isn't in the 3P Discussion board section of TFW2005. It's in the News and Rumors area.
  7. Nice as those OPs are because they are licensed as official toys by Hasbro I would put them in the normal Transformers thread and not in the 3rd Party thread.
  8. Tokyo's going all in on anime mascots. They are: Son Goku, Sailor Moon, Naruto, Atom, Shin Chan, Pretty Cure, One Piece. Mario and the plumber boys get snubbed. Not anime enough? http://www.konbini.com/en/entertainment-2/goku-2020-tokyo-olympics/ http://nextshark.com/tokyo-2020-olympic-ambassadors/ Tokyo Olympics are scheduled to kick off on July 24 - August 9, 2020.
  9. bah. I hope they sell the capes like the ActrAct Brother capes. Not going to be rebuy a ~$50 figure for abit of cloth.
  10. Introduced my nephew to Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann! So I guess I've started rewatching that again.
  11. Cool photos! and Metroplex just sits chilling in the back. "Ain't my fight."
  12. Jesus! SoC Golion's jumped by over 10,000yen! Glad I got it when NY first got new stock. Only a 1000yen jump from PO. Wasn't going to get it cause I thought it was going to be tiny and not worth the price but when that first shot of it beside Daltanius and Toynami Voltron showed up it was a buy.
  13. Yeah. Pissed me off since I was supporting them by not buying the japanese releases in favour of the NA releases. Not trusting their brand again. Thankfully I was able to pick up the Japanese Yamato versions for the final few episodes.
  14. Originally I was using TR Blaster as a stand in for MP Blaster but with the recent eBay flash sales I decided to pick up KFC Transistor. Yup TR Blaster is officially getting bumped off the MP Shelf. It looks so good I keep hearing in my head Blasters scene in the movie, "Optimus Prime do you read me? The decepticons are blitzing Autobot City. We're REALLY taking a pounding!" Just need Jazz(Downbeat) and I've got the all the cool bots from the first two seasons. Not sure what I'm gonna do with TR Blaster. Soooo chunky...
  15. Toyworld Constructor v1 wasn't even on my list of buy cause of the Studio OX head and silver thighs but now that they've gone G1'ish on the boxset I'm considering it. MT Jazz - Dropping in January and looks like to beat CNY. Too soon! Didn't budget it in for January. Gigapower saying they're going to release Swoop and Sludge this year with a possibility of Grimlock as well? Hell ya.
  16. Apparently there'll be a KO of the Daca version with a fixes done to it. I find FT is a bit too heroic looking for a scientist so if the KO fixes all the issues, looks good and is a good price it might be a contender.
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