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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. I can wait. They made stuff like dygenguar and tobikage stuff and zambot. If Daizyujin sells as well as it seems it is Dairenoh could be a possibility. Besides Bandai is running out of robots to turn into SoC.
  2. Naw. I don't need to collect another line. My TRU had the black/gold version on their shelves for months. Couldn't pull the trigger then. If it's part of SoC I'll get it. SRC .... maybe.
  3. That Megazord didn't really resonate with me until the Dragonzord showed up. I'll wait for the first ThunderMegazord to show. I love robot dragons.
  4. Hate friend codes. Such a pita. Also i currently suck at Mario Kart. Haven't played it since Wii/DS lite. Loving the dlc 1 coming for Zelda. Map tracking, fast travel, hard mode, horde mode to unlock the "real" master sword. New and costumes too. Majora, twilight, korok etc.
  5. Hmmm guess I'm never transforming my Megs when he finally arrives off the slow boat(SAL). My buddy broke his barrel as well.
  6. Woot! My buddy Brent at EA Montreal is working on that game!
  7. Zelda goals: Down to 1 Shrine maxed out the Ancient armor need to work on the others gonna start star farming since I've gotten most of the Amiibo armors from my friend gotta hunt down the bazillion Koroks seeds * finally got a 20 heart WolfLink. Time to run around with him and piss monsters off. Kick Ganon's ass Sleep That's as good as I'm gonna do without "help". Going to start looking for clues online now cause finding the things now is going to be a grind. *I'm cheap. Didn't buy the strategy guide.
  8. Yup. Haven't seen one EVER. I want a legit box but if they're going to make it this hard to buy one I'm gonna go bake a Raspberry Pi on them.
  9. It was a two parter? Gahhh! (turns off Zelda and rushes to computer)...
  10. I was gonna watch this opening night....then Friday afternoon...and now I'll watch it at home. Thank god I waited to see reviews first.
  11. Tried to login to Splatoon a few times but no events were running. Tons of easy stationary Guardians to pick off in the ...Forgotten Temple? Gonna buy SnipperClips and Master Blaster one of these days but I'm in no rush until after I finish Zelda.
  12. Oops. Completely forgot this was coming. Gotta finish my marathon of the old seasons first.
  13. I let everyone on the Robot Japan forums do the work while I lurk there. Half those guys are/were members here at some point in time.
  14. Man.....125hrs in and I don't have the gear you guys have.... Guess I gotta stop doing every shrine and side quest and Koro searching and start farming parts...
  15. Yup. I don't need a stupid flashing twirly fight (Revenge of the Sith...blegh). Obi Wan and Maul is just closure. Quick and decisive is exactly how I wanted this confrontation. One extra season for them to wrap up their deaths....or them leaving the Jedi.
  16. Yup there are flying one. Easiest way to kill the damn things is to stasis them and use Ancient arrow to the eye a few times.
  17. Today's episode Twin Suns, was the Maul/OB1 showdown. And the last scene....it's all coming so close to the beginning of Eps 4. Ezra and Kanan don't have much time life.
  18. Man Hemsworth would've fit right in with the original Predator cast with his Thor workout. http://www.today.com/health/chris-hemsworth-s-high-intensity-workout-he-preps-thor-something-t109147
  19. Yup I know of the great fairy. I just forgot about her. haha. Best recipe I've done so far is 5 Hearty Durians. Full Recovery and a bunch of extra yellow hearts.
  20. Haha. This. I do the exact same thing with bombs. Did not know you could upgrade the armor. I've just been running around trying to tag all the spires and shrines. Think I'm between 25-30 shrines now. The rock covered lightning shrine was fun. "Which metal weapon do I want to sacrifice to open this shrine up?" Climb on top. Drop weapon. RUNAWAY. No boom? Creep closer....BOOM.
  21. Walked into an EB Games at 10am this morning. Walked out at 10:15apm with a Switch and Zelda. Now to see which HDMI port I have free on my entertainment system.
  22. Starblazers can kiss my ###. After they bailed on releasing the final two Blurays they have zero loyalty from me to buy anything. Also no subs no sale.
  23. Just a reminder that talking or implying about the current POTUS or his administration is against the rules under the no politics section. Now back to our regularly scheduled rounds of picking apart the current Valk-o-the-day. Or shipping woes. I'm in the group for "cheapest as long as it gets there" group. That means NY for the most part for me.
  24. Primal wins and the next MP is BW Dinobot? Hmmm......cue x files music.
  25. Munkey! Not Trukk! Primal won Power of the Primes.
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