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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Yup. Me wear big shoulder pads, dress in black and pretend I have an english accent. As for TF Alts....much as I want Stunticons/Constructicons it seems more likely to me that we'll be getting Runabout or Runamuck. Hey if they don't have the Porsche license that's about the only vehicular substitute that I'll accept for Jazz.....er....Meister/"Autobot Jazz".
  2. Politics? Not in this forum. Next person/s to do so gets mod-slapped until they look like Daniel.
  3. Hmmm....ya know, if they made a white mustang with blue stripes and called him Jazz.....
  4. Didn't feel like doing 'work' work for the last 1/2 hour so..... the Haruhiko Mikimoto boxset.
  5. Watch them both and love them both. 'nuff said. As for Batman Animated series....just wait for 2005. There's going to be a DC rampup to promote the new Batman movie and a new Batman Animated series is in the works. It takes place when Batman is just starting out as Batman and first meets all his arch-enemies. see this months Toyfare for details.
  6. Oooo...lookie. Ford has signed on.
  7. Ugh. Prime combining with OS is a let down..... Battletrain....eh...not liking it but can see how kids would love it. Only if that spaceship wasn't so fun looking.... Oh well, at least it's big enough to fight against my King J-der. Shockblast vehicle modes ...... leaves alot to be desired. Didn't know that they needed Mazer tanks to take on Godzilla in TF. Good news is Ford is listed among the Alternators licenses. Bring on the Mustang!!!
  8. That would be the 15 spaceship vehicle Voltron. In Matchbox terms: Voltron I (Go-Lion was Voltron III) In Godaikin/Popy terms: Dairugger Minor correction: Goliion was Voltron 2, not 3. Nope. Voltron I: Dairugger http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...6&category=2492 Voltron II: Albegas http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...0&category=2492 Voltron III: GoLion http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5&category=2492
  9. Actually you're wrong David. That's NOT the train mode. http://media.hasbro.com/pl/page.release/dn...cfm?release=247 OS is comprised of a battleship and a construction crane that can combine into a 16 inch tall Robot or a battle train(whatever the heck that is). It's supposed to be able to combine with Grand Convoy...er...E Optimus Prime which may form an even bigger robot. As for the battleship, it's a cybertron space battleship. It looks more Macross then naval battleship. Even looks like something out of Uuchu Senkan Yamato. None of Energon looks like real vehicles. They're supposed to be cool looking futures vehicles. For a kiddy toy, and Energon is kiddy unlike Binaltech/Alt., it's got loads of play value.
  10. Bah. Forget Shockblast. New Omega. Colors leave alot to be desired(as does transformation) but I want that battleship. http://www.hasbro.com/transformers/energon.../dn/default.cfm
  11. Mmmm.....nah. I'll save my money and display my good ol' Lionbot (Taiwan GoLion) and Matchbox Voltron I instead. Damn those cats look fugly.
  12. I already have the DYRL scan in 300dpi. I have my(Perfect Memory)SDF1 in 300dpi. I will be getting the book w/poster with the Hikaru/Misa image in the next month or so, hopefully. Just bought the book from Vastus aka eenawes from the old MW boards. Don't have the sideview sdf1 or hasegawa images. You'll have to get those from someone else.
  13. Sweet. Finally a good release of HPZ. ...and it doesn't just stand on it's own against the newer mecha titles. It makes them their beeyotch.
  14. It's a macross image. "Doesn't anybody look at anything but the forums anymore?! MW is more then just the forums!!!" http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/books/...lustrations.htm Nah, not too keen on doing it Paul's way with image 3. You lose part of the engine and part of the main booms to the sides of the box. Would look 'off' to me. Print out the image and fold it and you'll see what I mean. I don't mind PC's way with image 1 because it's only edges of the arm tips that get lost but the main part of Macross is still in the picture.
  15. Nah. I've got the Hik, Roy, and 1J 1/48 and I'm happy with leaving it at that. I still like my 'needlenose' 1/60 fighters better.
  16. Choice number 1(obviously) since I can scan the poster. Also wanted to point out to people who want Choice 3 (which is also a good image) what needs to be done to make the image fit the spine. I've overlayed it on top of choice 1.
  17. Still waiting for my DYRL SDF-1........ ....and waiting...... ...........and waiting........
  18. Welcome to Macrossworld. There's already a thread devoted to this...um...cause. Please reply in this thread. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=5363
  19. Yes it can do that. Of course you can always take that point up with the Hoary Froating Head himself as that poster is from the Macross Perfect Memory book...
  20. Easy enough to find the animeigo dvd's. Robotech.com http://www.robotech.com/store/viewcategory.php?id=14 Animeigo.com http://animeigo.com/Products/MACROSS.t Macross Dealers Forum http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showforum=14 (many anime stores sell stuff there.)
  21. Smiley424: Couple of problems with your idea. SDF-1 image: is also a landscape-type drawing. The spine is squarish and we've already ruled out letterbox-style. It is easier to make space then it is to make clouds....especially the clouds in that image. Also you need to have/make a 300dpi scan of the picture. Screenshot image: You'll be mixing a high detailed handpainted image with a cel image. Doesn't mix well. Also has to be 300dpi. But hey I could be wrong. If you could put together a mockup of what you're suggesting, I'd love to see it.
  22. Could be any Hase. Gonna need someone to scan it in though cause like I said, I don't have any Hasegawa/Temjin images. Personally I think the Hase should be a Hikaru plane. SDF Macross is essentially his story.
  23. Some of these images are insanely large. Okay new rule for this thread: no images above 750-800pixels across @72dpi. There is absolutely no need for a 5mb jpg image.
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