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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Well here's my contribution.
  2. Please No Fan Fiction. If you could, a short preview and link to the rest of the story would be great. All documented under the MW FAQ.
  3. ....cause it's the only way they could pick up babes? Hey SOMEONE had to wear that hot Golden Suit of armor after Brahma died. Oh and because Shiva's army was stirring up trouble and the good guys needed a leader/hero. These are not the answers you're looking for. "On Shura Sowaka!!!"
  4. Check THIS thread for where to buy Macross in Toronto. Oh, and the toybox link doesn't work since TBDX overhauled their site recently.
  5. And nobody here wants one (I'm pretty sure nobody here would) Considering that model was built by Kishimoto, a MW member......
  6. Hurricane29 wasn't the one who scanned in the pic so he doesn't know what's on the other page, pics or otherwise. He's only commenting on the text he can see.
  7. That's just the 21 the top pic is still of the VF-1. Read the visible text. It says YF-19.
  8. Wow....I'm reminded of Cyclon's for some reason.... SDF-1......eh.
  9. Girly games?? Bunch girls I know love Soul Calibur 2. I'm guessing you mean party-type/family games. Ape Escape 2 : you run around catching crazy monkeys. DDR (you'll need to buy the DDR dance mat for this one) Anyways try this link. Walmart Kids & Family Games
  10. Yeah, but hasbro's original ads for the reissue optimus had long smokestacks too. I wouldn't call those ads "reliable".
  11. I know that. I'm just finding it funny some people say, "Yes it will have long smokestacks!" and others say, "No it wont!" If Hasbro themselves doesn't know for sure, then either side can be right. But have fun and speculate away! You guys have until Jan/Feb before you'll know for sure. Me, I'm getting the Takara version. One, I can't wait. Two, NO BATTLE DAMAGE!! Three, highly unlikely to be neutered. Oh, and I'm going to win that million dollars before you do!
  12. ROTFLMAO!!! ~ 1/2 the guys on this forum are married with kids. The ~ other 1/2 have girlfriends. Women like guys who can play and have fun. It makes for.....good bedside manners.
  14. Dangard Ace

    Whoo boy...

    Customs will *ding* everything they can and then add a $5-$10 service charge on top of tax. Enjoy your new valk!
  15. Macrossworld is more then just the Macrossworld forums. Click on the toy link from the mainpage and navigate to the yf-21fp. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/_main_menu.htm
  16. Already have an MPC Prime thread. Use that one please. Thanks.
  17. Oh man, I want that walking r/c robot! Those are great commercials Shawn!
  18. Read Section IV of the FAQ. MacrossWorld FAQ
  19. 2007, for the 30th Anniversary of ANH. Bet on it. Yub yub.
  20. Yes, but everyone knows that when the heroes nuke a city it means the producers REALLY don't like you. All the debris from Bodolzaa's ship exploding probably landed in Canada just out of spite. Man...they must really hate Tokyo alot too.
  21. More spoilers. Freddy kicked Jason when Jason was in the "nightmare" dimension. Jason kicked Freddy at Crystal Lake when the kids dragged Freddy into the "real" world. Then Monica Keena kicked both their asses.
  22. Pub. Then Evil Dead - the musical (again) and then maybe a Halloween party. I already have a frankenbill mask. http://www.forbes.com/2003/10/28/cx_mh_102...illiemasks.html
  23. All yours Yosho. Didn't think anybody would watch past the credits to see the Gerbera.
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