Hey my old avatar!! Sweet! And before any of you ask no it's not me. Not unless something really DRASTIC happened that I didn't notice (.....checks inside pants...whew!) It's a picture that I think solscud or >exo< took a few years back at....SDCC?? She's hot though.
Hmmm....shall I acquire a new avatar after this weekend? Dum-dum-DUM!!!!
Interesting site.....
Hey that groups from my city! ...and they'll be at the Dragonboat parade and races this month! Wonder what they'll dress up as??
Maybe I'll call my captain and tell her I'll represent for my team during the Parade....absolutely no-ulterior motives WHAT-soever.
In PS: Layers are your friends.
1 color burn blue layer:
2 color burn layers:
(might appear fuzzy in the final design so 1 layer might be the better choice)
Hmmm....just messing around with alternative spine images with images found in Anubis' test bin. I'm just along for the ride.
Left: messed around with the colors and levels in PS :Nighttime Macross City
Center: just color burn :Computer Sharon Apple Eye
Right: simply a b/w inverse effect :Characters
Right + 1: added box number and text
Diamonds may possible not be as precious as you think anymore.
Think of all the possible applications.....
Can't wait to get my box from Kev......
No love for DA and SuperO...
THANK GOD!! Love from a buncha thirty year old virgins living in their parents basement is something I can do without. (...or did Agent One take care of that problem?)
Money and adulation however....(mostly money).....
Busy with work. Fans on and some brown stuff hit it. Busy.
PC's MW logo....it's a keeper. BUT let's ask Garoquel if it's okay to modify that design like that first. I'm pretty sure he'll be cool with it, but consider it a courtesy.
Hmmm.....not that impressed with the VF-0. I'll wait for some better pics with better poses. That GPB....mmm mm.
Now that BGC Priss and Zeorymer.....mmm mm goodness. Especially if Zeorymer comes with that launch bay.