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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. oh sorry... mustve missed that. heres the webpage that i got it from. maybe we can get someone who knows japanese to email him to see if the person is willing to give us a full size picture of his works. http://www.01.246.ne.jp/~eri-shun/gall_macross.htm Hey just keep the combos coming. Like I told anubis, you may come up with some great combos. Also to quote Mechamaniac If you can get the person who did the CG images to give you some hi-res versions then you're good to go.
  2. What TheLoneWolf is asking is if you have the original source of these images, be it from a book or poster or whatnot. To use these images we need them to be .tifs at a minimum 300 dpi. Those .jpgs that you've attached are only at 72 dpi. Not usable for when we scale them up and use them to make the boxes. This was discussed in the first few pages(3 and up) of this thread. Hey Neil, have you gotten around to scanning the YF-21 cockpit images yet?
  3. Well I definitely don't like it. It's not my cup of tea....but then FLCL wasn't either. What just gets me is you just don't feel it when the DieBuster shows up. You've got the Gunbuster music going and you expect something majestic and kickass to appear and it just doesn't live up to it. What shows up looks like a foldup toy wearing a cape(DieBuster). Anyways you can get the raw bittorrent version here. Whether anyone is still seeding it though.....I'll seed for 24hrs starting now.
  4. Section III: Never Allowed #1. No religious or political debates. If you want to talk politics go to the proper outside forum. Not everyone shares your beliefs. Nothing starts more arguments then these kinds of debates. They have value but they have no value here.
  5. Gah! Just saw Gunbuster 2 eps1. Gah!! There is no Gunbuster 2, there is no Gunbuster 2, There is no Gunbuster 2, there is no Gunbuster 2, There is no Gunbuster 2, there is no Gunbuster 2, There is no Gunbuster 2, there is no Gunbuster 2. DieBuster the new Buster Machine is weak and takes forever to deal with 1 space monster, and is bendy like Boss Borot. The characters....what the hell?! Pink haired main character girl(is whinier then Usagi from Sailor Moon)does a Noriko move but without an RX or Buster machine. Onee-sama girl is boring. All she has is that sticker thing on her forehead. There is no Gunbuster 2, there is no Gunbuster 2, There is no Gunbuster 2, there is no Gunbuster 2, There is no Gunbuster 2, there is no Gunbuster 2, There is no Gunbuster 2, there is no Gunbuster 2.
  6. There are plenty of us Toronto MW'ers around. We're just busy keeping warm in our Igloos and running around on our dogsleds. Off the top of my head.... Jung wmcheng mike ....etc. Just head to animextreme's store and talk to Silver there. He can put you in touch with people. When he's not busy playing video games that is.
  7. Don't knock Evil Dead the Musical. I've seen it 3 times and it still rocks! Of course if you sit in the front 3 rows bring a poncho. There's a reason why they call it the Bloodbath section.
  8. Wow! I'd trade all my Armada and most of my Energon TF's for that thing! ....or course I'd rather get the WWII era transformers made into toys though. Hint hint Hasbro.
  9. Doesn't look too bad but you may want to add a dullcoat to it. Paint's too shiny.
  10. Welcome to Macrossworld! That's the ARII 1/6 Lynn Minmay vinyl kit. You'll have better luck asking about this in the modeling section or in the wanted forum.
  11. For the full article: http://www.diamondcomics.com/pr/pr.asp?ai=13798&si=45
  12. Whatever happens with this movie it can't be as bad as the other Fantastic Four movie. Crappy FF movie 1994 Such utter suckiness it redefines suck. Besides, they already sold me on the new FF when they said Jessica Alba.
  13. Heh. Mine's fine and running strong. Got mine on X-mas, and it's been to Cottages, Parties, NY parties, and back. It's here to kick ass and chew bubblegum and it's all out of bubblegum. That PSTwo looks kinda cool. It must be the supermodel version. You turn it sideways and it disappears.
  14. Lenscap. Loved the movie can't wait for the DVD.
  15. Imacs? hell no! It should be Windows, so we can all identify with it. That's fine. iMacs can run WinXP (as well as RedHat, Yellow Dog, BSD, SuSe....etc. You just need to know how). Says so on Microsoft's Mactopia homepage. (and that's as far as I'm going in the PC/Mac debate. Stay on topic people.) But I agree with GUI. Wargames is fine as is. Today's ADD kids probably wouldn't know what chess is anyways. Oh, and I can't wait to see the Pendragon release of WOTW. Looks really interesting with them deciding to do a straight adaption instead of updating it. Let's hope it blows the Cruise/Speilberg version out of the water. Go underdog (Pendragon)!!! :P
  16. That's right! PS2Gen all the way!! Yeah! I say we nuke him from orbit. It's the only way to be sure. But yeah, awesome review. Makes me glad I'm draggin' my friends to see it friday. DA
  17. Evolution is boring. Spent the time playing R-Type final instead. Diva search: Carmella's got a pretty face and hot body. Too bad she's shown the least amount of personality on tv. While the other contestants were working the crowd, she just stood there and daintly clapped her hands(booooring!!). C'mon, she's gonna get killed by the WWE diva's. Christy is at least spunky and energetic but Carmella's a PMOY so she's still gonna win. I missed the Benjamin?! Crap!
  18. Just wait until Hawk and Dove become Monarch.....
  19. Only now, after 20 years do I discover that COLLECTING the Bandai Strike, Super Ostrich and Elintseeker was a waste of time. I guess I should sell mine for $1 a piece since they're not collectors grade merchandise. You got PM!!! J/K!
  20. Too late DA... you're part of the problem already. Crap. I guess that means:
  21. Funny thread. I just finished patching up a PC/Mac network(home office). A couple P4's, G3 iMac and G5. Service pack 2 (SP2) added alot of junk to my client's FTP program, doesn't like McAfee firewall (MS firewall: use me! McAfee firewall: use me! MS:Me! Mc:ME! ....ad nauseum). but overall it seems like a pretty good update and I do like the fact it seemed to have close alot of useless open ports. Too bad they missed a few when I pinged the P4's from the iMac. ...and before any ask the Macs(10.3.5) are running fine. Hurin: PC's are still quite a way aways from matching the Mac in the software video editing field. Adobe stopped their Mac version of Premiere when Final Cut Pro came out. Price and performace, they were getting trounced in both categories. Hardware video editing: Avid or Media100 systems...well I'll give the PC the edge there simply because they've built more hardware for the PC then the Mac. If we compare the hardware that were built for both then it's about an even draw. Mac ColorSync technology seems better to me though. Graphic design-wise, each of my department's g.d. have a p4 as well as a Dual G4(500mHz) machine loaded with the same software. PC's aren't used(except for email and webpage testing) because the final output, of basically the same file if we made it on a Mac, when we get our sample back from the Printers(outsourced)....usually does not match the proof we sent with the file. This could just be the Printers setup fault but since we change our Printers every few years (contract goes to lowest bidder) ....... As for this quote, it's a two way street. There's not much a Mac can't do just as well. Sounds like some really big dolts that don't know Macs running those places. Most reputable places who have Macs know they can read PC disks....unless they were Mac-elitist jerks. I'm betting more that it's a PC-user trying to answer a Mac question. Personal experience. Me, I'm not 'officially' an IT person but I think I know quite abit about the stuff since my department's IT usually grabs me first, for manpower, when they have to do rollouts(approx. 3000 public access terminals across my city). That and they have to get me back somehow for when I kick their ever-lovin ass in multi-player RTS or FPS games(of their choice). Gov. job, gotta love it. PC or Mac, I don't care. When a PC-centric person or Mac-centric person can't network a PC/Mac network, it just means more money for me. Lastly.....where does all this fit into "Other Anime or Sci-Fi"?
  22. Looks good. As for the hole in the batttoid mode, I prefer perfect plane mode anyways. Bring on the YF-19 toys!
  23. Preciousssss........
  24. Loved that game. Loved that old cheesy b&w graphics when you finally caught or lost Carmen. Hell, it's educational and fun! Still have that encyclopedia lying around too.
  25. Same old same old. I'm not going to wait for the M7 people to trash on M2. That would be akin to letting con-M7 people trash M7 and we hear enough bitching and moaning about that. Plus this is just a continuation of the locked M2 thread. That's a no-no. Consider yourselves slapped on the wrist. ....and yes, kill english-dubbed Hibiki. Japanese dubbed Hibiki was much more tolerable.
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