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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. I could probably stretch it abit, but most likely I'm going to have to add more 'space' to it. Left image: This is how it looks stretched to fill the entire back. Right image: 'space' replacing the blackbars.
  2. Front Mission 4 announced for June release according to Magic Box. http://www.the-magicbox.com/gaming.htm
  3. Redone my version so that the size scales are correct. Ignore the teal. Needed a background color to see ....well the background. Edit: See next page for new image.
  4. edited the pic. I don't have any Hasegawa boxart and my Temjin(think that's how you spell his name) calender was lost in the mail. Bigkid: is this the image you're talking about? http://page8.auctions.yahoo.co.jp/jp/auction/h5669648
  5. An idea for the large boxset. I have the left side (poster thanks to Monkey N) and the large SDF poster from Perfect Memory book. I can scan those in at 300dpi. Wolf13's ARMD picture we can ask him about. I don't have Mikimoto's Movement book so I either need to find it or maybe someone on the forums can scan it in in hi-res. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/art_movement.htm edit: dimensions aren't to scale. Just something I threw together.
  6. Hey, you're trying and I can respect that. Learn something new each day right? Keep thinking up ideas for SDF Macross and MacPlus boxsets. Every idea helps and you may come up with a great combination! Paul: I'm a him. I just like using female avatars since given the choice between looking at a guy or girl, I choose female. Oh and I checked out your Macross images site. You may want to check your color correction. The blues all seem to be shifted to a lighter shade then that shown in the HM Illustration book. Mechamaniac: close but no cigar. The majority of those images are from MacII. Damn I love HM watercolors. Everyone else: if you want my scan of the DYRL image please grab it in the next 24 hours. I'm going to take it off my webspace after that.
  7. Okay, I cracked open my Haruhiko Mikimoto Illustration book to scan in a 300dpi version of the DYRL image Anubis is using. It's on page 11. (Hope I didn't crack the spine... ) Downsized it to match the size of the other DYRL image. Original scan is 25.7 mb. Downsized Jpeg is about 700kb. IMAGE GONE! TOO LATE!! BWAHAHAHAHA!!! Here's a closeup of what happens with low dpi upped to 300dpi. Notice the Left Minmay's right cheek, her hair and her mouth. Pixelated huh? The right Minmay is pure 300dpi and has more detail. Oh yeah, the blues are off in that other scan. Too bad I don't have any MacPlus Artbooks images so I probably won't try out for that boxset but I'm considering doing something for the larger set.
  8. Also use the search function on the top left. There've already been many threads about Macross7. It's a very passionate subject.
  9. Then we'll have to disagree. Jpgs are compressed no matter what resolution setting you save as while tifs are uncompressed. Jpgs with the smallest compression do look pretty good but you can still see problems in high contrast areas. Granted you are correct that if the image is big enough that you may be able to resize it to 300dpi but I believe that that's a factor of approx. 4 dpi Already the requested sizes are 3 DVD 1641 X 2300 pixels @ 300 dpi. 600 X 2300 pixels @ 300 dpi. 600 x 1641 pixels @ 300 dpi. 12 Amaray case 641 X 2300 pixels @ 300 dpi 2210 x 2300 pixels @ 300 dpi 2210 x 1641 pixels @ 300 dpi. so multiply each pixel number by 4. Since most (if not all) web jpgs are 72dpi and pixels width are at most 1600(wallpapers), it's going to be hard to find images that big. Also if you're working with original images(art books or whatnot) why bother with jpg? Scan the image as .tif , lose no image quality, and then burn it onto CD and send to Paul. tifs are much more printer friendly then jpgs. I know this from experience.
  10. Nope. Like others I've got the 1/60 version and I don't feel the need to get it in 1/48 scale. Also shelf space is a consideration and I'm fast running out of it. Q-rau, 1/60 armor and possibly 1/100 vf-0 is enough for me right now.
  11. Sorry Fulcy. I work as a Grph. Dsgn and web images don't work. Magazines, billboards, posters that I've worked on.... .jpgs or .gifs look like crap next to .tifs. Compression is ugly, and you don't get nice rich textures.
  12. Hmmm.....only thing left I can think of is that somebody set your EQ to -12db. Go to iTunes ->Window> EQ. Otherwise it may be time for a trip to the apple repair center.
  13. For those requesting the YF-19 wallpaper: 1024x768
  14. Since these images are going to print, web images/jpgs are not going to be good enough quality. You're going to need min. 300dpi .TIFS or .RAW . Most web-ready jpgs are 72dpi.
  15. You might want to put down the dimensions of the box. Would probably help with the design.
  16. Have you tried testing for sound with your apple pro speakers(using the speaker port)? If it sounds fine through the speakers, then it's the headphone jack. Bring it in for repairs. Of course I'm assuming you bought the extended warranty. Also if you could take screenshots of your sound control panel and your iTunes volume slider that would be great. I know you said you checked that but I just want to make sure the settings look right.
  17. Hey that's cool. My bad since I misread your post.
  18. Dangard? it took you 20 mins to do that? NM, I'll just quit now while I'm ahead, because come now... I'd hate to start laughing Well if I wanted to just use the clone tool and do it that way it would've been faster, say 10mins but then you leave behind artifacts and the color matching is off. ...but hey, I'll let my works that I've shown here in the past speak for themselves. Old timers here should recognize these. 2 Gundam Newtype images for Tallgeese from the old boards. 2 wm cheng models with new backgrounds.
  19. Sah-weet!! Thanks for the movie S!
  20. 20min PS job. Enjoy.
  21. Love Arkan/Holy Raz. Nice and soothing. The rest of the cd is almost....classical-like(which I like). Great cd...except for Crack Radio. That song is so out of place on that cd. This cd requires a 'cultured' taste.
  22. I like Macross II. MII illustration book, HK boot, R1 release DVD, CD. Of course I'm a sucker for Mikimoto character designs/watercolors so.... Sylvie....yum.
  23. I'd be interested in both....provided I get a low number....say in the single digits.
  24. Even more paper mechs to make. ttp://www.angelfire.com/mech/paperandglue01/mecha.htm
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