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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. I can verify that. A couple of friends went to see it and couldn't stop talking/singing the songs for a week. http://www.geocities.com/cobra_musical/home.htm Evil Dead: the musical was a hoot though. Great fun and laughs from beginning to end. (I want the Soundtrack!!) http://www.evildeadthemusical.com/ http://www.geocities.com/lostnprofound/evildead.html
  2. Hmmm... I don't really care too much if they haven't improved the graphics alot. FM3 was all about the story and gameplay. If they build on that I'll be happy.
  3. Thank you come again. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...26&t=913&st=140
  4. I'll keep my 1/60's. They're my "main" line of macross toys as I can pick up almost all the varients easily. The 1/48's are very nice but they're dang expensive and I'm running out of shelf space. For that scale I'm just picking up my favorites.
  5. Post any fixes for this problem in the sticky thread up above. All these loose threads get buried in days.
  6. Now THAT is a Unicron I could like. Maybe I'll do that when I pick up a second one.
  7. More then three songs. Plus I usually end up buying soundtracks or stuff from guys like Paul Oakenfold/Chem.Bros etc. Usually the length of one of theirs songs is 3x the size of a song from 'popular' bands/singers.
  8. That was Universal I think. As for CD prices....I just hit the used CD shops. I hate paying full price for new CD's...unless the CD is really really good(more then 3 songs I like.)
  9. Keep it HG, BW,(....etc) related people. We've got PM for everything else(ie. where's your Av from?)
  10. If you like looking at girls/boys in costumes:no problem. If you want to look at the cool costumes and the work that went into them:no problem. If you have a funny reaction (ie. Ieeee!! I'm blind!) or a critique:no problem. If you have to maliciously insult or attack a person, then we have a problem.
  11. As long as they've got skippable FMV(unlike ROR...shudder) I'll get it. I loved FM3. B)
  12. Sticks head next to facehugger pod "TAKE ME NOW!! C'MON! DO IT!!" *pod quivers abit and.........goes back to sleep* "STUPID PIECE OF XENOMORPH TRASH!!"
  13. I'll let you take up the copyright issue with Nanashi/Windjammer.
  14. No idea what you're talking about but this is in the wrong section. ---moving to feedback---- please stand by-------------
  15. Fun's fun but enough already. ) DA
  16. Capt Rico: maybe you should ask them first before taking their images. Right at the bottom of their webpage.... ©2003 Nanashi's Information Group -Translation by Miyuki Saito / Edited by Ezekiel Letourneau >> Please do not copy or re-distribute.
  17. PS2 version cause that's what I got.
  18. Looking good. :thumbsup: It's been awhile since I've looked at some of those re-designs. Love the BT shadowhawk cover. Always did like images of machines with all their "toys" laid out in front of them. oh wait....the hunchback image isn't showing.
  19. Big chunk of my Yammies from Animextreme. Bandai's I've traded for here.....and the rest from HLJ and eBay.
  20. Good luck with your site. I'll drop by to practice my french reading once in awhile. B)
  21. cool. They look good. Let me know when you get the Macross and Totoro icons done.
  22. Easy. 1) posts that contain smilies are usually said in a humorous manner unless it's the angry smilie. For a moderator on another board you should know this. 2) fine you don't want want to be treated like a noob. Don't go walking into another forum and act like everyone should respect your opinion just because you mod somewhere else. We don't know you from Joe, Jack or Jim from down the street. Though I do appreciate you trying to calm down Isamu. "Everything will look better in the morning." 3) why the hell do I want to come back to Earth when the view is so much better up here?? SuperOstrich: yeah you are more easy going. If you were anymore easygoing we'd have to pour you into a bucket and place that beside a computer to get any modding done. TheLoneWolf: "wah wah wah, feel sorry for me cause I get a hundred angry PM's a day, wah wah wah!"
  23. I just asked a question... Guess I should have put a happy smilie after that. Oh and before you go off and get all huffy I'm not bucking for mean mod, I'm the easy going one. Until someone does something stupid that is and I'll slap them down just as hard as anyone else.
  24. Ah just wait until we get our mod "power ups!". That's when you'll have to worry about us being mean.
  25. 1/72 = 7 1/60 = 10 1/48 = 2
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