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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Now that's an interesting take on Gaikings design. Too bad those three ships/animals are usually just comic relief. Gaiking may be ugly but you can't beat having a dragon head for a chest nor his ugly powerfulness when he "masks open"! No news about a new Grendizer show yet.
  2. Looks like another of the old SuperRobots is getting a makeover. Not too thrilled about the Daikyu Maru makeover or the new kiddy-pilot (gimme my ex-baseball pitcher!), but it's all about the GaiKing. Got these images over at waistjoint.com
  3. Mac II: Needs to be fleshed out more, like in 24 more episodes in character developement and backstory, but I still like it. Subbed = Good Dubbed = XXX level of hell. Toys: last I heard (from my sources) no ones approaced the mecha designers about Mac II toys. Hopefully that's changed recently but I doubt it.
  4. It's not Toronto. Layouts all wrong. It's just the CN Tower homage.
  5. Sweet! Oh looks, there's the CN Tower! Gee, I wonder if one of the programmers/designers from T.O.?
  6. Take a wild guess.... Unfortunately, they are still fleshing out the characters (watching the raws... ) so I'll get back to you once they start working on the story. Raws? Who's got Raws? I've only been watching the TV-Nihon fansubs.
  7. Uchuu Senkan Yamato OP. Mazinger Z OP MazinKaiser OP Getter Robo OP Dangaio ED
  8. Yup. Really liking this new Ranger series. Especially Yellow Ranger. Even considering getting the DX toys. Flashing LEDs. .....and who gets to date the OL, well...it' ain't those two.
  9. Ditto for me. Easily the toy I was most disappointed with. Thankfully I can recycle it to a friend. He wants it badly(Escaflowne freak) but doesn't have the money. Guess what he's getting for his birthday.
  10. Finally saw it. Big freakin' plot holes everywhere but it was still a fun romp. Loved the dark humor. How many of yous stayed around for the "real" ending? Hehehe.
  11. Looks like I may be waiting a few extra weeks. The member I'm buying the Movement book from says his P.O. claims my addy is invalid. Same addy I've been having stuff sent to for years so I'm guessing his P.O. screwed up or some office worker got lazy, missed the plane and decided to blame something else. So it's going to be another few weeks before I get the book.
  12. Hey Lonewolf, thanks for the SDF images. You may be mistaken about the Flashback images. According to halfan the images I need are in Haruhiko Mikimoto Movement book. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=6162 Just need to get my hands on that book and I'm set. (twiddle thumbs....checks mailbox.....twiddle thumbs......)
  13. When my Movement book arrives.
  14. It shouldn't be too late yet. Just follow the link that MM has posted in the first post to order. We're (well "I'm") still in the process of getting some of the hi-res images. In other words, waiting for my copy of the H. Mikimoto Movement book to arrive...and bugging Lonewolf for the Storm Attacker scans. Oh, and I've already got the spine image for The Mikimoto scanned. It's also found in the Haruhiko Mikimoto Illustrations book.
  15. HOly crap!! Triple H tapped! He actually jobbed to Benoit!!! Wooooo!!!!!
  16. You guys should wait until Arafat posts up the pics, and he said he would, that Rob requested before jumping on him. From that one angle the armor is said to look 'familiar'. We'll find out just how familiar it is when we see these new pics. Arafat, I would suggest that you post the pics as soon as possible, better if it's less then 24. Everybody, until that time, chill.
  17. Here ya go Drew.
  18. Damn it's cold in here.
  19. CHEESY GEEK JOKE: Man and Woman? Together?! It must be PRO-TO-CUL-TURE! (runs away) Congratulation Kevin!!! Time for some glass cabinets with locks.
  20. I hate you. More money I'm going to have to spend. Love that Deedlit.
  21. Are they? That makes my life a whole lot easier. Thanks! DA
  22. Thanks alot Lonewolf. When you're ready let us know. MW Ex. DVD keepsake box For Sales Forum Cross Link! Now somebody get to work on the Mac+ DVD boxset!
  23. Cool. Thanks for the help for the DYRL image. Anybody with info about the FB2012 one?
  24. Gamlin. No surprise here.
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