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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. I would not bring a 10yr old to this movie especially if he's heavily invested in Marvel Characters. This would be almost as bad as the 1984 Transformers movie where Optimus Prime dies.
  2. Dude all the “original” Avengers were unknown to the general movie going public. Iron Man? Who dat? Robert Downey Jr ... sure I’ll watch it. Thor.... some European god thing I read about back in grade school? Eh, Iron Man was good I’ll watch it. Captain America...gets a pass. Everyone knows about Cap cause he’s as famous as Supes, Batman or WW. Black Widow/Hawk who? Build up movies IM had 2, Thor and Cap had one. Black widow and Hawkeye none. Hulk is 0, 1 or 2 depending on if you count by movies or if you count the different actors playing Banner. Then Avengers movie stormed into the scene. Carol Danvers been getting massive attention from Marvel for the last decade or so. She’s cosmic scaled power if she gets to power up to Binary. They'll need that. As for JLA2, Aquaman and WW2. Unless they up the storytelling they’re going to be second tier hero movies. JLA was lacking, even one of their actresses said so. WW looked so much like Captain America. I still really like it but...comparisons. Aquaman....eh. Dragos got better things to do. Darkseids when he finally shows is going to come out looking like a cheap version of Thanos at this point. Captain Marvels upcoming movie seems to be her origin movie as I believe it's set in the 90's. Sam Jackson as Nick Fury will be in it.
  3. Sam Jackson is Nick Fury: super spy guy extraordinare. In the original Iron Man movie post credit he introduced the Avengers initiative. The woman was Maria Hill, high ranking SHIELD agent and Fury’s right hand woman. The hi tech pager imagery is foreshadowing one the new Marvel movies coming and that that hero is part of the solution to what Thanos just did.
  4. No way Silver Surfer could’ve been written into the script. Disney’s acquisition of Fox is still too new. We’ve no idea how they’re gonna fold the XMen into the the MCU let alone the FF and their villains. Warlock would’ve been a cool reveal but I’m guessing they’re leaving that for GotG Vol3. As for Nova (Richard Ryder) no way. He got spanked in the original Infinity War, no WorldMind to guide Ryder, and the MCU Nova corps aren’t the “human rockets” , just space cops. As for WW or DC cinematic universe being a threat ......nope.
  5. Just saw it. This is my ESB MCU style. And stay for the aftercredit trailer. It felt like one of the original aftercredit trailers leading up to the original Avengers movie Hate afternoon theatres though. Had to tell the late comer to sit his ass down instead of talking to his friends and the annoying girl(s)beside me who kept turning on her phone during the last act and during the credits. Turn off full brightness cause in a pitch black theater it’s fucking blinding! Git off my lawn!
  6. As much as Avicii is on my playlist, NOT anime or Sci-Fi related.
  7. Regarding the drama. I’m reminded of the Star Trek:TNG episode Darmok. One guy’s trying to speak and the other guy responds in metaphor. Neither is wrong but one of you guys are going to get shanked by the invisible beast while your crews are watching eating popcorn in orbit. So Solomons ruling: zorclone: He didn’t mean anything with re/“Obari much?” It’s meant jokingly in the same manner as “yo brah, do you even lift?” That you might get in the locker room. Kumastyle: no more hobo remarks. That one was pretty insulting. All you had to say was something along the lines of “sorry dude. Crotch thrusting is a style that’s famous in Japan. Popularized by Obari’s figures and mechanical designs.” And leave it at that. We we all good now? Good. Oh and lastly, this is SoC thread. Main character/hero is ROBOT, metal robot. If it’s a soft and squishy human candy with a hard metal coating Stik (snort) it in the figure thread(ShFiguarts/figma/maxfactory/Yamaguchi revoltech - whatever it’s called now). Edit to avoid Darmok: if it’s an organic hero wearing armor clothing then figure thread. Stuff like SoC Mazinger stay here cause the hero is Mazinger not the tiny 1g Kabuto Koji that you’ll find in the box.
  8. Started Darling in the Franxx. Episode one art reminds me of Diebuster and Kill la Kill and the male/female positive/negative thing kinda reminds me of Aquarion. I’ll give it a shot.
  9. Visually I thought about Suckerpunch too but a) there’s no asylum/lobotomy b) no anime/matrix style fights c) no sexy cute girls in revealing outfits that distract from the story. D) no Zach Snyder.
  10. I went in without watching any trailers or expectations. It was good that way. Its not high fantasy or huge special effects. Its about a little girl dealing with her (bad) reality. Escapism. It’s beautifully shot. I hear people complain that it’s copying A Monster Calls but iirc I Kill Giants books came out before the AMC book came out. It just beat IKG to the big screen.
  11. Huh. Well since it’s from Warner’s looks like I can toss my fan copy out the window. I needed a better quality version.
  12. I still want AD Police , BG Crash as well as Madox but if KSing their other helps them get done I'm for it. Helps I like the stuff they're KSing and that they won't drop the price on their online store after the KS is done.
  13. Bah we're never going to get a Bismarck at this rate.
  14. Latest KS by Robert J Woodhead is up. I've basically bought every KS he's run, I love my Animeigo stuff, and now it's Gunsmith Cats turn. Already blew past its funding in less than 5hrs. IMO these are so worth it.
  15. April's around the corner, 2 more weeks, and I've actually got a list of stuff to check out this season. Ignoring the movies these caught my eye. https://myanimelist.net/anime/season/2018/spring Boku No Hero Season 3 Steins Gate 0 Shokugeki No Soma Season 3 SAO A: Gun Gale FMP Invisible Captain Tsubasa Shiyan Pin Jiating Uchuu Senkan Tiramisu Gundam Build Divers
  16. Man if Gipsy scales that large with FT dibots then it’s gonna tower over Monsterarts. Thanks that’s saves me money.
  17. It also confirms Ahsoka didn't die when she faced Vader and that wasn't a force ghost. Can't wait for Ahsoka to "find" Ezra. Anticipating Ezra's fate in the last few episodes.
  18. Picked up almost all of the PotP toys. Except for Rodimus, Starscream and Jazz. Dinobots just to see if. Volcanicus looks any good and Dreadwind because I’m going to pick up Darkwing/Blackwing cause my Fanshobby Power Baser needs someone to shoot down. My biggest surprise is how much fun Optimus is. He’s toon heroic looking and Orion Pax looks like he stepped out of Wardawn. Articulation for both bots are amazing. Cons with the bots are how big their backpacks are or how obvious Orion’s plugged into the back. But you know what?. These aren't masterpieces these are fun mess around with toys. Love it for what it is. Maybe I'll hate it when I try to get it into alt mode.
  19. Saw this last night. It was fun enjoyable movie. Like the world building they did. Couple of parts pulled me out of the movie. The music rnb at the beginning and the end but imo they may have been trying too hard to say “we’re a tribal people” with the amount of drum prescience in the middle section. Granted I don’t know a lot of African tribal music but it reminded me a lot like Maori music. It could just be me. Wasn’t really that big of a deal. The part where the General and her lover were staring each other down. Really? They were so passionate about their positions and that’s the conclusion ? BP sister should’ve taken out Killmonger easily. I know I know it’s the Black Panther movie and that would’ve been anticlimactic but she built their transportation system, she maintains the ships, she made the BP suit(s). It would’ve been a different movie if she became the BP. She’s basically the new Tony Stark except she’s not wearing the suit. Just saying. My friend who went to see it with me, she’s black im Asian, agreed. I like the two end credit scenes.
  20. Hey guys, chill with the politics. That's all.
  21. What is this Autobot/Decepticon toon-style vs toy everyone's talking about?
  22. Hmmm.. how does the Pacific Rim cast scale to MonsterArts?
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