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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. Yup. That's what I'm waiting for. Since I never cared for anymode but Gerwalk, that's more inline with the price I'd be willing to pay.
  2. Please stow your tray tables and return your seats to an upright position. Express elevator to hell, going down! http://toyboxst.inwards.com/rumblizer/view...article_key=500
  3. I'm guessing bootleg. I can't think of a single reason why a company would release any of their DVD catalogue as Region Free. That just goes against region coding which they enforce with a vengence.
  4. The review section(Toys, Books, video....etc) are for reviews of Macross items. Everything else goes into Other Anime and Sci-fi. And since this is about TF's, we've already got a pinned thread for all things TF. Feel free to ask this question in there.
  5. Looks like that trailer transforms too. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.p...3985#post873985
  6. TFW2005's got some Galaxy Force clips going on. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/showthread.php?t=64465 Does GF Prime ripping open his chest look Guyver-ish to anyone?
  7. No. Leader One was Megatron's minicon(beeyotch). Bendy Prime had Over-run as his minicon.
  8. Sweet. Nevermore on TFW combined all the Binaltech stories so it's easier to read. Check it out. http://www.tfw2005.com/boards/thread63771.html
  9. Great. So exactly HOW MUCH money is Rohby wanting to take from me? :D (JM's, TF Gunpods, now M2 badguys...)
  10. Drag 'n drop. I'd rather set up a playlist in iTunes hook my iPod to it and have it sync. Simpler and easier IMO. Apple is a business. Alot of the irrelevants you cite are relevant. You're looking at the end product but you're not looking at WHY. To use wmp/wma Apple has to go to MS and talk to them about licensing it to use that format on their drive/program. And if RIAA/music labels are stupid enough to sue the customer for d/l tunes instead of the provider why do you think they won't throw something about OGG into a clause? I've seen ogg stuff on p2p sites often enough. It's not common but it's not rare either. Firmware glitches. All different firmware patches are saved to your HD. If the current one's broke, run the previous version and voila! iPod did not originally have AAC support. Firmware patch fixed that. If Apple could support OGG on the iPod (and people've been crying for that since Gen1 showed up) they would. As for the AAC and MP3 thing, you have no idea how many....challenged people there are that don't realize compression loss. Joe-public: again JP=90% Techs=9% AUDIOPHILES=1% As for not having a IBM-compatible machine at home, look again. SHUTTLE SN95G5: Athlon 64 3500+ www.shuttle.com That's a WinXP machine(sp2). I sold my old Antec Aria last year. I build and tinker with my own PC's too. Funny how my home PC's are much much better then my work PC.
  11. iPod needs iTunes to run. iPod tried using MusicMatch but it was a horrible experience. iTunes is about 12mb(and IMO a better mp3 player/organizer then wmp) and does play OGG. Unless you're really hurting for space that's not going to kill you. Plus it's PnP if you want to use it as a HD only(though that's kinda stupid...) WMP/WMA is a competing brand and Microsoft has been saying that it'll come out with it's own Online music store soon. So why would Apple want to support a competitor or vice versa(Microsoft). OGG is the best for encoding that I know of but I'm not an audiophile. AAC and MP3 are fine for the general user and are supported by the iPod. Re-encoding an MP3 into AAC is crap. Encoding into AAC from a CD is much better then MP3. Also OGG is open format. Allowing an open format to work on the iPod would probably violate one of the agreements with RIAA. Remember iPod+iTunes are symbiotic and to get RIAA approval for an online store they probably had to make concessions on what the iPod could support/play. The iRiver, Lycra and other players that you're citing don't have an online music store so they don't have that hurdle to deal with. MP3's are widely used. Joe-public knows of MP3=music files. Joe-public=~90% of people buying digital music playser. Tech guys=9% wma-ogg-acc-lame...etc. Hardcore Audiophiles=1% (they all suck. No warmth in the playback whatsoever). Apple's demographic is Joe-public and you know what, as a business that's exactly who they should appeal to and they're doing a damn fine job of it. oh and for the record and before anyone accuses me of being Apple/Mac only: G4 Tower(home) G4 Powerbook(home) Shuttle SN95G5(home) G5 Tower (work) IBM Netvista(POS-work)
  12. Uh...Gen1 which was Apple only. Gen2 was when they started selling it for Windows. You needed to use the Windows CD install for it be Windows Compatible. Gen2.5-Gen3 and up they've been PnP as long as itunes was installed on your windows machine. Changing a battery on the iPod....screwdriver/DULLknife. Gently slide it under the metal part. Run it around the iPod, popping all the catches. Run screwdriver under battery separating it from the grey cushion. Unplug battery. Plug in new battery. Place battery on top of grey cushion thingy. Pop metal part back on. Done. TONS of online tutorials on how to do this. With pictures. Aesthetics: Clean, anti-septic whatever. Eye of the beholder. Interface is where it's at and it's got one of the best interfaces out there, especially when it comes to scrolling through 5-40Gb of songs. It's nice to have that 40Gb of songs when you're gone for the week skiing or whatnot away from your personal computer. Ruggedness....I've already proven it can survive rough use(see above post) Is it for everyone? No. If you're worried about the HD blowing up wait for next year when the anticipated Flash iPod shows up. Don't like it's design? No one's forcing you to buy it. Don't need the extra songs/space then buy something that you like. Just do a little current research about a product before slamming it for years old problems that have been fixed.
  13. As someone who has the original 5gig(x2) iPod since day 1, which has gone taken a beating (mountain biking, skiing, snowboarding, rock climbing and still runs great) sah-weet! Though I rather like Blaine's idea of a unit 00, 01, and 02.
  14. Hmmm...so at least the SP License and D-Magnum are out in NA. Can't wait to see what they call the D-Sword Vega or Murphy. What's the price on those items? No Dekamachines yet? I've been stalling on the Machine Husky, Bull and Doberman but if they're going back to use that stupid Bike formula instead of police cruisers..... Here's to hoping that Dekabase and Dekawing show up without alterations. Those are the two I need. Fansubs are up to 20 and the Raw are at 42.
  15. He's not banned..... what does he mean by locked? Can't log in ? IP Blocked? Step by step description would help.
  16. zzzz...snore....alarm set to wake up and close in 1 1/2 hr.
  17. I may get this since my Sony experiences have been good. PS1 still runs fine. PS2, 1st Gen still up and running. Started getting a little glitchy with DVD movies and games so I took it apart, cleaned out the dust and wiped the lens. Now runs just as smoothly as when I first got it 4(or is it now 5?) years ago. What's gonna get me to buy a handheld (besides my beloved NGPC) is the games. So far nothing on either DS or PSP have really caught my attention.
  18. Galaxy Force = Power Rangers! Anyways all Tranny topics go in the above pinned thread.
  19. Yamato: To hell with the droptest. Anybody able to afford these damn things have gotta be adults. Throw them in the box and ship them. OR we'll let Graham playtest it. If it survives, throw it in a box and ship it.
  20. Damn those things are UGLY. (must buy them for friends. )
  21. That would depend on price of the final product.
  22. Better pics of the BT Wheeljack at tfclub.com and tfw2005 but ugh that blue racing stripe just ain't wheeljack.
  23. A sword for wheeljack? I can live with that but blue doesn't look right for wheeljack. Gotta have the green and red stripes. ....and knowing Hasbro they won't name him Wheeljack because they don't like the name. Idiots.
  24. Okay now I'm feelign jipped. Mine don't suck at all. All they do is eat my food, drink my beer and use my internet. At least the one's that suck do some housework.... (ducks rotten tomatoes)
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