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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Gah. Forgot about that. Haven't watched the KOR OVA's since they were first released over here in....oh 10yrs ago or so. (yup old age getting to me. Can't remember the exact date. ) Anyways, feel like an easy one today. Name all the Gundams that show up in Gundam Evolve 04. (tech specs and action sequences).
  2. 99? That's a trick question. According to Kyosuke it's 100. According to Ayukawa it's 99. I prefer the cats way. What way is that? It's too ********* long, I'll just teleport it.
  3. All yours JELEINEN.
  4. I think he's some kind of Super Robot. Since you're unarmed....maybe Roy Focker shows up in the nick of time to bail you out? Man....you never watched any Super Robot "vs' movies did you? (ie... mazinger vs. Getter Robo, Grendizer vs Getter Robo G...etc.) It usually goes like this.... Some third party sets them up to fight. Dangard Ace and SuperOstrich go at it tooth and nails for 1/2 hour. After said time period expires, both parties realize it's stupid to fight each other and then proceed to beat the living crap out of the party that set up this fight. After the space monster/spaceship that you're on explodes into a giant ball of flame the hero robots shake hands and the pilots go out for a beer/alcoholic beverage/spring water.
  5. Hmm....too obscure I guess. Anyways it's Jan Cogo - Jessie Dart Don Haka - Porkos Sir Djorgo - Arimos Princess Aurora Dr. Kitty - the Empress Professor Dodge - Professor Schnitzel Okay next question: In the Original Dangaio series, what was US Renditions translation error for Dangaio's special attack ?
  6. Name the six main good guy characters from Starzinger(spaceketeers).
  7. KOR. Slayers. Marmalade Boy. Project A-ko. Supa Cat Girl Nuku Nuku!!!
  8. keep it civil and respectful or this topic is going to be locked too.
  9. Yup. Isamu was shooting at the Ghost after the dogfight(both movie and OVA versions.) Also Guld was the more reckless of the two when it came to firing off weaponry. More missiles, more gunpods shots, more property damage...etc. If you re-watch that episode Isamu was on Gulds six when they were heading into the city and during part of the city chase. Why didn't he shoot down Guld? For the most part Isamu was flying defensive against Guld. He was there to fight the Ghost, not Guld. Oh, and Isamu losing his gunpod and head laser was because of debris from when Guld crashed through that building. I very much doubt that that effect was calculated by Guld.
  10. The link works. If it opens in a new window just hit refresh.
  11. As far as I can tell, most of the online stores I visit say the next wave of this toy is out early-mid november.
  12. "Mu Chang". Yup, it's Carpenter.
  13. Presto Pagemanager is an OCR program. It doesn't(or rather shouldn't) have a crop function. Adobe Photodeluxe...from what I remember of it, all it does is help you get rid of redeye. Neither of these programs are what you need. You need an image editing program. ie: Photoshop, GraphicsConvertor, MS Photo Editor....etc. Try versiontracker.com. It should be able to tell you what image editing programs are available for your OS platform.
  14. PC: MS Photo Editor. Draw a box and use the cut function. Resize to max width of 500 pixels. Mac: GraphicConvertor(shareware). Crop image. Resize to max width of 500 pixels. Both: Photoshop. Crop image and save for web. max width of 500 pixels.
  15. Need. Screenshots.....and a game review!
  16. Ding ding ding!! We have a winner!!! You're up Vampire Hunter D. B) B)
  17. Hmmm.... Who's theory of physics is the Gunbuster OVA based on? (hint: Kazumi Amano's speech during the 2021 Japan High School Physics Debate Convention.)
  18. Then it's the Czech CZ75. IIRC, first series of Gunsmith Cat Manga. Oh yeah, she liked the Eagle when it was blowing the crap out of the car she was once driving.
  19. ???....been awhile. Wasn't that the Desert Eagle?
  20. What? No fighter mode pics?
  21. Dangard Ace

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Excellent. My 1/60 line is almost complete. My 1/60 1J needs some clothing!
  22. From all reports so far, "YUP!"
  23. 1) That's Alizee. Don't ask me where he got the gif cause I don't know but her website is http://www.moi-alizee.com/ 2) I forgot how cool the Bandai vf-17 could be. Nice knee mods. B)
  24. Dangard Ace

    1:60 GBP-1 !?

    Oooo....display case(vending machine). Is that for sale? :D
  25. "Oh mighty clairvovent crystal ball what is the answer to this mysterious question?" I'd say Agent ONE has it right!
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