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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Read and be enlightened. .
  2. Downtown TO: Chinatown Centre. There's only one game store there. Elsewhere: Pacific Mall. It's one of the outer edged stores. Sorry, been awhile since I've been there. As for best console for anime and mecha related, my votes for PS2. Plenty of anime-type games that've satisfied my anime/gaming needs.
  3. Sweet. Looks really good so far. Keep it up wm. Oh yeah, I just missed you at Animextreme today. 5 mins!! Oh well, maybe next time. B)
  4. Hey Kanata, he meant Mac = Macross. B)
  5. Check the mainpage. Links to all sorts of toy pics. Ah screw it here.
  6. Wow. Over at tfw2005 they've named the guy that did the dirty deed. Tony's really pissed.
  7. SuperRobotWars Alpha Gaiden I think. Wait for Abombz!! to show up. She'll be able to tell you which version.
  8. Must get non-transforming Hikaru and a squadron of Regults....mmm.... B) Nice scans Graham!
  9. Too bad TokyoPop's translation during the last few volumes....were not "100% authentic manga"! I still love the show but the manga has a better laid out story.
  10. 1/60 scale. Size, space, price, and it's got plenty of 1/60 valks to keep it company.
  11. Yup, same with on my SDF-1 toy. Which is why you have to be very careful or you can try some drops of oil to loosen them up.
  12. They slide out away from each other. Be very careful at this point or you'll break the bridge.
  13. Ask Sebastian. I've only seen it at another toy board that some of us MWer's frequent.
  14. Settle it back to the topic or I'm locking this thread. Have a nice day.
  15. Um... Sabastian that's not Minmay, that's Ishtar from Macross 2. You have to take a closer look to see that's not her. Nope. Minmay's dress is removable and has underwear. Right Graham??
  16. Nope. No idea where it went. I thought it was pretty fun.
  17. Ah, Toy2. Been there a few times. They're a very decently priced store. They also got alot of cool non-macross anime stuff too. Pacific Mall....I don't buy any toys from there anymore. Ever since Pacific Models(?) closed shop, the other toy place jacked the prices up 20%. Screw that. I'll go to Animextreme(downtown) where the prices are competitive. Wumzi: no problem. Some of the owners are anime fans too and they know alot of us here have connections overseas so they try not to overcharge us too much. That and we'll go to the next closest store for better deals at a drop of a hat.
  18. Not necessarily. I do my shopping at a few local(toronto) anime shops and you can get the valks you want for as cheap as what some of our more reknowned sellers sell them for minus the shipping. You have to pay in ca$h and put a pre-order in with them.....*cough*valkyrie-beggar*cough*... Besides I just want to know where Caufield's getting his valks. Same place I do means the guys are doing good business. Different place means another source for me to check out. B) BSU: Hase's go for about $40cdn for normal VT's. Armored ones go for about $50cdn.
  19. So....where are these "fair priced" Yamatos? Oh yeah, welcome to MacrossWorld.
  20. I wonder if he's going to act in his slippers again. :D
  21. B) Nice to see you back Burn.
  22. Well Kevin's running his contest again. Check it out in the Macross Dealers Announcement section. ...or go here.
  23. Hayden's hair looks like a mullet. B) Hmmm....at least this guy looks menacing in that get up. Can't wait to see how they disfigure him.
  24. Feel free to contribute to the discussion already going in the Legal thread. B) http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...26&t=153&st=240
  25. My other obsession?? Women.
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