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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. TV info-mercial(MIC the tv-style): Peg too small? Parts falling off all the time? Then you need miracle-gro nail-polish! One thin coat of the stuff and it'll tighten those pesky joints right up!!! Comes in multiple colors to brighten up your day! All this can be your's for a 3 monthly payment of $99,99,99 !!!!! or you could raid your wife/gf's accessories but that could look bad.
  2. Pass. Already have the boxset but it should be good for those who don't have it yet.
  3. REMINDER: No personal attacks, flames, religious, political....etc. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...t=ST&f=20&t=142 This is your only warning. I haven't flexed my ban-muscle lately and I don't want to but if this thread continues the way it is I may have to PUMP! YOU UP!
  4. Thanks to Drifand on TBDX we can now make the FM4 Zenith paper toy. http://www.square-enix.co.jp/fm/
  5. Bwahahahahaha!!! MUST IMPORT!!! ....and then give it to some PTA parent. lol!!
  6. [insert diety] Too many polls. I'm re-instating the two polls per page rule after this one. Any others will be automatically deleted. As for size, the vf-0 is about the same length as the Mac+ planes, which translates roughly into twice as big as a vf-1(in Battroid if that CGI in the 20th Ann. DVD is correct). If they ever do make it (VF-0)bigger I'd prefer the 1/72 or 1/60 scale. Don't like the designs enough to fork over for 1/48 scale but until then the 1/100 scale will do me just fine. YF-21 Fighter mode: Wing span: 15.36 m Length overall: 19.62 m YF-19Fighter mode: Wing span: fully extended forward 14.87 m [14.89 m] Length overall: 18.62 m VF-0 Fighter mode: Length overall: 18.69 m VF-1 Length overall: 14.23 m VT-1C (estimated) 13.88 m with FAST Pack system 14.0 m with atmospheric-escape booster system 18.9 m Height overall: 3.84 m [2.85 m] with FAST Pack system 5.5 m
  7. Came out last year and retailed for about $35-40usd IIRC. http://www.americandreamcomics.com/index.php?itemid=87 No idea what a moon slide is.
  8. Yeah. Was looking for this "moon-slide" thingy when I noticed Macross in the index. Then it was like , bah crap....oooo...Emilia's Q-rau. Sweet..... .......................................... edit: hmm......nevermind. Found info at hlj. They're resin kits, not toys. Still sweet though... http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?KYD923
  9. http://www.j-hobby.com/kms_jpn/shop/series...ry=4&dept_id=78 http://www.j-hobby.com/kms_jpn/shop/prd_de...bohero%5F000988
  10. Yup....and all I see are spelling errors. Must be the rantings of a madman. may. nauseate. disregard.
  11. They're just a bunch of shorts that were bundled with PG Gundam kits showcasing the various Gundams. Nothing storywise....though the did make Quess less of a b****.
  12. mofunzone.com popcap.com javaarcade.com (pop ups too. )
  13. Like Drifand said Jinki Extend. Cool toy. Can easily do the kneeling poses. Gots tons of weapons, especially a big ass sniper rifle. Spears, shields, guns, multiple hands.....etc. Hasn't broken on me yet, and I've had mine since last winter.
  14. Hey, that actually looks pretty nice..... ....but I'll wait until it's actually out.
  15. Newsflash for you Cdn Astroboy fans: YTV: the new Astroboy is showing Sat. 3:30pm. Woohoo!!!!
  16. Yup it's a cool toy. Continue any observations here. MPC Takara Convoy/20th Ann. Prime. Welcome to MacrossWorld!
  17. See here for reactions from the fans here. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...40&hl=macross+7
  18. Yup yup. True dat.
  19. Damn. I'm in the wrong profession.
  20. Hey there. Any Yamato/Bandai/etc....toy problems go in this thread. What's wrong with my Yamato/Bandai/Takatoku...etc. More then likely someone in that thread will have already mentioned and fixed any problem you might have had. Welcome to MacrossWorld.
  21. Oooo! OOooo! Can I get one that says "Winger RuleZ!" Or "Facts of Life Kicks total AZZZ!" Someone got a thing for Blair, Nat and Tootie?? .....or is it Edna?
  22. I don't think Graham could answer that even if he wanted to. Besides: a) Yamato 1/60 GBP armors are almost out. b) Announcing 1/48 armor will almost certainly take away from 1/60 armor sales. c) Yamato's a company. They sure as heck aren't going to do that. So there can be no answer to your question, at least not for awhile(if ever).
  23. You want to rant about me locking that thread? Go right ahead. If I read a thread, any thread, and it looks like it's something frowned upon I WILL LOCK IT. If you feel there's confusion or a mistake, you PM the mod in question or you ask in the feedback section and if you're correct your thread will be unlocked. You DON'T go opening up a new thread about what was locked. That's just asking the mod to be annoyed at you. All the rules you'll need to know MW Forum FAQ Be happy it was a 'lock' and not a 'delete'. GC would not have been able to PM you the info you wanted otherwise. Have a nice day.
  24. Get these blanks while you can. I'm leaving these up in my webspace until tomorrow sometime. All gone! Bye!!
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