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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. "I can't deal with that right now!"
  2. Sorry. No discussion of bootleg items of licensed materials allowed.
  3. My mountain bike. It signifies the time I could pick up and go riding whenever the hell I wanted instead of worrying about the 9-5.
  4. Rice almighty! Normally you tech-geeks are civil to each other but jeez! 91WhiskeyM6 cool your jets. It's one thing to be passionate and quite another to be abusive. This thread is done. Overcooked and burnt. NEXT.
  5. One may be funny. Something that you can roll-eyes at and laugh off. A whole horde of avatars that are solely devoted to that part of the female anatomy is in bad taste and NOT the message that this board wants to send. We also do NOT want this to escalate into another "Lebatar Wars" or "Fangirl drawings with full frontal -N" where some try to outdo others by pushing the limits. Plus I am aware of the other jiggly Avatars that aren't mentioned in this thread.
  6. Superlink eps. 2 is up on bittorrent. http://anime.mircx.com/torrent/6a9e5ad5cf9...89cdffa27a9c0e8
  7. He's busy working 75hours weeks.
  8. Drop a hint to Monster Garage. They may take up that challenge. http://dsc.discovery.com/fansites/monsterg...de/episode.html
  9. 10th floor.....house? A ten story HOUSE?! Cripes, how many valkyries/toys can you store in that much space?! Rob's not a kindergarten teacher, he's some sort of Dr.Evil-monkey type of guy!! Using all that money he makes from selling toy valkyries, he funds his evil empire and makes a Giant Evil Monkey robot that throws explosive nuggets around! Then he'll blackmail the world for..... ONE MILLION DOLLARS!! Of course before that happens, his 4yr old son will get ahold of the controller box and throw it out the window causing it to shatter into one million pieces on the ground below thereby making the Giant Evil Monkey Robot go haywire and once again we see Tokyo get destroyed.
  10. To display cheaply: I believe one of the member here uses old CD-r spindles to display his fighter-mode Valkyries. Nice flat base and pole. Just chop off the rounded top and you've got a decent display stand. You can also use transparent cassette tape boxes. Yeah, it looks makeshift but doesn't look too bad. I believe Drifand was the one that came up with that method (for his other robot toys, not macross) Oh yeah welcome to MacrossWorld.
  11. Nyah nyah! TOUCHDOWN DANCE!!!
  12. No news or rumours of 1/48 armor. Just people speculating that if the 1/60 armor sells well that Yammie will make it 1/48 sized too. You can add smilies by clicking on the provided smilies on the left of your reply screen. As for avatar, you'll have to click on My Controls, top right of the browser, and navigate to avatar options. Oh yeah lastly, no pics in sig. If we see it, we'll delete it. Welcome to MacrossWorld.
  13. In no order: 1) Lodoss Wars OVA/Lodoss Chronicles of the Heroic Knight 2) Bubblegum Crisis (original) 3) Gunbuster 4) Heavenly Warrior Shurato 5) Macross DYRL/Plus/TV/II 6) Gundam 0083 7) Uuchu Senkan Yamato Getter Robo/G/Shin 9) Cowboy Bebop 10)Patlabor movies *and a bunch of others I like like Maison Ikkoku, Porco Rosso, Gunnm, FY, Borgman, Dangard, Grendizer, Hades Project Zeorymer, Mazinger/Great/Kaiser, CCA, SlamDunk....etc.
  14. What's Wrong with my Yamato - pinned thread...... yup, that's where this should be.
  15. Brave Series: Super Link!! .......Car Robots(RiD) toys look better.
  16. Find more of his comic strips at http://superdeformers.com/
  17. And the JCCC newsletter clipping. I've also got the poster and the astroboy giftwrap paper. Just too lazy to get them out and scan them.
  18. Actually I did a review of this on the old MW board(May 27 2002,22:08). Astroboy was shown not at Anime North but a day after that convention at the JCCC( in collaboration w/AN). There was a showing of Tezuka's a bunch of other anime and an Astroboy memorabilia auction. I snagged the Astroboy swatch watch. I'm still annoyed they didn't release Astroboy on his birthday in NA co-currently with the Jp Astroboy release. They obviously had a few episodes already dubbed.(and I agree, it was actually good!)
  19. You don't have MP Convoy or any of the Binaltech/Alternator line do you? Those lines are to the G1 TF as what the 1/48 & 1/60 are to the 1/55's.
  20. Inwards explains TOTY voting process here. Convoy would've won regardless of ballot stuffing.
  21. Dangard Ace


    Stay on topic.
  22. Sally Martin: Blue Wind Power Ranger. Ninja Storm.
  23. ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!! ONE OF US!!! Though the fact that you surf MW before work and immediately after getting to work is scary. To combat this I'd be happy to "hold on" to your valkyrie collection while you fight this addiction.
  24. Hmmm.....looked around in the admin control panel and didn't see anything I could do about it. You may have to wait until Shawn has time to look at it. Don't know if this will work but you may want to try deleting your old av by using the "I don't wish to use an avatar (remove all current)" button in the Avatar CP and then try uploading your new one. No guarantees.
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