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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Dangard Ace


    *Groan.* Fine. I'll keep an eye on this thread for awhile. If it's not Q-rau pre-order related take it to PM.
  2. Sweet. Now I can finally figure out why everyone likes Jeeg so much.
  3. Money is tight? Then I'll say 1/60. It's got that heavy diecast feel because it has more diecast. I also prefer the canopy of the 1/60 over the 1/48. (IMO looks better in fighter mode too but this is a Battloid thread...) Two things to watch for in the 1/60: a) The arms won't swing up over the chestpiece without dislodging it without modification to the shoulder polycap. b) Some people find the legs to be floppy and hard to stand in battloid. Display piece? 1/48 if you've got the money. Does not feel "weighty" like the 1/60 does. Watch out for the backpack hinge. If you don't follow the transformation instructions correctly you may end up breaking your $200+ toy.
  4. It's a toy....for adults. On the lower shelves are the newer kiddy TF lines and Power Ranger toys. Easy (and cheap) way to distract the munchkins. All my precious toys are on the upper shelves. Mmmmm.....precious........
  5. Muhahahahaha!!! *cough*ahem*/cough*
  6. Only other book that featured a LAM was Far Country. Don't remember if it was a PHX or not though.
  7. 1) Freebirth 2) Big red aerospace fighter? Samurai. Stats: Aerotech2? 4) Hanse offered Marik his son's life. Lynxx.....I'd say GDL. Wolf's Dragoons are the Wolf Dragoons so had a constant source of "pilots". Also they recruited in The Wolf Pack.
  8. 17.55424% - Geek Damned books and movies(DVD).
  9. Crap in a hat! Where did all these newbies come from??
  10. Why does that sound like a 60's song?
  11. Hi Micke, there's a whole other thread talking about M7 here. The rest of you clowns: One post saying "see XXXX thread here" is sufficient. An admin or mod will get to it eventually.
  12. Update: To T.O. customers, Animextreme got their shipment in today. 16 boxes. The shipping box was HEAVY. I literally got the first one. Sweet sweet toy....mmmmmmm.
  13. Merry Christmas eve to all! Happy Holidays and everything else! Now excuse me while I go plant my Santa traps. He's gotta be carrying around a few dozen Japanese toys in that big ol' bag of his.
  14. Until recently, none of the mod team got those messages. Now that we have our full powers back again we get those messages. In other words we never receive your Report this post report from three months ago.
  15. Nope. There be one other mod who got activated after me. Besides, you ain't cute, and you ain't female therefore you can't tell me what to do!! (Unless you've got pr0n.....)
  16. Sweet!! Toy pr0n! (shamelessly steals term from Toyboxdx)
  17. I'm here for the PRON. Aw crap there isn't any? I outtie.
  18. All your 2005board needs....well sighting needs. http://www.2005boards.com/forumdisplay.php?forumid=13
  19. you're right! It is the backend, I see the gascap. Oh well it still looks better then the Official transformation.
  20. Someone's been surfing over at the 2005boards..... Basically all they did was swap the hood with the wind shield in robot mode. Hood in front and windshield in back, just like the original G1.
  21. Hmmmm...... a) Personal backup is good. b) can see people trying to take advantage of this especially since you're also offering covers and inserts. If they own a legal/R1 copy then they don't need this option. c) Too big of a possible legal mess. Shutting down.
  22. Look at the bottom right hand side of your avatar.
  23. In SCII: Raphael. Chainmail armor? Just more holes to aim for. In Soul Edge -> SCII Knightmare Seung Mina Taki
  24. Other then that, I'm sure Tam's doing his best for you.
  25. Dangard Ace

    pics requests

    If you'll notice, EXO accidentally supplied us with a link to an eBay auction for a Voltron I toy (not a link to a Max 1A thread as claimed). LOL!!! whoops... http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...=ST&f=24&t=1075 Alright, quit looking at my Voltron. Y'know, I almost sniped that one. 40mins before end and I thought, "screw it. Just need the cars/land team. I'll wait." Went out drinking instead. Nice grab though, beat out Southpawsdragon for it.
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