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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Dangard Ace

    Part 2

    Really nice set. I want Roy and Misa. I like the rest except for one. Out damn spot out! Guess I'll be refreshing Kevin's webpage every few hours.
  2. Well to have a "complete" set I'd have to get a TRU brownie and the Super O. Don't really care that much about a slight brownie color change and well....I prefer the 1D over the SuperO. I may pick them up if they're really really cheap but ..... eh. Just waiting on the GBP armor.
  3. Not a problem. Thanks for complying. Now for the rest of you numbnuts....
  4. Okay as cool as these box designs are, I'm imposing a 700px wide, 72dpi restriction. There is absolutely no need for 200-600mb jpg files. You're doing small mockups, not full scale life-size ones.
  5. You'll never find me!! Muhahaha!!! latitude 43.6717207039684 43° 40' 18.1945342862" longitude -79.3873365343824 -79° 23' 14.4115237766"
  6. Looks nice. Always wanted that kit...now I don't have to build it.
  7. Nope. You'll have to ask Paul about that.
  8. Mmmmmm....... Now that's why I watch Dekaranger. Plus she dances the best in the ending creds.
  9. Sweet! No RoR* syndrome! I'm sold. Here's to hoping they'll have a Japanese soundtrack with subs in the full version. * = Ring of Red
  10. I wouldn't be surprised if Shawn frontpaged it. Great work!
  11. Hey Nilrem, welcome to MacrossWorld! It's all downhill from here. Anyways, go ahead and place an order if you want, it's all fine with us. Just to remind you all, it's just a case. There's no DVD's in them. DA
  12. ....or as spare parts for the Takara.
  13. Oookay! Note to self: Do not open Max Jenius's links at work.
  14. Hey Blaine, not a problem. Oh yeah, could you send Paul the logos? The Macross logo and the Macrossworld logo. I forgot to scan and send those to him.
  15. Cool someone's working on the MacPlus case. Go for it guy. Anyways: UPDATE on the 12 DVD boxset....(well The Mikimoto Boxset.) Paul has received the images he needed from me and should be able to start the process of making the Mikimoto boxes for you lucky people who ordered that version. Blaine23: I've also sent Paul the two side images for your boxset. Current order count as of 1pm today(april 16): Mech box: 13 Mikimoto box: 16
  16. Energon Basics are fun. Skyblast and Divebomb are the super fun ones. Strongarm....I want to paint green and call him Hound. Energon anything else.....differ in quality.
  17. V1-RS has come through with my "Movement" book. It has the final images I need and the blue one that Blaine needs. I'll have the scans completed by weeks end. MechaM: I'll be needing Pauls address so I can send him the tifs. Sets are almost ready to go into production.....just abit more patience....
  18. My female casting for Eva: Asuka: Elisha Cuthbert. Rei: Yumi Egawa (Kamen Rider Blade) or Yumiko Shaku(Princess Blade) Misato: Kelly Hu Male casting: haven't really thought about it.....and probably never will.
  19. 1st: Marauders, Locusts, Wasps, Stingers. 3rd Pic: Stalker, Shadow Hawk, Wolverine, Bombardier Javelin, Dragon, ???, Banshee 4th pic: Dragons Zeus' Orions' Guess I'll have to go re-read my BT stuff (tech specs and books) for the one I missed. or....I could let Lynx answer this question. BT Chess set: I would've made the Locusts/Wasps/Stingers the pawns. Warhammer/Archers rooks Phoenix Hawks knights Crusaders Bishops Marauders Queens Atlas's Kings or if you want Macross/BT set pawns: wasps/stingers Rooks: warhammers/archers knights: phoenix hawks bishops: ostscouts/Valkyrie Queen: Marauder King: Crusader
  20. Same price in a few walmarts in T.O.
  21. Me too! Hey, EXO, how come YOU can see MY pics and I can't ?! De Niro and Ron Pearlman are there already. The rest are my designs with some features taken from here and there. The guy at the centre for instance, draws some inspiration from Michael Ironside. The art techniques are different in each case. As I said the first illo was made with Photoshop 7 Brushes and a pencil drawing on a separate layer. The Bad Guys piece is also Phoshop, but it was made from an inked drawing using the same technique that colorists use on comic books (selections and stuff). The third is a very old one, so it's hand painted with acrilics on canvas. If somebody want's to know more about how a specific piece was made I can give a more detailed explanation, no problem Try re-attaching them as RGB jpegs. Right now it's CMYK and for some reason some computers can't read those.
  22. <---------------(itching for an excuse) *starts sharpening sword*
  23. Just received a picture of my book packed up and ready to send/sent. Hopefully it's the right book. That is all. (twiddles thumbs....)
  24. Between 170-200 KB/sec. RE4: Looks interesting but it looks like GC only so I'll pass. Killer7: Yawn. 3rd Game: WTH??
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