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Dangard Ace

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Everything posted by Dangard Ace

  1. ??? Pot meet kettle. This thread is dead.
  2. Already have a thread on this thing. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?showtopic=14207
  3. You mean like collecting real women then? Graham What? Don't you have a collection? I do. Too bad it's all magazines.
  4. Never Paul Anderson! Never Uwe Boll! Almost anybody else but those two! Anderson had ONE movie I liked: Mortal Kombat. Res. Evil was okay but the rest I wouldn't touch with an eleven foot pole. Uwe Boll's got nothing. I'm okay with Michael Bay since I liked a few of his popcorn movies. Mindless violence or gyrating women. Mmmmmm..... And to complete the TF:BW raped my childhood : MONKEY!
  5. I've got this pak from Madcatz and I'm happy with it. http://www.madcatz.com/MadCatz/product_det...product_id=8594
  6. I only expect to see that after they've forced us to buy their expensive memory stick duos. It's their cashcow.
  7. Simple solution for that: Don't buy it.
  8. Sweet. Since I never received the Macross Calendar I bought from a reputable ex-member here I've been itching to find another one. This book eliminates that need.
  9. I'm all a-quiver about this film. Finished reading books 1-5 last night(loved it) and that panel-to-film comparison was really great. If this movie matches the hype that's been surrounding it I'm so going to buy this on DVD too. Of course it's not because of Nancy Callaghan. She's just a bonus.
  10. Bad URL One or more required arguments (key=value pairs) are missing from the URL. Works fine for me. Anyways it's a USB cable to connect your PSP to your PC. Also comes with some media management CD.
  11. I wonder if they'll allow that thing in Robot Wars? (is that show even still on??) Anyways that was a cool little robot all guns, and treads. Looks like a prototype for Bonaparte. AND I'm going to merge this with the the "Most plausible mecha thread" in a few days since I beat you to this info in there by a good 4 hrs.
  12. I'm on tfw2005....but only in the Canada sightings.
  13. I prefer the letterboxed look but whatever makes sense on your website.
  14. DAMMIT! I don't know what is worse . . . the fact that the picture is 5x bigger than the actual stick or . . . that I am drooling over it! Damn you and your techophile Pr0n! On a sidenote, I managed to shrink NLA's DYRL down to 300MB from 1.2GB . . . Really? Can you BT it cause I'm sure a ton of us would love to have that movie on our PSP's! At least I would.
  15. Finally found Ridge Racer...at Bestbuy of all places. Best thing was, as I was at the customer service desk having them search for it for me two guys came 3mins after they(the whole desk) were rummaging through their stock looking for one for me, asking about it....and I got the last one! Muhahahahaha!!! Oh and anybody in the GTA I talked to an EB guy during lunch and he said that for almost every 20 RR that were expected to show up at each store only 5-8 did. The big sellers RR, Lumines and Darkstalkers were supposed to be 20/20/20. Instead were 5/20/20 and no explanation given from the distrubuters when they asked what was up.
  16. Anybody put this up yet? http://www.defensetech.org/archives/001451.html
  17. That's right bitch. Keep posting under new names. I love it when you guys do that.
  18. No. They know who they are and we'll leave it at that.
  19. Sounds interesting. Is Wonder Woman in it? Hell I'd even take a cameo by Hercules or Xena.
  20. I gave a warning. You guys ignored it and continued posting bait but dressing it with smilies. Doesn't matter if you didn't chime in until after my warning. Warning is up, ignore it or any moderator/administrator and suffer the consequences. I didn't let permanently banned members get away with crap like that, I won't let you get away with crap like that. This is NOT the RT WARZONE. Consider the seven day suspension as a cooling off period.
  21. I cracked on Sat. Got Lumines, and Darkstalkers. RR is sold out everywhere for me. Lumines is so fracken addictive it's funny! Darkstalkers....not so much but it's okay. I want RR!!! or GT-something, I need a racing game!!(NFSU and Wipeout don't do it for me.) Good place to get Memory sticks is camera shops. A memory stick duo is a memory stick duo is a memory stick duo.
  22. At an all-day work conference. And now about to sit down for dinner. Bannings will be implemented after I've had food. Even if they edit their posts now it's too late. I know who's going to be without MW for a week. That is all.
  23. Warning one. There will be no warning two. Prize for winning a no-warning two: automatic 1 week ban.
  24. Oh sweet ass!! Now THAT'S what Jazz should've been, not this wussy Mazda RX-8. Does it say what type of Porsche? GT3, 911, Carrera? Anything but the Boxster? Hey if VW won't give up their license for BT, would RUF do it? (worked for GT2). Bumblebee looks badass. State-of-the-art badass. No more weakest of all Autobots. Now he can maybe take on Herbie and win! ...or have a cameo in the new Herbie movie.
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