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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. It's not in the i-sheet. It's a heel-balance thing when in bot-mode. The funny thing is that the i-sheet that came with Shockblast has Meister as the bot. Yeah, I know. Too lazy to unpack my BT Meisters to check the instructions. So much better then the Alts.
  2. I think that piece is to help it stand. The Meisters I've got can't stand on the wheels well.
  3. Wooo! Went to a Superstore and didn't buy one! Got a free PSP tee-shirt though. Now everyone at work is asking where my PSP is. One guy even started rummaging through all my drawers!!
  4. 70's Pr0n. Bown-chigga-wown-wow. ....or anything but Country.
  5. Somebody wake up Graham!
  6. Weeeelllll Kawamori did have a hand with those designs too.....
  7. The mecha used by the pilots in episode six. It is the mass produced Gunbuster, only way smaller. See the pic. Edit: By the way, here's a little trivia. See if you can answer this. The head of the Sizzler is based off of the head of a monster seen in the original and remade versions of this movie starring a giant turtle. Can you name the monster? Gyaos.
  8. Six legged John Deere forestry fun. http://www.plustech.fi/Plmain01.html
  9. Not just episode 2 but extras 1-3 are subbed. So sweet. I'll have to pick up a set from CDjapan in a few months.
  10. Man that just reminds me of this comic strip.
  11. Ooooo....mmmm.....short skirts.....mmm......jailbait........mmm.....prison term.....WHAT?!
  12. Mods will do the work when they're online.
  13. Man, just looking at that makes me want to go get a tetanus shot.
  14. Not a review. Going up!
  15. Been sitting on my PS2 for a week. Haven't had a chance to play it or transfer my GT3 data over.
  16. Stay on topic or I start deleting posts.
  17. That's right you BASTICH! I was watching that!!! Actually I was but only half-heartedly. It's worth it....even just to get your hands on the custom 1D at least.
  18. Whoa guys. Take it easy on the noob. He's a regular at TFW2005(if he's using the same nick here as there) and at least he's at the right place to get Bandai info instead of at RT which would just smack him down for starting a thread about a competing product.
  19. There's a gradient option in MS Paint?
  20. I think its's Flame Convoy from the new TF series. Don't really care about it since every other TF is a Convoy. Sorta what put me off the newer Gundams. Every damn robots a Gundam/Convoy.
  21. Then you might need to update FF. I've been running FF all the time for the last 4 months and I've had no trouble with it. Win2000, XP, and Mac OS X.3.
  22. http://halfeye.m78.com/himiken/h-ken/h-ken.html
  23. Black Getter has arrived from Fewtures.
  24. Studio Half Life booth has some more Gunbuster pics. http://afigures.com/g/?mode=album&album=Wo...ize=800&start=0 Some one at afigures plays too much video games...
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