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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. The assassination one. I was dying with his dialogue
  2. Zeta Bruticus is done and out Zeta Silverbolt and the last two aerialbots should be next. MMC Skylynx is going in my MP display. He’s MP scale for The Return of Optimus Prime episodes.
  3. Woot woot! Saw the latest, hilarious as hell and Brock is a badass again!!
  4. Just bought 30th Ann Street Fighter for the switch. Love that all the different versions of the games are there. Love that the car breaking, barrel busting, and oil drum bashing are in SFII Hyper but I’m hating the thumb stick controls. Can’t consistently pull off uppercuts. Need a real arcade stick. But otherwise much nostalgic fun.
  5. The Bandit just drove off into the sunset in his Trans Am with a smile on his face, Carrie in the car and Buford T Justice chasing him.
  6. Love the shout out to Monica Rambeau. The other Captain Marvel. If they have Closer in this movie that'd be freakin' hilarious. How they'd sanitize that song for a Disney movie....
  7. No way Bluefin doesn't bring this over since Megazord and Dragonzord got released.
  8. Season 7 Episode 1 review: not enough Shallow Gravy and did they just nerf Brock?
  9. Okay. Wtf. Edit. Oh right Evangelion. Carry on.
  10. Situation is messed up regarding Gunn but keep the politics out.
  11. Masterpiece BW Megs is around $230usd shipped from Amazon JP Global Otaku Store. Free shipping and, damn you Americans for no customs fees. NY, HLJ, Amiami all have it up for PO as well. Think CDJ too.
  12. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

    Let’s take it down a notch guys. Jerks are jerks but let’s not get political or paint broad stripes over people. We’re here about the toys and nothing else. Only thing I want to come back in here is when Bandai releases the Tomahawk.
  13. Watching Hisone and Masotan and it makes me want to throw in 801 TTS Airbats and watch that instead. Dragons as planes are cute but I wanna see some dogfights.
  14. I’ve got FT Phoenix and as much as I like the overall toy I will never like the head. The face should be longer and the cheeks are wrong. For Omega I stick with Gabe. FT TG looks better as a Sentinel bot imo.
  15. Yup. I think ANN confirmed it. Man I hope Percy shows up in it.
  16. Eeeee.....shudder. Think I’ll go watch some Gravity Falls instead.
  17. Masterpiece Beast Wars Megatron has been announced. I’m dreading the price but. Yyyyeeesss!!
  18. Civil war was Civil war. The Avengers DisAssembled arc was when Scarlett Witch went insane and destroyed the team. At least in the comics.
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