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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Yup. Yup. Those nacelles look alot better but still too much blue light for my tastes. It's not supposed to get blinged out like that until the TMP.
  2. So anybody watch the season finale? That ship they meet at the end looks too advanced for the timeline.
  3. The MTME miniseries is what hooked me on TF. Sherman Dam with Rumble and Hound just made love the characters. I like almost all of OM Remix. I would love them to give me the Autobot cassettes. I just can’t bring myself to buy the KFC cassettes to go with Transistor.
  4. The cassettes were my favs back as a kid. Small. Portable. Enough articulation but you still needed your imagination to play with them. That said even if OM does stumble on a few bots I’m overall very happy with their stuff. And I need a new background and a bigger lightbox
  5. I’d love to see more updated anime’s of SoC super robots. There hasn’t been any in awhile.
  6. Ah the old Doctor Who's. "Ah my time has come! And we've no budget for special effects so let's over lay the films and regenerate!" 1 min and fx budget is spent, "here's the new Doctor!" Also you've got to stop watching it at 1/2 speed if you think it's a 2hour soliloquy. The Xmas Specials are only 45min-50mins depending on commercials. Ecclesons send off was him saving the human race at the end of his season, never even made it to the Christmas special. They gave him 5mins and poof Tennant! Tennant had the longest sendoff what with him wandering around for episodes moping before his famous, "I don't want to go!" Kinda made sense since at that time RTD had DW, Torchwood and Sarah Jane Smith Chronicles all interweaving with each other somehow and that giant crossover! Wooo! Smith....well...actually I don't remember how long his send off was, was it just the Xmas Special or did it include the lead up to the Xmas special? I just wanted the flailly doctor to end. Capaldi's "woe is me schtick, life sucks and I'm tired of saving the universe" after losing Jenna got boring. In between those periods when he was being clever was fun though.
  7. So this is Moffats and Capaldis puttering send off? Not quite as good as Ninth, Tenth or Elevens. At least there was a cameo by a fan fav/hated character. Ties up that loose end.
  8. Hmmm. Gives off an Avatar-ish vibe with that face. Wasn’t the biggest HeMan/SheRa fan but I’ll give the first few episodes a shot.
  9. Anyone that thinks that the prequels are better are dead to me. Really. I saw TPM once at the theatre and the other two prequels on tv. The more I watched the more I hated the prequels. Refused to buy the Blurays for that trilogy. TFA I saw 3x at the theatres, Rogue One 2x and I own both in Bluray and digitial download. Can't wait to own TLJ. I guess you can call this a balancing of the force. People that like the Prequels hate the new trilogy. People that hate the Prequels like the new trilogy.
  10. I for one am glad there's at least some Asian representation in a highly visible franchise and not as a background throwaway character. Also that she's not one of those hot asian supermodels turned actresses but a normal person. (.....thought the movie could use some hot asian supermodels.....) Well I was trying not to spoiler anything but I'm in the same boat. I love the OT, hate the Prequels, loving the new trilogy. Meaning Han, Leia and Luke have to die. They're old now. They're not going to be jumping around slashing and blasting shit up like in the OT saving the galaxy. This trilogy is giving them their send offs while bringing in new blood. The Force is NOT the Skywalkers. "It's an energy field created by all living things. It surrounds us and penetrates us; it binds the galaxy together." It includes them but they aren't the be all end all of it. Goddamn prequels and their stupid midichlorians.... And yes those Resistance self-sacrifice scenes were pretty cool.
  11. Saw it last night. Loved it. This is a reworked Empired except bleaker plus clearing out of the old heroes to make way for the new generation. Empire/FO counter attack. Luke/Rey goes to find a master. Luke acted exactly as I expected him to when Rey shoved his old lightsaber into his hermit craggy face. Poe getting some character building so he can help lead the "Rebellion". Luke and Ben Solo flashbacks. They're all correct....from a certain point of view. Finns story felt forced and almost pointless until the ending scene. Hope. Lastly no fricken flowery light saber battles.
  12. "Alas poor Optimus. I knew him well..."
  13. So they're bringing back the car breaking bonus round. What about the barrels? I sold SFII because it didn't have either.
  14. Whos else is waiting for the toys to show up? Flowery robot body is in the movie, hope it self destroys itself since it's not suited to Panzer Kunst. Maybe the Berzerker body shows up.... would love a roller blade body but that's probably in the future.
  15. Completely forgot about this. Does Ido still get his rocket hammer?
  16. The first two episodes gave off a Dead Space vibe, which was really cool. Now that they're in space I'm hoping an Asgardian shows up again.
  17. AH. Well thanks anyways always good to have a headsup.
  18. Either that’s a prime deal or it’s sold out. It’s $245 right now.
  19. I might only buy Dragon Caesar. The fact that he stomped all over Daizyujin originally was cool. Maybe I'll get Megazord when it drops to $200usd. Cheapest is Chosen Prime at $250 right now but I don't get free shipping since I'm not in the states. Plus I'm running out of space, gotta be picky now. haha
  20. Sweet jeebus! Crap I'm going to have to hunt down a SOC Megazord aren't I? C'mon ThunderZords! Dangard needs a new red dragon!
  21. Wooooo!!! Can't wait! The real Fantastic family movie is back! I hope the villain is small winged rodent themed.
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