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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. For those who are going to pick up SkyTread make sure you open and test the left hip. My first one had too much glue and would not move so I swapped it and the second was fine.
  2. We’re cancelling the apocalypse!!
  3. Found pics on weibo. TE is definitely a buy and replacing MP10. Still on the fence on MS. Not a fan of the chunky look or the alt mode. https://www.weibo.com/u/6013666165?refer_flag=1005055014_&is_hot=1
  4. I prefer showzstore ($110)but he’s currently sold out. https://showzstore.com/pre-order-transform-element-te-01-te01-masterpiece-mp-10-mp10-optimus-prime_p1004.html edit and now back for preorder
  5. Great. Now I can’t unsee those knees. Thanks a lot. I am curious what this “bonus” piece that MS is supposed to come with in the first batch.
  6. For the 3P OP battle It’s TE for me. Boots look great, doesn’t have the rear ankle that MS has and I prefer the slimmer season 1 look. I’ll chrome the grill and stacks. Head and thighs I’ll wait to see what the alt head looks like and the engineering for the thighs before firing up the ol’ 3D printer.
  7. XTB Eligos showed up yesterday. FT Quietus showed up today. Both look good, Quietus has the edge in paint and sharper sculpt. XTB is bulkier and more imposing. Posing them both next to FT Sovereign Quietus looks amazing. Really compliment each other....BUT they're the same height. Eligos being an older product isn't as shiny with paint but he's taller by just the right amount, at least according to the holy scale chart, that he looks like he could be Galvatrons right hand/bodyguard and he's big enough to go toe to toe with Ultramagnus(MP22). Looks like Eligos is going to be my Cyclonus and Quietus will be my Armada if I ever get around to transforming him. That knee scratching up the chest transformation is worrisome. Bad FT design bad!
  8. Bloody hell. Amazon DHL shipping said Friday delivery so I sent it to work. This morning it said delivery attempt. Not at work and work closed at 1pm. Guess I’ll get it in the New Year. Rabble rabble. First world problems.
  9. Amazon Japan taking orders again. Ships to Canada. Not as good as PO but better than NY. Item(s) Subtotal: ¥ 23,778 https://www.amazon.co.jp/超時空要塞マクロス-約300mm-ファイター時-ダイキャスト-塗装済み可動フィギュア/dp/B07FVSX5BL/ref=sr_1_1?s=specialty-aps&ie=UTF8&qid=1546018226&sr=8-1&keywords=macross
  10. I got Crash Hog about the same time you did. eBay flash sale? I can’t believe this is an old KFC design but I bought a Dumpyard because of how good Crash Hog is and Wreck Gar needs to ride a motorcycle.
  11. Not just you....eh whatever. Enough teases. Bring out Voltron 2: Vehicle Voltron!!
  12. One good thing about this movie is there’s gotta be an Alita toy coming right? C’mon Figuarts or Figma! Even revoltech joints would work since she’s an android.
  13. Good god that was totally wicked!! i really really really hope they pull out Binary for a scene somewhere.
  14. I'm interested in how they're going to get the Hugo story to flow into the Motorball story in 2hrs. I hope they pace this right.
  15. So we’re up to episode 6 of the new series and I’m loving it. None of the episodes are the Doctor being big and loud like the others in the nuWho. No fire and brimstone and huge proclamations. They’re just telling stories and the Doctor and her companions are just trying to witness, not be part of the story (we all know that’s not going to happen) but they TRY. Rosa was good but I’m really liking Demons of the Punjab.
  16. Dangard Ace

    Hi-Metal R

    With a pole that large I'm thinking Five Star Stories.
  17. New Doctor Who season has started and it definitely has a different tone from the Moffat era. Creepy, unease, mysterious. Still plenty of running. Jodie’s Doctor is interesting, similar to 10s regen but less swashbuckly. Also doesn’t carry the ultimatum speech like Tennant does cause she’s nice. First episodes finding its legs. Let’s see what the next few do.
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